So, LAST CHAPTER! I really appreciate all of the views, story alerts, favorites, and reviews. You guys are amazing, thank you for the support and reassurance that this turned out to be a good story. I hope the ending is just as good, and it doesn't let you down... Enjoy! And thank you all again!
Brandt grunted in pain as he was man handled out of the car. He knew it was useless to plead his innocence to these guys who wouldn't have a say in it anyways. So he saved his breath for when he came across someone who mattered. They had arrived at headquarters, but were entering through the back door, so to speak- which really meant a long, underground tunnel.
He supposed they didn't want him making a scene, especially when the headquarters fronted as an insurance business. Once they navigated their way into the building, Brandt was shoved into a holding cell. Graham was waiting for them and instructed two agents to un-cuff him.
As they did so, Brandt spoke up, "Aren't I entitled to a doctor?" He figured they wouldn't care, but it was worth a try. His ribs were aching and his wound was still bleeding, causing bursts of pain to flare through his side every so often.
Graham ignored him and ordered the agents out before the door was slammed shut and locked from the outside, leaving Brandt alone. He sighed and gingerly dropped onto the cot, pulling his shirt up to look at the soaked bandages. Breandt dropped the shirt, knowing there wasn't anything to do for it besides let it clot. Deciding he may was well try to rest his body, Brandt lay out on the cot, grateful for the chance to lay still.
He wasn't sure how long he was laying there before the door opened and two agents entered with Graham. The agents stood back but at attention with guns out while Graham stepped in further. Brandt slowly sat up.
"Who are you working with?" Graham asked.
"No one. I was framed. It's Harold Quentin. We already tried to tell you this," Brandt sighed. He knew he had no proof. He only hoped that his teammates had gotten away and that Benji had found the tracker. He couldn't believe his luck that he even had the thing with him when he had been ambushed. He had stored it in his shoe from the mission and had forgotten to remove it. He wasn't even sure if the thug he planted it on was alive even. He could only hope for the best and wait for his team.
"We checked in on Quentin, and there has been no activity on him lately."
"Well there wouldn't be from his name, now would there? He was impersonating me!"
Graham didn't blink at him. "Where are the archives?"
"I assume Quentin has them." Brandt rolled his eyes. He knew he was on dangerous ground here, but couldn't help the frustration at his own agency's idiocy. He couldn't deny that it stung, being labeled a traitor. After all the years of loyalty to I.M.F. and now they believed he turned. He shook his head- he wasn't so sure he would get out of this alive.
"Hm…" Graham muttered as he stepped forward. Before Brandt had a chance to react, Graham struck out and hit his ribs.
"AAH! I am telling the fucking truth!" Brandt growled.
"We'll see," Graham said before exiting, leaving the two agents in the room.
Once the Inspector General was gone, one agent stepped forward and pushed Brandt back against the wall.
Brandt sighed through his pain filled breathing. So they were going to resort to torture. Great…
"Just tell us the truth, Brandt…. We don't want to have to hurt you," the agent said, his tone full of mockery.
Brandt glared at him and wanted to tell the man to fuck off but he held back. He was already in pain and didn't want any more than was necessary.
The agent bent closer and said in a low voice, "You know, the boss if very angry with you. Ever since you disappeared, you've been a nasty thorn in his side…"
Brandt froze before looking up. "You… You're the mole!"
The man grinned before smoothing his face out to turn to the other agent, shaking his head. "The lies the enemy will tell to save their own skin…"
"Yeah, lies…" Brandt muttered. He turned to the other agent. "Please listen to me! This man is not one of us- he's a mole working for Harold Quentin!"
The mole struck Brandt across the face, cutting him off. Brandt grunted and vaguely realized that his previously split lip was bleeding again. He glared at the man and wanted to attack him but the other agent noticed his posture and drew his gun up.
Taking a calming breath, Brandt eyed him before addressing the mole. "So, Hinkelstein, how long have you been burrowing your way into the agency?" The man showed surprise and Brandt grinned. "Yeah, I know your name."
The mole, Hinkelstein, shook his head. "Don't listen to him; he's trying to confuse us."
Brandt chuckled humorlessly. "Probably for years, but still not very high up, are you?" He was hoping to rankle the guy and get him to slip up. Hinkelstein glared at him, but didn't say anything so Brandt continued. "Maybe it's because our superiors subconsciously know not to trust you. Does Quentin even trust you? Maybe he doesn't and that's why he sent you here, in hopes you'll be found out. One less worry for your boss, huh?"
Hinkelstein struck out again, this time slamming a fist into his stomach. Brandt cried out, but was satisfied to get a reaction out of him. He glanced up at the other agent and saw that he was looking nervous. Brandt was planting the seed of doubt in him, and hopefully it would grow into suspicion and this guy wouldn't get away.
"Yeah, you've though of that, haven't you?" Brandt asked Hinkelstein as he clutched his stomach.
"Hey, now…" the other agent stepped forward hesitantly.
"Listen, I'm telling the truth here… I am innocent. Please believe me." Brandt looked the agent straight in the eyes trying to convince him.
The agent turned to Hinkelstein in question. "Maybe we should-"
The man didn't have a chance to finish what he was saying before Hinkelstein brought his gun out and shot him between the eyes. Brandt jumped up to tackle Hinkelstein as the agent fell.
Unfortunately, Hinkelstein had the upper hand at the moment and elbowed Brandt in the head. Brandt fell heavily and heard the gun skitter across the floor just as the door burst open and people flooded in.
"He's shot him! He went crazy and shot him before I could do anything," Brandt heard Hinkelstein cry out.
"Jim!" An agent was kneeling next to the dead agent. He stood and turned to Brandt in anger. "That was my partner, you son of a bitch!"
Brandt cried out as the man kicked him in the stomach a few times, adding to his broken ribs. Through the pain, Brandt looked up and saw Hinkelstein in the background smirking at him. Another kick to his ribs and everything blacked out.
He woke up after what must have been only a very short moment when he was roughly hauled up from the ground. His head swam and his whole torso burned in agony.
Trying to clear his head, Brandt struggled as best he could despite his injuries and the three agents restraining him. Over their shoulders, he could see Hinkelstein still looming in the background and struggled even more; he wanted to take that man down.
"Stop struggling, traitor. You know you deserve this," Hinkelstein's smug voice reached Brandt.
He managed to get an arm loose and reached for the jerk but an agent grabbed him and swiftly knocked him backwards onto a gurney. Brandt cried out in pain and frustration when they quickly strapped him down, heedless of his injuries. Even as they wheeled him out, Brandt still struggled to get loose. He did note that the three agents were out of breath and took some satisfaction in that.
His struggles died down some as he shifted his head to keep an eye on Hinkelstein who was following at a safe distance. It took a while for the group to arrive at a door and Brandt used it to catch his breath and regain some strength.
He tested the straps and silently cursed when he realized they wouldn't give any leeway.
"I didn't do it! You have to believe me! He's responsible, he's not I.M.F.!" Brandt tried. But, like every other time, he was ignored. Being a scapegoat really sucked, he decided.
Even as they wheeled him into the room he continued to struggle and shout. He looked around and noticed a woman in a lab coat staring at him with wide eyes. He took deep breaths and forced himself to be calm. He didn't like that the terrified look was directed at him.
"Please… I'm telling the truth…" he tried one last time. The three agents who brought him in were still completely ignoring him and Hinkelstein wasn't showing any reaction. The woman, however, was staring at him and then eyed the others.
"I am sorry, madam, for the traitor's display. But do not listen to him, he is only desperate," Hinkelstein assured her before nodding to the three agents. Two left leaving one at the door, as if they were afraid Brandt could escape still even after all of his struggles so far had yielded no result. Hinkelstein held out an arm in gesture towards Brandt.
The woman nodded nervously and stepped towards Brandt cautiously. She reached towards a table and Brandt followed her actions. He froze when he spotted the syringes. Frantically looked around the room, Brandt noticed for the first time that he was in an execution chamber. They were going to kill him… He focused on controlling his breathing when the woman inserted the I.V.'s , trying not to lose his calm- or what little he had of it anyways- and scare her more.
He caught her eye when she approached with the first injection, trying to convey all of his innocence and pleadings in one look. She swallowed and looked away before injecting the drug, allowing it to flow through the drip. Brandt closed his eyes in despair and acceptance as the sedative took effect.
Ethan ran down the hallway, Jane and Benji hot on his trail. They reached the guards at the door but before they could do anything the team had them out cold on the floor. Ethan rushed passed them and threw the door open.
He froze in dread when he saw Brandt laying on the gurney, strapped down and unconscious. Was he too late? Ethan took the last guard out as Hinkelstein knocked the woman aside and grabbed up a needle and injected it into the I.V.
Ethan rushed forward to remove the I.V. but Hinkelstein tackled him to the floor.
"Remove the I.V.!" he yelled at the woman. A glance over at her told him that she was obviously frightened and confused. "Please! He's a good man!"
The woman looked from the two struggling men to the one who pleaded with her silently just moments before. She pulled herself up and leapt forward, grabbing the drip and disconnecting it from the I.V. She ignored the lethal drug as it flowed from the drip to the floor as she focused onto the man she almost had a hand in killing.
Jane and Benji grabbed Hinkelstein up and pushed him towards some guards who handcuffed him.
"Brandt!" Ethan gasped as he reached his teammate.
"I hope it's too late!" Hinkelstein laughed mechanically until Benji swung a fist around, knocking him out.
"He's not breathing…" the woman muttered as she hastily undid the straps with Ethan's help. "I need an oxygen mask in here now!" She yelled out as she began C.P.R. on Brandt. A few short moments later more people rushed in with equipment, pushing the team further away from Brandt. In the chaos of the room, Ethan, Jane, and Benji watched as the team of medics did their best to save Brandt.
The two stood close together amongst the little gathering in the cemetery. Ethan shifted his eyes from the coffin that was suspended above the open grave to roam his gaze over the others in attendance. He felt Jane shift beside him and looked over to see her wiping her face. Grabbing her hand, he gave her a comforting smile when she turned to him. She returned it with a weaker one before looking ahead again.
The priest droned on about William Brandt's life, using his cover job and life, of course. Soon a different person stepped forward and began the eulogy. After some time, Ethan shifted impatiently while moving his eyes around the immediate area. Jane noticed his agitation and clenched the hand that they still had clasped together.
After a few minutes, the priest's voice sounded in Ethan's ear. "Target to your four thirty, Titan."
Ethan looked over at the man who spoke and saw him wiping his face with a cloth. Ethan slid his hand from Jane and made to walk away from the service. Out of the corner of his eye he could see a man approaching. Stepping up to a tree and leaning against it, Ethan buried his face in his hands and slumped forward, eying the newcomer through his fingers.
The man eyed the service carefully and glanced at Ethan before continuing his approach. Jane watched out of the corner of her eye as the man locked eyes on the coffin. When Jane noticed him glance at her she made a show of wiping away a tear.
"Confirmed match?" Ethan inquired quietly.
Vacher, on the other side of the service, held his Bible up higher as the prayer currently being said continued. He casually aimed it at the newcomer and snapped a photo, waiting for facial recognition to run. He shoved back a grin when it showed a 100% match. Taking a deep breath, he looked up at Ethan's general direction and gave a miniscule nod. "Confirmed," he muttered without moving his lips.
Ethan nodded sharply and quickly but silently made his way to the target. When he got just a few feet behind him, the man turned around, gun raised.
The reaction was instant and simultaneous- every person, including priest, in attendance dropped whatever they were doing and pulled out a gun, training it on the man.
"Well, Quentin, nice of you to make an appearance," Ethan jibed.
The man chuckled. "I see; this was a set up. Is he even dead?"
Ethan ignored the question and took one step forward. "Lower your weapon."
"Hm… I think not," Quentin said as he dove forward and tried to tackle Ethan.
Ethan was prepared and spun, using Quentin's momentum to drag them both down.
"Hold your fire!" Jane ordered the other agents as she stayed close, ready to shoot Quentin but not willing to open fire yet with Ethan so close to him.
Ethan struggled with Quentin, who was trying to point the gun at him. Ethan easily disarmed him and tossed the gun aside, happily using his fist to take the man down. With each punch, he felt some revenge being taken for Brandt. Before he delivered the last punch, Ethan paused and said, "This is for Brandt, you son of a bitch."
Before either of them could make a move, Jane jumped forward and punched Quentin as hard as she could. The man dropped to the ground unconscious and a few agents rushed forward to put handcuffs on him and take him away.
"Nice punch, Rhea," Ethan said in between breaths. Jane nodded as she took a calming breath, watching as the agents threw Quentin in the back of a car and drive off. She turned back to Ethan as he made a call on his cell phone. "Hyperion? This is Titan and Rhea checking in. The target has been successfully taken out; the coast is clear."
"Oh, that's good," Benji sighed out in relief from his position some miles away.
Jane pulled the phone away a bit to hear and asked, "How's Saturn?"
Benji smiled and turned, seeing Brandt sleeping peacefully in the hospital bed. "Stable and getting stronger by the minute. He even woke up for a very short few seconds earlier."
"I'm glad to hear that. We'll be back at HQ soon. Titan and Rhea out," Ethan and Jane shared a smile as he hung up. They looked over at the burial site and noticed that the other agents were already cleaning the scene up and removing the empty coffin.
Vacher stepped over to them and asked, "News on Brandt?"
Ethan nodded. "Benji said he's getting better still and that he was awake for a brief moment."
Vacher grinned and nodded, his own relief evident. "I'll finish things up here if you two want to head back now."
"Thanks man," Ethan slapped him on the shoulder as he passed and Jane gave him a grateful smile.
"I'm glad this is finally over," Jane commented as they pulled away from the cemetery.
"So am I. This has to be the worst mission to date." Ethan shook his head. "And it wasn't even a threat from the enemy this time…"
"I know…" Jane muttered.
"Why did she open the door?" Brandt asked in annoyance.
Ethan chuckled. "Curiosity killed the cat?"
"This isn't even a horror flick; it's a stupid-girl-doesn't-even-have-the-basics-of-surviv al-and-gets-her-ass-killed-before-opening-credits flick."
Benji frowned at Brandt without taking his eyes off the screen. "SHH!"
Brandt raised his brows at the tech as Benji shoved popcorn into his mouth. When the stupid girl- as Brandt dubbed her- ran into a room and slammed the door shut, the team went quiet as they watched her cautiously step towards the door with terrified steps.
Suddenly there was a knock on their door and Benji jumped, sending popcorn flying.
Director Massey stepped into the hospital room to witness Brandt, Ethan, and Jane laughing at Benji's misfortune. When they saw their guest they all went silent. Massey glanced at each occupant before setting his gaze upon Brandt.
"If you three could give us a moment, please," the director said.
"No," Ethan said immediately, shaking his head. The director gave him a warning look which Ethan ignored. "With all due respect, considering recent circumstances, I'm sure you understand why we wouldn't want our teammate left alone."
Brandt hid his grin from the director, but Benji and Jane, who were sitting on his other side, saw it.
The director sighed but nodded. Clearing his throat, Massey met Brandt's gaze and said, "I'm sorry. I know that probably doesn't mean much after everything that happened, but I am."
Brandt wasn't sure how to respond. It wasn't an easy apology to accept, and yet he knew that the agency only did what they felt they had to do. So, he wordlessly nodded in acknowledgment.
The director's shoulders seemed to relax a bit and he took a deep breath. "Well, seeing as your previous vacations were interrupted and you saved I.M.F, recovered the stolen archives, and caught a dangerous man, the four of you have been granted a… extended vacation."
"Extended for…?" Benji pushed.
Massey replied, "Six months."
Benji made to yell out in excitement but kept it in last second, settling for a wide grin. Ethan and Jane shared satisfied smirks while Brandt smiled at his team.
"Thank you, director," Ethan said, somehow making it sound like a dismissal.
The director threw him a mild glare in good humor before nodding to everyone and leaving.
"SIX months! Six! That's half a year! This is awesome!" Benji exclaimed, throwing his hands up in victory. Then he caught sight of Brandt's amused look and sobered. "Not that I'm happy you got hurt…" he said miserably.
"Hey! I'm alright. I really am," Brandt insisted. "We all know how bad it could have been…" He eyed them all and they had to agree.
Everyone looked to each other in reassurance that this whole ordeal was over. It started with Benji's lopsided grin and pretty soon they were all grinning and chuckling.
"After this, I think we ought to have a bonding camping trip!" Benji said.
Jane laughed. "Camping? You're still on that?" Benji nodded enthusiastically. "Can you imagine the four of us trapped with each other for that long? We would kill each other before it was over!"
Benji frowned as Brandt and Ethan laughed.
"Well, I think Benji's onto something there," Ethan said, knowing that the companionship would do them all some good after nearly losing one of their own. "I say we take at least two weeks and do something as a team."
"I'm in!" Benji yelled, throwing his hand up in the air. He glanced in excitement at Jane and then Brandt. Brandt shared an amused smirk with Jane.
"I think I can deal with you lot for a couple of weeks," Brandt said.
Jane laughed. "If you can, then I suppose I can…"
"YES!" Benji rubbed his hands together. "Now all we need is location and an itinerary. Any suggestions?"
"Seattle…" Ethan smiled, thinking of his wife.
"A lake," Brandt said.
"Mountains," Jane grinned.
"Ooh, I think that's all fairly easy to acquire." Benji suddenly had a laptop sitting on his lap and he was typing away on it. "How about a road trip to Washington? We can camp at Lake Cushman- it's about forty miles from Seattle. It's got the lake and the mountains. And, best of all, a house to rent!"
Brandt snorted. "Then that's not camping…"
Benji frowned at him. "Camping doesn't mean you have to rough it."
"You're not much of a wilderness guy, are you?" Brandt asked.
"I don't mind the wilderness. I just prefer a comfy bed and stable walls surrounding me."
"Nah, he doesn't want to risk mice cozying up to him at night," Ethan remarked.
Brandt and Jane snickered while Benji glared at Ethan. "Hardy har har."
"I said I was sorry for that!" Ethan said. "Anyways, I guess that's our plan? Two week camping trip at Lake Cushman?"
The other three agreed and Ethan gave Benji the go ahead to reserve a house for them. "But no road trip, Benji…"
"Aw…" Benji gave a small whine.
Brandt leaned back into his pillows and realized that the movie was still playing. They had forgotten about it with the director's visit and then their vacation plans. He grinned and watched his teammates. He figured if he could survive being kidnapped, hunted by his own agency, and then nearly executed by the same agency, then he could survive two weeks of camping with his team.
-Soooo... I did quite a bit of research on lethal injections- the drugs themselves specifically- to figure out how I could put Brandt through it but still survive and hopefully I got it. If you don't think that it's possible to survive the drugs, I'd like to point out that the drugs are three separate injections: sedative, respiratory failure, and then one that stops the heart itself. There are also two step ones, but I chose the three. And, after research, I figured that Brandt could survive the second injection. That's my logic and deduction, sorry if it's not accurate. This is a fanfiction, in any case. ;P Now, I read that most, if not all, execution chambers have a separate room to do the actual injection, but for the purpose of my story- and since this IS a secret government agency that would work differently- it would all be in the same room.
-Also, the code names at the end. I used Brandt's from their first mission together (the movie) as homage since this was centered around him and then used the moons of Saturn for the others' code names, also being the names of the Titans. I'm actually proud of that little cleverness of mine, and amazed that it worked out so well.
-I hope you all enjoyed this last chapter, and thanks again for all the views, alerts, favorites, and reviews!