-A Few Months Later-

Ratchet made a few last preparations to the ground bridge. The other stood around quietly. Elita stood next to the berth Optimus was sitting on, Nova and Luna sat on either side of him and Blue and Smokescreen stood beside Elita. Bulkhead stood to the side with Wheeljack beside him and their sparklings at their pedes. Ellie watched over Ratchet's shoulder and their sparklings stood to the right of them.

"There. It's done." Everyone looked up and towards Ratchet. The medic flipped the ground bridge controls on. The bridge roared to life. Optimus stood up with Smokescreen and Elita's help.

"Autobots…lets go home."


They walked around.

" 'ey doc are you sure you bridged us to the right place? I don't see the well of All Sparks around here anywhere," said Wheeljack.

"I bridged us not far from the Well. I didn't want Optimus to have to walk that much." The medic looked at his scanner.

"It's directly in front of us." They continued walking. A large pit came into view.

"There it is!"

"We're there." The Autobots stopped at the edge.

"I don't understand how we're going to bring back Cybertron."

"What did the prophecy say Ratchet?"

" "The Star of the Primes will light the sky and give life to our planet once again", the second said: "The Five Primes will gather at the Well of Allsparks and unite to form the Star of the Primes", and the last said: "The oldest Prime was not enough, a sibling has been born, and three are to be born to the oldest Prime to complete the star of Primes."

"Mama look at this!" Luna was on the ground staring at symbols. Ironelle knelt down.

"It's Cybertronian...b-but it's ancient. I don't know what it says."

"Let me see!" called Blue. She ran over, knelt down, and looked at the symbols.

"Optimus Prime."

"That's what it says?" Ellie asked. Blue Spark nodded.

"Is there any more?" Nova, Luna, Shadow, and Red ran around the rim of the well in search for more symbols.

"There is more!" Blue went over to Nova first.

"This one says...Nova Prime." Nova tilted her head.

"Wha-?" The blue femme went to Luna next.

"Luna Prime..." She went to Shadow.

"Harmonia Prime..." Then to Red.

"Atlas Prime."

"Who's Atlas?" asked Jade. Everyone looked at Optimus. The mech in question looked down at his swollen protoform and put his servos over it.

"Atlas was one of the names we picked out for him." The younglings went back over to their respective creators.

"Mama he has a place," Said the youngest.

"Yes. He completes our star." Luna smiled. Optimus smiled down at her before grasping his bulging protoform.

"Ratchet we need to get back." Ratchet turned to look at Optimus and his optics widened.

"Elita open the groundbridge!"

-The Next Day-

Blue hummed as she sat beside Smokescreen, rocking Sapphire, and waiting any news about Optimus and the sparkling.

"What are you humming Blue?" Her bonded looked at her.

"Just something Alpha Trion used to sing to make me recharge."

"What is it?"

"I don't think it had a name."

"Well what did the lyrics say?" Blue pondered the question for a minute and rocked Sapphire.

"I don't remember exactly. I kinda just remember the tune."

"Ah." Elita sat with Nova and Luna. They slept on her lap. Ratchet opened the door. They looked up.

"Ratchet how are they?" asked Smokescreen.

"Well the labor was hard and long like it was with Nova and Luna, but that was expected due to Blue and Optimus' genetics, but the birth went smoothly. He delivered a healthy mech Ten minutes ago," the medic informed. Blue sighed in relief.

"Atlas is what he named him right?" Ratchet nodded.

"Can I go see him?" asked Blue. He nodded.

"But be careful. Optimus is very sore and tired." The blue femme stood up, put Sapphire in Smokescreen's arms, and walked in. Optimus rested on the berth with his optics closed.

"Big brother?" His optics opened slightly.

"Hello Blue." She smiled.

"How are you feeling?"

"Tired." The femme gently sat down on beside him.

"I know that feeling." Blue kissed his brother's helm.

"Where's Atlas?"

"The bassinet." Blue Spark looked over on the other side of Optimus to see a tiny mechling in the medical bassinet. He had white armor with blue on the edges of his armor. She walked over and smiled. The mechling nommed on his fist.

"Hello my little nephew." She stroked his helm. Atlas stretched and yawned. Optimus smiled.

"Welcome to the world."

-A Few Days Later-

They all gathered around the Well of Allsparks. The four elder Primes stood in their places and Atlas laid in a small basket on his place. Blue hummed then gasped.

"Smokescreen that song!" He looked at her.

"What song?"

"The one Alpha Trion used to sing to me! I remember the lyrics!" The others looked at her. She smiled.

"Watch the well come back to life,

Five of Them will make it so,

Watch it glow,

Watch it shine,

Watch the planet burst with life."

The Well glowed slightly.

"Blue sing it again!" She did and Luna and Nova joined.

"Watch the well come back to life,

Five of Them will make it so,

Watch it glow,

Watch it shine,

Watch the planet burst with life."

The glow brightened more.

"Again!" All four sang it.

"Watch the well come back to life,

Five of Them will make it so,

Watch it glow,

Watch it shine,

Watch the planet burst with life!"

A bright beam filled the Well and the planet glowed. The surrounding bots watched in amazement. Bright streams of light flowed around the Five.

Energon flowed through the planet's core once again. Cybertron was alive again.

"You did it! We can come home! Cybertron is alive!" cried the others. The Autobots celebrated. Optimus picked up his son and cradled the young mech to his chest.

"Welcome home Atlas. It's a little broken and torn apart. But we're going to fix it up. Cybertron will return to its former glory." Atlas stretched and smiled before snuggling in his blanket and falling asleep. Optimus smiled at him and looked out into Space.

-A Little bit away-

A young femme not much older than Ironelle stood behind a large piece of wreckage. A youngling stood beside her.

"Mommy Cybertron is alive again. How did they do that?" asked the younger.

"I don't know. But it's alive."

-The End-


It has been years since the War for Cybertron. Cybertron has been left to rot but now it's alive again. We will have to rebuild our home for the future generations. We will defend our home, our friends, and our families. I am Optimus Prime and I send this message to any remaining Cybertronians living among the stars. We're here. We are home.

A/N: Well it's done guys. It's Tough Being Young in a War is over. This isn't the end though. :) Until next time! Bye!