I'm wondering if you guys got my story yesterday. Please review if you did. This one is admittedly very short - especially compared to yesterday - but it doesn't need as many words. I wanted it to be just them.

So...this is it. Wow. I can't believe I made it all 26 days. You guys have been so awesome, I'm glad I wrote this story. And don't worry, even after Tiva leaves the screen I'll manage to find some love stories for them. As long as you guys keep supporting me. I'm so grateful for the support and it was a pleasure writing with you. Stay awesome and I'll see you later with more stories.


You can follow me on twitter vatrask or on my writing blog: madamewriterofwrongs. blogspot. com

Ani Ohev Otach (man to woman)/Ani Ohevet Otcha (woman to man) - I love you

"I, Anthony DiNozzo, take you, Ziva David, to be my partner in all things. When you fell into my life some people say I changed for the better – don't snort it's true. Truth is: the moment I met you I was lost. You have bewitched me heart and soul."

"You stole that."

"Shut up I'm trying to be sentimental."


"We've never been good at expressing our feelings but…I love you, Ziva. There isn't an inch of me that doesn't."

"That's a double negative."

"Shush. You are so…stubborn. And reckless. Your violent tendencies are concerning to say the least. I swear sometimes we're from different planets. But, like Clark Kent, you are so amazing – Super even – and I am happy to be your Louis Lane if it means I get to fall asleep with you every night. Today I pledge my life to you. To love, honour and cherish, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health; until death do we part."

She melted. "Oh Tony"

"Now you go."

"I, Ziva David, take you, Anthony DiNozzo to be my partner in all things. Today I pledge my life to you. To love, honour, and cherish, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health; until death do we part."

"You just said our regular vows. I thought we were writing our own."

"I tried so hard to find the words to express my love for you but I couldn't. Those ones come close. You are already my partner in so many ways and this is…this is the biggest one. In all the years there's never been anyone who came close to being the one that I want to marry. And then there's you and all I could ever think about with you was being with you. You're right. We've never been good with words. Maybe if we we're this would have happened sooner. But I'm glad that we took our time. All of the little things just made me love you even more. Except that you leave the cap off the toothpaste but we'll work on that."

He took the laughter from the audience as an opportunity to lean in close and whisper "You're no angel, either."

"No I'm not." She continued with her speech "And I'm not Super Woman either. I am a woman who loves a man. And I'm standing here today, in front of our friends, to pledge my life to you. No matter what. You're it, Tony."

"I thought you couldn't find the words."

"I find them when they count."

"True enough."

"Ani Ohevet Otcha." That had been her favourite Hebrew phrase to teach him.

"Ani Ohev Otach." They were so close now, hands intertwined, eyes explore lips, eager to be touched. All they wanted to do was kiss.

The minister cleared his throat and the couple looked at him, blushing. "If I may continue?"

Tony nodded, "Of course."

"Thank you. Now, by the power vested in me, by the District of Columbia, I now pronounce you husband and wife" he never finished his sentence, interrupted by the eager man and wife who flew to each other in a sweet, lingering kiss filled with the sweetest sense of finally.