Disclaimer: Nada.

The two of them made it to the coffee shop and ordered their drinks. Heather went to pay for her drink and Alejandro wouldn't allow it, he was insisting that he would pay. They sat down at a table in the corner as Alejandro smiled at Heather who couldn't help but blush.

"This is awkward." Heather admitted.

"I agree, but it shouldn't have to be." Alejandro told her. "Look, I'm sorry for picking on you in class today. It's just hard not to. from what I can tell, you're my type."

"I'm your type?" Heather rolled her eyes. "That's really great. your type is an underage girl that's in your class."

"No, my type is apparently the underage, sarcastic girl in my class who lies about her age." Alejandro smirked. "Do you know the girl I'm talking about? The one who hardly pays attention in class?"

"Why am I your type anyway?" Heather asked him. "You're hot! You can get any girl you want especially since you're coaching the girls Volley ball team now."

"You really think I'm hot?" Alejandro smiled at her and Heather started to blush.

"Just a bit." Heather told him as she sipped her coffee. "Nothing to write home about."

"I have a confession to make." Alejandro took a sip of his coffee "Today in class, you were the only person I noticed."

"You're not my type." Heather told him. "I hang out with bad boys and people who know what they want in life."

"I'll have you know that I'm quite the bad boy when I'm not teaching." Alejandro winked at her.

"Oh please!" Heather laughed. "The words teacher and bad boy should never be used in the same sentence."

"They are in my book." Alejandro told her. "I'll prove it to you if you give me a chance."

"What are you saying?" Heather smirked. "You think you and I should date?"

"I think we should try." Alejandro told her. "You're not like other girls, Heather."

"What if I tell the school district on you?" Heather asked him with a smirk on her face

"You won't." Alejandro smirked at her. "I know you won't. You like me or you never would have agreed to come here with me."

"You know if we do this that nobody can know, right?" Heather asked him. "I mean it! that means that you need to act like a teacher around me."

"Obviously." Alejandro told her. "I'm not an idiot you know."

"I would hope not." Heather rolled her eyes. "You're supposed to be my teacher."

"Heather, wait until you see the things that I can teach you." Alejandro winked at her and Heather blushed.

"I should be getting home." Heather smiled at him as she stood up to throw away the rest of her drink. "I have to do homework and take a shower."

"I'll see you in class tomorrow." Alejandro stood up and the two of them walked to their cars. As Heather was getting into hers, Alejandro quickly opened her car door for her and spun her around, kissing her on the lips. Heather wasn't sure what was going on but she was pretty sure she liked it. the whole drive home she continued to blush.

Heather was laying on her bed with iTunes opened. She was playing Katy Perry and was on facebook looking at stupid statues by her friends. Geoff was the only one who even posted anything remotely amusing. Heather's cell phone started to ring and she saw it was Courtney calling her. Heather took a deep breath and hoped that Courtney didn't ask anything else about Alejandro! Maybe she wouldn't put two and two together and figure it out.

"Hey Courtney." Heather quickly answered. "What's up?"

"Where have you been?!" Courtney yelled. "I texted you hours ago! I wanted to know what you thought about the new coach! Can you believe he didn't even make us try out?! I think he's completely unprofessional and should not be allowed to just show up and let EVERYONE on the team! Then our team will be full of losers and I can't be on a team full of losers!"

"Courtney, you worry too much." Heather sighed. "It's the same team as last year, I think we'll be okay."

"Yeah, I guess." Courtney sighed. Heather thought she sounded annoyed. "So, this weekend I was thinking that you, me, Bridgette and Gwen could all go and get our nails done at the mall this weekend?"

"Wait...Gwen?" Heather asked her. "You mean that really depressed looking goth chick? Since when do we hang out with her?!"

"She's dating Trent and Geoff parties with Trent a lot." Courtney told her. "Duncan asked me to if we could include her in our group."

"I don't even like Bridgette that much." Heather sighed. "Now I get stuck with some goth girl? Thank you, Courtney."

"How do you hate Bridgette?" Courtney asked her. "I mean, she's been hanging out with us for over a year now!"

"She's not my type." Heather sighed. "I don't like the girls who want to save the world and recycle and do all that crap. All she ever wants to do is talk about Geoff and parties and guys!"

"So, do you want to go with us?" Courtney asked her, completely ignoring Heather's statement.

"I'll let you know tomorrow." Heather quickly told her. "I don't know what I'm doing this weekend."

"Alright." Courtney sighed. "I'll pick you up tomorrow morning?"

"Nah." Heather smiled to herself. "I think I'm going to walk tomorrow."

"You sure?" Courtney confirmed.

"Yeah." Heather smiled. "I'll see you in school tomorrow."

Heather hung up the phone and grabbed the phone number that Alejandro gave her a few days ago.

"Pick me up for school tomorrow?" Heather typed and sat and waited for a reply. Not even 10 minutes later she got a reply. "Okay. I'll pick you up around 7."

The smile on her face never seemed to leave her face that night. Heather couldn't wait to see him tomorrow.

There we go! Yes, I'm rushing it a bit. However, I want it to be slightly rushed so it can come crashing down on them. Yes, I have plans for this! =)