Guess what I've decided to do.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything from the Darksiders series.
War was not at all pleased that Death had happened upon him in a rather embarrassing position. Tilting his head so that he could see the elder horseman, War spoke through gritted teeth, "Don't say a word."
"I've said nothing, brother."
"I can tell from the way you're looking at me that you're thinking of saying something sarcastic."
"Would you like for me to say something about the way you always draw trouble from demons instead?"
"...are you just going to just stand there and stare at me while you run your mouth?"
"...yes, I think I will. After all, I'm trying to figure out how you ended up there despite the fact that your armor is heavy and shouldn't have allowed you to fly that far through the air."
It was worse than War had initially thought. That Death had seen him take a short flight through the air into the only tree for miles. Trying to hold his temper, War spoke again, "Once you are done amusing yourself with such thoughts, perhaps you would do something about it?"
Death smirked behind his mask, "Are you sure you'd like assistance just now? You look rather comfortable up there to me."
Death was further entertained when War started cursing from where he was hanging upside down from the tree, tangled in its branches. Death had thought it quite amazing that War had been launched so far through the air. Being struck from Ruin's saddle by a highly irate demon should have ordinarily knocked him to the ground.
The dead body of a demon with Chaoseater impaling it nearby let Death know that War had retaliated for such a thing quickly. That, and Death had seen War fling the large blade with deadly accuracy, before he even crashed into the tree.
"I think I'll go look for our brother and sister. Perhaps they will help you out." Still amused, Death wandered off amid War's heated words of displeasure at the thought of Strife and Fury finding him like this.
Luckily for War, he was able to free himself on his own, though it was not in time to prevent the other three horsemen from witnessing his undignified flop to solid ground, accompanied by the sound of crunching armor.
I figure short chapters are easy to come up with and are fun to write, as I apparently can't write anything serious for this series. I have about ten chapter ideas so far, and if people are interested in little tidbits that I can update more often with, cool. Plus, you know, I like War and Death interactions, which most of the chapters I have so far are.