Bulkhead and Wheeljack chuckled and looked at their daughter. She was lying with Redcord in a pile of recharge blankets behind Ratchet's table.

"We'd better just leave them be Bulk."

"Better leave who be?" Both mechs shushed her. She stopped but Wheeljack motioned for her to come closer. She smiled and said, "Awww. They're so cute together." Wheeljack felt Bulkhead's arm go around his shoulders and pull him closer. Ironelle smiled.

"I'm gonna leave them be too," she said quietly. Bulkhead took his arm and they all walked off towards the rec-room.

Ironelle chuckled to herself as she sat down on the couch. Wheeljack smiled.

"So what up with you Tiny? You've been quiet the past few weeks."

"Nothing is wrong with me Jackie. There's something wrong with you though." She smirked.

"And what would that be Tiny?"

"You and Bulk are joined at the hip. Which is weird. You're usually Mr. lone mech." Wheeljack rolled his optics and Bulkhead set his arm on Wheeljack's shoulder.

"Yeah Jackie."

"Shut up Bulk. I'll kick you out of our quarters if you say one more word," hissed Wheeljack

Ratchet smiled down at Red and Shadow. Optimus walked into the Main Room with the twins in his arms.

"Good Morning Optimus."

"Good Morning Ratchet." Optimus started walking to the ground bridge.

"Ratchet I'm going out for a while."

"All right Optimus." Ratchet looked back over at Red. Optimus walked though the ground bridge with Nova and Luna.

Nova ducked behind a rock as she hid from Luna.

"N-Nova? Where are you? Mama?" The younger twin sounded like she wanted to cry. Optimus looked over and walked to her.

"It's all right Luna. I'm right here." He picked her up as she started crying. He patted her back gently.

"Nova. Come here." The elder twin looked over the rock.

"Now Nova." She walked out from behind the rock as if nothing had happened.

"Stop trying to hide from your sister." A loud rumble of an engine came from overhead. Optimus pushed Nova and Luna behind him as Megatron landed in front of them.

"Ah Optimus." Megatron sneered.

"And who do you have with you?" the Tyrant asked as he looked behind Optimus.

"Oh! It's our sparklings. The last time I saw them they were small sparks. Attached to your own spark weren't they?" Nova and Luna clung to Optimus' pedes. Optimus said nothing. Nova growled as she looked at the large silver and grey, red-opticed mech. Luna squeaked in fear as Megatron looked at her.

"Megatron…I do not wish to fight in this time and place…in front of the sparklings." Megatron cackled and Luna squeaked as she fell to the ground; landing on her aft. Optimus turned around, as she cried in fear, and picked her up. Nova looked at the giant silver and grey mech and folded her arms across her chest.

"You big meanie!" Megatron smiled and knelt down in front of her.

"Megatron if you hurt her—"

"I won't Prime." Nova jumped back towards Optimus as Megatron reached out towards her.

"No!" She ran behind Optimus.

"I wanna go home!" Megatron narrowed his optics. Optimus raised his servo to his audio.

::Ratchet open a ground bridge please.::

The swirling green portal opened and Optimus sat down Luna.

"Go find Ratchet." The twins ran though the bridge.

"This is between you and me Megatron. Leave the sparklings out of any of your scrap."

Nova and Luna ran though the bridge.

"Where's your creator?"

"With the big silver meanie!" exclaimed Nova. Luna held her sister's servo.


::Optimus do you require backup?::

::No Ratchet.:: Ratchet looked down at the twins. Luna looked like she was going to cry.

"Come here Luna." Ratchet picked her up and stroked her back.

"It's fine Luna. What made you cry?"

"The big meanie. He scared me," she whimpered.

"It's going to be all right Luna. You're back in base. Nothing to be afraid of." Red and Shadow looked up from the blanket on a recharge berth.

"What matter?" asked Redcord.

"She's just scared Red." Ratchet patted his head.

"She'll be fine in a few minutes."

"Promise Ratch?" asked Shadow.

"Yes Shadow. I promise." He smiled at Wheeljack and Bulkhead's daughter. She smiled at him. He realized that she had Bulkhead's optics, yet they had that mischievous twinkle like Wheeljack. Shadow looked down and pulled Nova onto the berth and she sat behind her.

"Can I sit with my sister?"

"Yes Luna." Ratchet sat her next to her Nova behind Shadow. Redcord was looking at him with huge Autobot blue optics.

"What's the matter Redcord?" Red held his small recharge blanket and stuffed petro-rabbit.

"Nothing daddy." Ratchet kissed his helm.

"All right Red."

"Daddy!" Red swatted Ratchet's servo away. Ratchet chuckled

yay! First chapter of the sequal to The Weather Machine is up. Review please!