No way, it can't be possible! I updated?! Seriously! Yeah, I'm even surprised in myself, and that is saying something.

Anyway, yup, here we are. A new Chapter full of random stuff. If any of you have any suggestions or what not on what you want to see happen in this story, please don't hesitate to message or review me your brilliant ideas XD I would love to hear them.

Anyway... yup... here we GO!

Sorry for any spelling and/or grammar errors I missed while spell checking -_-

I dare not say a word in fear that breaking the silence might just smash whatever amount of composure he struggled to salvage. Facing his wrath was the last thing I wanted to do, especially so late at night. Or, early in the Morning I suppose is the correct time setting.

From what I remember, it was around 2 in the morning, way past the time I originally intended to be home. Infact, I had originally planned to be home at 11 o'clock, 12 at the latest. I was out looking for supplies and gathering some fabrics since my clothes were beginning to get old and were starting to rip.

At that time I had found many suitable pieces of cloth and supplies to last for a while, however on my way home I got distracted by a lovely street performance. New York's flash mobs never ceased to amaze me! There had to be at least 50 people, all pretending to be normal citizens before they suddenly break out into a synchronized dance number. It made me tempted to join a flash mob. Where does one even go to join something like that though?

Is it just what community dance classes do for fun or something or is there literally a building where you go that focuses on flash mobs? I wasn't sure, but I was definitely going to look it up. I was always a fan of dancing. I should teach the boys to dance. I'm sure they would be awesome at it. Especially Michelangelo, that little boy is bouncing around all over the place!

Flash Mob aside though, the little performance had gotten me off track of my time schedule. It was already 12;30 and I was running late. I would have to get home quickly if I was going to avoid a worried and over protective sensei.

Splinter hated when I ran late. Whether it was coming home or getting to practice, he always assumes that I'm running late either because I got distracted by whatever was around me, or something bad happened. Those are basically his only thoughts to my lateness, seriously. It is kind of ridiculous that he thinks I'm not there either because I'm the one at fault or I'm in danger. There could be a third reason you know… like the boys asked me to help them with something, or there is traffic.

Either case though, it would be best to get home. There is only so long Splinter will assume the reason I'm late is because I'm 'distracted' before he begins to worry and change his thoughts into 'she is in trouble'. It would be so much easier if we got phones or something so I could just text him and let him know I was fine and would be home soon.

Sadly, we didn't posses such things, so I would have to rush home. I should have just taken my time. Really, none of this would have happened if I just took my time home instead of taking a shortcut to get there quickly.

The short cut was the clincher. That is where everything that could go wrong went wrong. Splinter is still glaring at me about it, though I suppose he would since it only happened around 20 minutes ago.

I mean, come on, how was I suppose to know there was some secret meeting or whatever going on? That is the thing, I couldn't! It is called secret meeting, for a reason.

Picture my surprise though when I walked around the corner only to find a bunch of suited guys standing around in a circle exchanging large suitcases. Honestly, I should become a cop or something. I find more criminal activity going on by accident then the cops do when they are actually looking for it.

I'm glad I had my hood up though when I went in there, because they didn't seem to notice me at first. It was a perfect chance to just sneak back the way I came and pretend I wasn't even there. I find too many stupid drug deals going on that I'm sure me not getting involved in one won't completely destroy the city. Plus, I really wanted to avoid making Splinter worried-

I had kicked a can. Through my 6 years of Ninja training I had revealed myself by accidentally kicking a can with the back of my foot. I suppose it could be worse. I mean, Splinter is a Ninja Master but he had managed to make the Kraang aware of his presence 4 years ago by accidentally stepping on a Rat's tail. Yeah, so I suppose my blunder isn't as bad as his.


Flinching when the sound echoed through the tunnel, I turned to see the 8 guys looking at me.

They were just as shocked as I was, and a few went a bit pale when they realized who I was.

"Hunter!" one yelped. The others, who I apparently haven't run into or haven't heard of my so called 'reputation' only frowned in confusion.

"We gotta get out of here." two of the 8 guys yelled.

"It's only one guy." the other 6 argued. One, who I assumed was one of the head guys in the group, nodded to a big buff guy, who began to move towards me. I held my hands up, hoping to show that I didn't mean any harm.

"Uh… sorry boys." I made my voice gruff. "Don't mind me. Just pretend I wasn't here."

"Can't have any witnesses kid. You should have just minded your own business." the big guy huffed, holding his arms to his sides, which just seemed to make him larger.

"...Honestly, I really did try to mind my own business. Really." I sighed. Scanning the mans body over, I narrowed my eyes. I could always run for it, but running away never felt right with me, regardless of the situation. The only thing I could think of to get out of this was just get around these guys quickly or just knock them out.

Wouldn't be too hard. None of these guys looks overly skilled. They got a few big guys that were probably strong, sure, but none of them looked fast.

'Listen, I don't want to hurt you." I sighed. "Just let me pass and we can forget about this whole thing." I had no patience to be the 'silent' Hunter today.

The guy must have found what I said amusing, because he began to laugh. "You serious kid-?"
"Not a kid." I corrected with a frown. "Adult."

"You're pretty small for an adult."

This guy was just like Splinter! Splinter always mention how I was small, but he is just super tall! Just like this guy! You can't say a person is small when you are a giant! I'm average size! And even if I was as they said 'small' there are plenty of people and adults out there who are small. There is nothing wrong with it!

"Really, just step aside." I grumbled. He started to reach for me. Focusing in on his bulky hand and meaty fingers, I grabbed index finger, bending it. The man yelped in pain, dropping to his knees, struggling to yank his arm away from my grip. "I said, step aside."

"Why you-" the guys buddies must have gotten angry, cause they charged at me. Releasing the man for a few seconds, I reached into my bag, snapped open the bag of flour I had recently bought, and tossed the bag to the ground. Powdery smoke engulfed the room in a sea of white. Stepping back, I allowed the smoke to surround me, pulling me deeper in and out of sight.

Kicking the closest guy in the face, he was sent spinning into the other's, landing in a painful pile. In all honesty the fight lasted literally 2 minutes, and with all the men on the ground. The only remaining guy was, who I assumed to be, their leader. He had pulled out a gun and was holding it out with trembling fingers.

Seriously? A gun? He couldn't have gotten more original. Not to mention it was highly inappropriate. What if what they said was true and I really was only a kid? They would be trying to shoot a, kind of defenseless, little kid.

"Come out you coward!" he bellowed. I sighed, stepping out of the clearing flour smoke to step behind him. Lifting my hand up, I pinched the side of it neck, directly on a pressure point. He stiffened, his whole body going rigid.

I call this little move, an Arinna Pinch.

"Next time someone asks you to step aside." I hissed into his ear. "You should do so." tightening the pinch on the pressure point, the man's eyes rolled into the back of his head, and he collapsed. Barely catching him by grabbing the back of his jacket, I gently lowered him to the ground, making sure he was on his back. Hey, I didn't want to be responsible for giving this guy head trauma. That would have felt awful on my conscious.

So I left these goons where they were and gave the cops a quick call on my phone. It was always fun to pretend to be some helpless sobbing women, screaming about some creepy man with suitcases crawling down into the sewers near Chinatown.

Seriously, it was like my only chance to be as over dramatic as possible. It was awesome.

With a chuckle, I hung up the phone and stuffed it in my pocket. Grabbing my groceries and other supplies, I threw it over my shoulder, giving a sad bow to the pile of ruined flour that covered the floor. I guess I would need to go up again later today and get more flour. Why was it whenever I went to buy flour something bad happened? Maybe flour is just an unlucky item for me?

Shrugging, unsure, I ran down the tunnel. Looking at my watch, I whined at the sight of 30 minutes passing. Stupid goons! Why do you-


Shrieking when my foot slipped on some water, I slid across the ground, my groceries flying. "AH!" I screamed as I was thrown down a descending tunnel and caught up in a sewer drain. "Curse…. you….!"

Let's just say it was an awful day. It took my a whole 'nother hour to crawl out of the pipe lines. I had been slammed into walls, hit by floating debris, and I swear I thought I saw something swimming around down there, but I'd rather not think about it. Once I got out though, it took me a while to find where I dropped my groceries, which were almost all ruined, and back to the house. Where Splinter, my very over protective master was waiting for me, with a dark cloud of doom floating above his head.

And well, you kind of know what happened after that. We went into the Dojo to disinfect my wounds, where I slowly explained what happened and now Splinter is giving me the silent treatment. I hate the silent treatment.

"It wasn't even the creeps…" I whispered softly as Splinter wrapped a bandage around my wrist, "It was from when I fell." I sighed, wincing when he dabbed the cotton ball onto my cheek. "OW!" Pausing for only a few seconds, Splinter continued, making sure to be just a tad more gentle.

"Then it wasn't from the criminals?"

"No." I shook my head. "Those guys couldn't get a single hit on me."

"...You're recklessness will truly be your downfall Arinna." he sighed.

"I know, you are always telling me that. I can't help it if I tripped y'know." I pouted at truth, I hadn't mentioned to Splinter that they had a gun. I would be a dead woman walking if I told him something like that. Remember that last time I did? Though of course last time I had managed to get shot, but that was a while ago. "...Sorry for making you worry."

He shook his head. "All that matters is that you are safe and sound. Though, I would greatly appreciate it if you attempted to avoid slipping into sewer lines."

"I would love to avoid doing things like that in all honesty… lets just hope life agrees with me." We both shared a laugh. When all was said and done, and Splinter finished his role as 'Doctor Splinter' I went off to bed.

The next morning was rough. It was hard explaining to Splinter why I got injured, but it was even worse to try and explain to my sons. As soon as they saw me they starting screaming and pointing.

"Mom's a zombie!" Mikey wailed. "She's gonna die!"

"Technically, if she was a zombie, that would mean she is already dead- MOM'S DEAD!" Donny shrieked in terror once he spotted the bandages that covered my arms and legs.

"No, no I'm not dead Donatello. I just-" I lifted my hand towards him.

"Who did this!? I'll beat them up!" Raphael growled, holding up his tiny fists. "Right Leo?" Leo was nodding together with his little brothers, prepared to lead them off to battle at any moment to seek revenge.

"No, Leo, don't get sucked into this." I sighed. "I'm fine. I just tripped." I reached out to grab Raph's hand. "Mommy just tripped." The boys looked stunned and stared at me questionably.

"You got that hurt… cause you tripped?" Donnie titled his head, utterly confused.

"Yes." I sighed. "I tripped down a sewer line. Remember that one time Leo slipped on some water and fell down the stairs? He broke his ankle and got some bruises. It was kind of like that, but I luckily didn't break anything."

Leo looked humiliated that I would bring up such an embarrassing time about him, and lowered his gaze. His brother's on the other hand were all nodding in understanding.

"So then you okay?' Mikey wrapped his arm around my knee, hugging it. I nodded and patted the top of his head.

"Do you need a doctur?" Donnie's eyes doubled in size. "I can be your doctur. I'll heal you!' he held his hand up, bouncing up and down.

"Doctor." I corrected. "And sure Donnie. I would be honored to get a checkup from the esteemed Doctor Donatello." Donnie blushed, giving me a shy grin. Shuffling back and forth, he ran out of the room with a giggle to retrieve his little Doctor's bag.

"I'll be the nurse!" Mikey ran to get me a chair. "C'mon Raphie!"

"I dun wanna be a nurse!' Raph glared, but followed his baby brother anyway. Chuckling, I looked down at my older son, who was tugging gently on my pant leg. Kneeling down, I smiled at him.

"Do you not want to be a nurse?" I smiled. He scrunched up his nose, shaking his head.

"No. Nurses aren't as cool as Doctors."

" Now that isn't true at all." I disagreed. "Nurses are amazing. Without Nurses, the Doctors couldn't do their job. Nurses are the ones who make sure you are comfortable, ask about your day, and comfort you. In truth, I think Nurses sometimes might even be more important than Doctors."


I nodded. "My Mom- or um, your Grandma was a Nurse. Did you know that?" I asked. He shook his head. "She was. She was a very kind Nurse. I remember one time I had to go to the Doctor's for a checkup, and I was scared. She took my hand though and told me everything was okay."

"But she is your Mom, she is suppose to say stuff like that." Leo pointed out.

"True, but every Nurse there told me the same thing. One even snuck me a lollipop when the Doctor wasn't looking."

Leo smiled up at me, laughing. "Will Rapie sneak you a lollipop?"

"I dunno, he might just take it for himself.' I joked. We shared a hush laugh, but something felt off about it. "...Leonardo?" He looked up at me. He had been holding onto my shirt this whole conversation, as if he was afraid to let go. "Are you okay?"

His eyes widened, and he quickly looked down at his toes. "..."

"Leo?" I tilted my head to try and see his face. "Honey, what is it?"

"...You…" hesitantly, he reached out and ran is little fingers over the bandages that covered my knuckles. "You are weally okay? You are not in pain? No pain… right?"

"Leo." I took his hands into mine. So that is what was troubling him. My sweet little hero. Always worrying about everyone. "I'm fine, no pain." I assured him. Reaching up, I cupped his face and squished his cheeks. "Just fine." i grinned, giving him an eskimo kiss.

He giggled, reaching up to squishy my own face. Half way our little moment, Mikey suddenly ran in, looking shocked. "Hey!" He called with a huff. "I want kisses too!"

"No." Leo wrapped his arms around my neck. "I'm Mom's nurse today."

"Wha- Nuh huh!" Mikey ran towards us. "I said I was gonna be Mom's nurse first! And Raphie's my assistant!"

"I am not!" My second oldest growled, tackling Michelangelo to the ground. Mikey let out a yelp.

"Help! Help! Raphie is gonna eat me!"

"Boys.' I sighed, rising to my feet, keeping Leonardo craddled in my arms. "Lets try not to fight today, okay?"

"Yes Mom." the boys paused, nodding reluctantly. Seconds later, Donnie rushed in with his little Doctor bag. Placing it on the table, he smiled.

"Doctur Donatello is here." he proclaimed, pulling out a stethoscope. Placing the little buds in his ears, I sat on the couch so he could place the flat metal part of it on my heart. Listening quietly, Donnie nodded. "Hmm, intaresting."

"Interesting." I corrected quietly.

"What? What?!" Mikey pulled on Donnie's arm. "What is intamasting? Is Mom okay? Is her heart going bumb bumb like normal hearts?! Is she dying?!"

"Interesting." I corrected again, chuckling.

His brothers once again looked horrified, but Donnie shook his head. "Mom isn't dying." he announced. "But I should make sure. Say aw!" he pulled out one of those flat looking sticks. You would normally only use those to check on someone's throat, but I guess Donatello wants to be thorough.

"Ah." I opened my mouth and allowed him to placed the stick inside my mouth and use a flashlight to look at the back of my throat. "Hmm-hmm. Just as I susmected."

"Suspected." I corrected, though my voice sounded slurred due to the stick.

"Mom's throat is fine too." Donnie turned to his brothers, who sighed in relief.

"What about her arms?" Raph raised his hand.

"We should bangade them to be extra safe." my third oldest concluded, reaching into his bag to pull out some white bandages, he grabbed my arms and began to loosely wrap the bandages fully around my arm like you would a cast. Though I technically didn't need anymore bandages since Splinter already took care of it yesterday, but whatever. It is the thought that counts.

Smiling I allowed Donnie, with the help of his brothers, to wrap bandages around my arms and legs. "We'll put some on your head too!" Mikey cheered, jumping on the touch and getting on his tippy toes to wrap a bandage around my head. Pausing, he frowned when he had trouble tying the knot. "Mom." he pulled on my shirt. Reaching up, I grabbed the two ends of the bandage and wrapped them in a nice bow sort of fashion around my head. Mikey cheered and crawled into my lap. "Donnie, I dun wanna be a nurse anymore. I wanna watch some tunes!"

"But Mom isn't done with her check up." Don frowned.

"It is alright Donatello." I assured him. "I feel so much better just from all of this. I'll be fine."


I nodded. "You must have magic Doctor finger's Donnie. I already feel completely healed!" Giving me a sheepish smile, Donnie crawled onto the couch and sat next to me, leaning his head against my arm. Turning on the TV, my oldest sons scurried up to the couch. Cuddling close to each other, I grabbed a blanket to wrap around out toes and legs. "Anything in particular you boys want to watch?"

"Space Heroes!" Leo yelled.

"NO." Raphael groaned.

"Sponge Bob!" Mikey raised his hands, grabbed the sides of my cheeks. Pinching them, he made kissy faces at me. I giggled at him, bedning my back to kiss is forehead.

"I wanna watch wrestling." Raph huffed, folding his arms.

"I want to watch animal planet." Donnie said.

"Space Heroes! Wrestling! Sponge Bob! Animal Planet!" my boys continued to scream and yell. Sighing, I reached my hands out and wrapped my arms around them, tugging them against my stomach.

"Mom attack!" I yelled, tickling and poking at their sides.

"Ah! Noo! ahhahaha!" The boys giggled, wiggling to escape. Laughing, I held onto the boys and reached for the remote with my toes. "Click." I coeed, clicking a button with my big toe to change the channel to the movie channel. Pausing, we all blinked as Finding Nemo appeared on the screen.

"Nemo~!" The boys and me cheered. Sitting up, we all shuffled closer, clicking off the main lights, leaving only one of the lamps on. Luckily we had come in right for the beginning and had only missed a few minutes.

"Poor Nemo's Mom." Donnie sniffled, curling his arms around my waist, hugging me. His brothers scooted a little closer.

"Why did that mean fish do?" Mikey looked up with wide eyes.

"He ate her." Raph answered bluntly.

"Ate her! No!" Mikey leapt up to wrap his arms around my neck. "I don't want Mommy to get eaten!"

"Mom won't get eaten dummy! We'll beat up any mean fish that tries!" Raph huffed, standing up and climbing up the couch a bit to kind of sit on my shoulder. Chuckling, I turned the boy's heads back to the Movie.

A little while later, the boys began to yell and scream as the diver began to take Nemo away. "Bring 'em back you cowird!" Raph screamed angrilly, throwing a pillow at the screen.

"...Coward." I corrected.

"Why did the man do that? Huh? Why did he take Nemo away?" Mikey whimpered.

"He thought he was helping Nemo since he was swimming so slowly." I answered. "Remember?"

"Oh… Oh yeah." my youngest nodded, scooting back into my lap. A little bit later, Raphael began to cheer as Bruce came onto the screen. His younger brother, Donnie on the other hand, did not.

"I don't like Bruce." he whispered.

"Why?" Leo looked confused.

"He's got's a lot of teef." Donnie pulled his lips back to show his own little baby teeth. "And he tried to eat Dori and Marlin!"

"He didn't mean to, it is just instinct." I patted Donnie's head. "He becomes friends with them again at the end." Donnie nodded reluctantly.

"Hey Mom, for out Mutation day, can we have exploding balloons?" Raphael tugged on my shirt, looking excited.

"But they would blow up the lair." I said quickly.

"But it would be cool." he frowned.

"But then our home would be gone, including your room." I poked his nose.

"Oh." he nodded. Chuckling we turned back to the screen just as Dori began to talk to Merlin about how when life gets you down… you just keep swimming.

"Just keep swimming, Just keeping swimming." Mikey hummed along, clapping his hands. I swear if Mikey was a girl and a fish, Dori would be his twin.


I don't remember when I had fallen asleep. All I know is that I had in fact fallen asleep during the movie. Most of the boys had actually, all except for Leonardo, who was still watching the film with such an intense gaze. "Leo? Honey?" I asked groggily. "Still watching the movie?" I glanced to see the film had just gotten to the point in the end where the fish had been freed by the nets and Nemo and Marlin had been reunited. Nodding quietly, Leo kept his eyes on the screen.

"I just wanted to see the happy ending." he said.

"... I see." I smiled. "Are you happy they are back together?"

"Yeah." he smiled. "But… would it really be possible for Marlin to do all that stuff?"

"What do you mean?" I inquired.

"That a fish can do all that? Go across the ocean and fight jellyfish and sharks, and people, and seagulls-" Leo frowned. "It is doesn't seem like it would really happen."

"I think it could." I smiled. "You're right that Marling is a fish, and fish probably can't go through all of that… but I think a Father could. He was saving Nemo, his Son… his family. He promised to protect Nemo no matter what, and he was willing to go through so many things just for his Son." I grinned. "I think it is definitely possible if you are willing to go through the impossible for someone you love."

My oldest blinked a few times, considering my words. "Could I do stuff like that?"

"For someone you love? Definitely." I kissed his head. "I have no doubt of that." Pleased Leo dove in my arms, curling into me. "Sing?"

"I spoil you." I sighed, but started singing anyway. Thinking for a few minutes, unsure of what to sing, I took a deep breath and began to sing "A New Day Has Come' by Celine Dion. "I was waiting for so long, for a miracle to come. Everyone to me to be strong. Hold on and don't shed a tear. Through the Darkness and good times. I knew I'd make it through, and the world thought I had it all, but I was waiting for you." I said quietly, gently rocking Leonardo back and forth in my arms. Smiling, my oldest closed his eyes, leaning his head into my shoulder. "Hush now, I see a light in the sky. Oh. It's almost blinding me. I can't believe I've been touched by an angel with love. Let the rain and wash away my tears, let it fill my soul and drown my fears. Let it shatter the walls for a new sun. A new day, has… come. Ahh-haa." A took a shaky breath, pausing to pull my legs up to my chest, surrounding Leonardo in a warm embrace. "Wben it is dark now there's light. Where there was pain now's there joy. Where there was weakness I found my strength, all in the eyes of a boy. Hush now, I see the light in the sky. Oh. it's almost blinding me. I can't believe I've been touched by an angel with love. Let the rain come down and wash away my tears. Let it fill my soul and drown my tears. Let it shatter the walls for a new sun. A new day has… Let the rain come down and wash my tears! Let it fill my soul and drown my fears. Let it shatter the walls, for a new sun, a new day… Has~ Come." My voice grew quiet as a small, almost unheard snore escapes Leonardo's nose. Smiling, I leaned my head back against the couch and closed my eyes.

"...Where there was pain now there is joy." I mumbled.

I had found my joy… in a way I had never expected.

Wahoo! End of the chapter. Whoop Whoop!

Anyway, I just wanted you to all know that if you want to see any other Arinna stuff, you can do to my website! I am on DeviantArt and on Tumblr. If you go to DeviantArt there are some awesome pictures of Arinna there in my Favorites :D my name is the exact same on both sites as it is here on fanfiction


You can also get to the site from the link of my profile page XD Anyway! Thank you all