Personal Assistant

Pairing: Kurama/Botan.

Genre: Humor/Romance

Summary: Instead of managing a star, I'm managing Shuichi Minamino's entire life and he's using me as a toy. So much for a future, right? He is definitely out to ruin my life and there's nothing I can do about it.

Disclaimer: I do not own YYH!

For some time, Minamino could not take his eyes off of me. His stare unreadable, as one could never really know what went on in his head. One second he's smirking at me, and the next his hands are on me, roaming all over the place. He plays me well. And, for some odd reason, I just seem to go along with it.

Because he's Shuichi Minamino.

Nothing seems to get past him.

Not even me, an ex-childstar just trying to make it as a manager.

"Thank god you're alright," Minamino said surprisingly with an uber amount of care and crushed his muscular build to mine as he pulled me into a sitting upright hug. We were still in the backseat of his personal limo, driving through Tokyo in the afternoon that appeared hazy through the heavily tinted windows.
"I can't send you back there," He told me, assertively. Marking his territory. He explained how he spoke with Satoshi, who agreed fully and that I can return on a different evening to temp manage. But, certainly not today. Basically, Shuichi accomplished my bidding as I was in blackness-unconscious land for maybe ten minutes or so.

"How did you find me?" I asked sort of quietly. I was not exactly my usual self or feeling one hundred percent quite yet.

"Well, first of all, I have Kei's schedule. And secondly, I was passing through for a meeting. I saw the two of you…and, then, some woman with seriously awful taste just punched you and you were out," Minamino freely explained. There was no extra digging or pressing needed. Shockingly.

"Then, the rest…you know," He said without any response from me. "I'm just glad you're alright." His arms slid around me again, his fingers pressing against my back.

It was like if his grip loosened, I would fall.

I felt that safe.

On the way back to the office, Minamino insisted we stop at the hospital. He told me some terrible lie that it was on the way back to the office. I went, agreeably and was checked out in an hour's time. Nothing bad, according the doc. I may just want to rest for the remainder of the day was all he advised.

Weirdly, Shuichi joined me every step of the way. Even volunteering for his driver to take me home. The doctor said that would be a most excellent idea and therefore, it happened.

We collected my things at the office, and then went back into the limo. I sat without my head on Shuichi's lap. Sort of itching to be there instead of sitting straight in my own seat. I felt like this wasn't the right time to reach for his hand or stroke his hair or anything affectionate worthy. I kind of just sat there, limply, and stared out the window, watching the streets of Tokyo. Eventually, we reached Keiko's and my apartment and the driver parked in front of it. Shuichi stepped out, followed me up the open stairs, and stood outside with me.

"Thank you," I said, breathily, placing my hands on his shoulders and slowly slipping them around his neck. He returned my embrace instantaneously.

"Botan…" His voice was lost as he was rubbing his nose through my hair, near my neck. Such an odd gesture, but strangely sensual. His nose ran down my cheek and chin, brushing with such a feathery touch. And, then lips replaced his nose down my neck and back to my cheek toward the corner of my lips.

I ran my fingers through his hair, pulling and willing his face toward mine. In one chaste moment, my back was pressed against the wall beside my front door. Shuichi had both hands on either side of my face; he was reading me slowly with those careful eyes. He only pressed a light, feathery kiss to my cheek.

"Please rest," He said with restraint tugging at his expression.

I only nodded.

Too sure he was going to kiss me, a beat before.

Now, so sure, the moment had passed.

The lingering desire left my body disappointed and clearly wanting more.

Then, before I knew it, he slipped away before my very eyes and I sighed, watching him hurry down the stairs with his hands in his trouser pockets and his face angled downward. I shuffled for my key and did as I was told. I changed quick, dropped my things on my desk in my room, and climbed into bed with the dull, aching reminder that Minamino had once again left me wanting more.

Whether he would give me more.

Whether I wanted more.

Did he want to fuck me?

Or love me?

I wanted to know that, for sure.

For now, I left my thoughts astray and fell into slumber.

When I woke, Keiko was there, bearing tea and holding something that looked like a Special K bar. I rubbed my eyes, still processing the scene and feeling post-tired from my sleep.

"Hey," I mumbled with the faintest cheeriness.

"Hi," Keiko said. "Minamino personally called our home phone and left a voicemail. He said what happened. I'm just glad you're alright." She smiled, sitting on the edge of my bed as I sat up. "Tea?"

"Thanks, g-friend," I smiled, taking the tea and sipping it. White green tea with a drop of honey, Keiko's way.

"Of course. That sounds crazy what happened today," She said with those adorable hints of Kansai accent.

"It was! I now know why Satoshi-kun doesn't have a girl for a manager," I remarked, provoking a grin from Keiko.

She laughed, "Still funny, aren't ya?"

"Always," I grinned back.

"And, Minamino-san recommended you eat something," Keiko passed along the food. "It's only five. I was going to wait til later to cook up dinner."

All I could think was: best roommate ever.

"Thanks, darling," I said. "I really appreciate this." Meaning every word.

A few hours later, I asked Keiko the question that had been on my mind for quite some time now.

"How do you date your boss?"

It had come out nowhere. We were talking about this adorable boutique in Harajuku and Shinjuku. My mind was definitely flickering between thoughts on Shuichi and thoughts of possibly making a shopping trip.

"Whoa," Keiko had wide eyes. "Where did that come from?"

"My brain," I pointed to my head with a laugh.

"Well…it sort of just happened. I mean, Takaishi is great. He loves me, he is there for me. He really cares about me," Keiko pressed, before turning toward our kitchen and taking ingredients out of the fridge. "I mean…it was kind of process. Not like…that sappy romance flick on TV, we met, we looked at each other, we fell in love." She fake-swooned. I laughed at her horrid acting. And her general, wonderful Keiko-ness.

"Nothing of the sort," She continued. "One day we were out and he just kissed me and asked me out. That's basically what happened. But, I do feel the scorn from everyone around me in the office. Judging me and everything. So I do intend to quit. Find another job…but Takaishi always insists I stay."
I bit my lip, pondering. "Sounds like a dilemma."

"It is. That's why I will quit and we'll still be together. But it won't be an employee and boss relationship anymore, which will be for the best. You know?" Keiko admitted, beginning to chop some vegetables.

"I get it. Completely," I nodded. Understanding, was such an understatement.

"Oh yeah?" Keiko raised a brow at me, before turning back to cooking.

"More than you know."

"Elaborate," She offered, turning on the stove, preparing some fish and then throwing her chopped vegetables in afterward.

"I think Minamino-san likes me," I blurted out. It just came out. Like word-vomit and like it was an itch I could not be rid of. Well, it seriously was. Then, I somehow recounted all of what had transpired in the past few months between he and me and his savior behavior and his attitude toward me. But, his inability to ever say true words: Botan, I like you. I think that's what I'm looking for. All I get, is his action, "I don't hate you," and word of mouth from Touya, occasionally.

"Shit," Keiko said when I finished.

"Yeah….right?" I remarked back.

"Botan….He likes you," Keiko turned off the stop abruptly and turned to me. Her hand touching the counter and her stare crazy intense. "He really likes you."
"I wish he told me," I said, pursing my lips. "I mean I want him to say it."

"He seems like a tough egg to crack," Keiko glanced at the rice cooker while taking some Oolong tea from the fridge.

"He is," I nodded my head vigorously. "I don't get him." I addedd sullenly.

"But, based on his actions, he seems to really like you," Keiko informed, sliding a glass to me. I sipped it, gingerly.

"I get that. But he shouldn't objectify me," I told her with eyes narrowed at my drink. "Women hate that."

"He seems to get off just fine," Keiko retorted.

"What does that mean?"
"Haven't you heard the stories?"

"About him? Not entirely…."

"He's got a bad history of sleeping around. He slept with Miki's sister's friend, Chizu, when she was his assistant. And so many more girls," Keiko sighed with contempt.

"It's his signature," I shuddered at this.

"It really is. He sleeps with assistants."

"Not me….I mean, I haven't slept with him yet."
"Yet." She emphasized. "I mean, I know it seems like he likes you. But I'd still be careful," She advised and I considered this.

For some reason this thought occurred to me, "Wait. He's like twenty-six. How has he slept with all the young women of Tokyo yet?"

Keiko, then, launched into full out laughter.

"That's what you're thinking of?" She provoked in the middle of our incredible laughter. "I'd be scared for your innocence! Your purity!" She bantered and we were just near tears laughing.

When we're done, I turned on the seriousness because my real question still went unanswered: Where do I go from here?

"But now what?" I asked when the laughter died and we were still sitting across from one another and eating our dinner. Delicious, I might add.

"With Minamino?" She asked. I nodded "yes" in return.

"Well…." She thoughtfully chewed for a moment longer. "I'd try to avoid doing any funny business…that's one. Then, see if he likes you. Maybe have a talk about it."

"A talk?"
"Yeah, about feelings and shit," Keiko bluntly said with an added grin.
"I don't know if I'm ready," I felt my cheeks redden by this. The revelation. I want to love him, so I think. But I want to be secure in his feelings. My insecurities and feelings are clearly inhibited since I want to know how he feels, first. I wish he'd tell me so I wouldn't feel this way.

"I understand," Keiko's hand patted my back at this. "It's okay to be uncertain."

"I just don't know what to do,"
Except curl into a ball.

Except that.

I'd like that at this moment.

Then, I think of him. That long red hair, that piercing gaze, and that body. Defined under his crisp, ironed shirt. I think that I only want him to hold me. Now and no one else. I wonder why can't this relationship be easy. And well-communicated.

I like you,

And you like me,

And we'll be together.

Shouldn't the story be that simple? Shouldn't the ending be that happy? Who's to say we can't all see the happy end?

I think I think too much. About him. About our relationship. Work related or personal. And, how much things should change.

Not just because they can, but also because I want them to.