He guys. Man, it's been a while. Sorry for letting y'all down. Vacation took up the last part of my summer, and the day after we got home was Tuesday, and we started school that day. Oh well, It's time to get back on track! As you all do not remember, or do, Stargazer won the competition. Man this is gonna get complicated for me. I think I might just end up having to do what SonicMX did. Maybe...Anyway, this chapter wont be as long because I just want to get something out there. Enjoy!...I guess. And, there's something I must ask. Am I allowed to put things like videos or pictures in this? I haven't been taken down yet, so I guess not. Guess it depends. Oh well.

Okay, last time on Legends Play: Pokemon Fire Red and Leaf Green (Which is a great series by the way) Unknown, Lightning and Spike were in Radiant Garden. The Heartless had some sort of brains behind them and escaped from the Cave of Remembrance. The heroes defeated the idiots and now are on their way to their next destination.

(Music: Dive to the Heart)

(Area: Dive to the Heart)

Me: Wait...where's Spike?

Lightning: I don't know, where did you last see him?

Me: Oh, never mind, he was in my bag.

I stuck my head in my bag.

Me: Spike! You in there right.

"Spike": Yeah, I'm in here.

Lightning: You left him, didn't you?

Me: Fine, I'll go get him. I gotta do everything myself, don't I

Two seconds later...


Spike: Ow! What's the big idea!

Me: Why did you jump out of my bag?

Spike: I don't wanna go home. Twilight and Tails creep me out. Plus...

Me: Yes, yes, they overwork you. We know.

Lightning: Just don't do that again.

Me: Anyway, our next destination is called "Echo Ridge". It's from one of my favorite series in gaming.

Lightning: We don't need any of your reminiscing right now. We need to find my parents!

Me: All right, all right. You all ready?

Spike jumped into my bag and pulled out a football helmet. How'd that get in there? I don't even like football...

Spike: Ready!

Me: Oh, and Lightning, try not to black out on this one. It might get a bit...bumpy. *Opens Portal*

Lightning: What do you mean, "bumpy"?

Me: You'll see.

*Explosion of light*

Random persons POV

Me: Okay, I'm ready.

Instructor: Okay then, jump.

I took a deep breath. This is it. It's time to use it.


Back to my POV!

Me: Oh, right on time.

The guy looked up and saw a portal open up above him. When we came out of it, his expression barely changed, as if it happened on a regular basis. Then, I prepared something I've always wanted to say...


I increased my descent speed to catch up to guy who just did a Leeroy Jenkins out of a plane.

Me: Wonderful weather we're having, hmm!?

Him: Yeah, nice and sunny. Perfect for skydiving!

Me: Yeah, I know! High-five!

*Epic high-five sequence*

Lightning was just looking at us like we'd just gone crazy. She pulled down beside us.

Lightning: What the heck are you doing! Making a conversation with some guy while we're falling out the sky!

Me: You can fly!

*From in my bag* Spike: Hey, what's going on out there?

Spike poked his head out my bag. The wind stung his face and his eyes watered.

Him: What the -!

Me: Anyway! Yeah, take my bag. Imma pull something ballsy!

I brought out my emergency stash of salted cashews.

Me: Reverse gravity!

So now I was falling...in reverse! A portal opened above me.


I ate my cashews, the portal ate me. Such is the food chain of life.

By then, Lightning had landed on the ground. She was like "WTF?!"

A portal opened up near her. The looked toward it, but nothing came out...or so they thought.

(Enter: Unseen Arcanum)

(Play Theme: )

I started walking around them. Being invisible is so fun.

Lightning: Who's there? Show yourself!

Me: *Clears throat* Who indeed?

They looked over to where the sound came from.

Spike: Whoever's there, I have a weapon and I'm not afraid to use it.

Me: Spike, Spike, Spike. Haven't we told you not to use the Keyblade for things like that.

I made myself visible.

Me: Now give me back my bag. I have to get someone out of there.

Spike was a bit surprised.

Spike: T-there's someone else in here? I was taking a shower at one point!

Me: Wait, you took a shower in my-! Y'know what, never mind. Just get out of my bag.

(Music end)

Me: Guy's,say hello to, Nameless Gear.

Something came out of my bag. It was a formless, wispy cloud of air, then it start taking shape. Slowly, it began to look like something that came out a sci-fi movie. It looked like a mix of two characters that have yet to be named in this story.

Lightning: Nameless...Gear?

Me: Yes, it was given to me by the person who gave me my powers. That story is for later however. What he does is...

A long and boring explanation later...

...So, to put it simply, he changes form depending on which universe I go to and adapts to it's environment.

Lightning was asleep with Spike in her arms. I sighed.

Me: I digress again. Anyway...

We landed in the middle of Echo Ridge. Near to the river. I looked towards the bottom right of the screen...oh wait, I mean the area. Fourth wall breaking habit. It was about 1 o'clock. And I realized I still had my jacket on. Man, is it hot around here or is it just me. I digress again. I put Nameless Gear back into my bag, along with Spike.

Me: Lightning, wake up.


Fine then.

Unknown used Earthquake!

It doesn't affect Lightning...


I accidentally set off an earthquake in an urban area. Well, crap.

Me: Okay, lets try that again.

Unknown used Ice Beam!

It's Super Effective!


Lightning is frozen solid!

Unknown used Curse! No he didn't.


Unknown used Sunny Day!

Lightning thawed out!

Unknown used Final Fantasy VII Victory Theme!

Lightning: Unknown~?

She had an evil aura around her. Her eyes were red and black. My pupils shrank.

Lighting used Falcon Punch!

It's Effectiveness is OVER 9000!

After a few minutes, a lot of pain, and some arguing, we were on our way to the main protagonist's house. I knocked on the door.

Me: Just let me do the talking. I got connections, big time.

Someone opened the door.

?: Oh, well look who it is!

Me: Why, hello Mrs. Stelar. So nice to see you again!

Hope(Hope Stelar): Well hey, A-

I cut her off. I know it's rude, but it was for safety reasons.

Me: Sorry, but can you not call me by name. Just call me "Unknown" for now.

Her: Oh, well okay. So what brings you here.

I told her what we were here for.

Her: Okay then, so you're here to see if her parents are here. I understand. Well, make yourselves at home.

Me: Okay guys. Time to tell you where we are. This place...is one of the worlds of Megaman, the "Blue Bomber".

Lightning: Oh, really! My dad had an adventure with Megaman at one point.

Me: Yes, I remember that. I don't know exactly what happened because I haven't read all of the "Worlds Collide" Series.

Lightning looked confused.

Her: The "Worlds Collide" series?

Me: Don't worry about it. Anyway, this is a different version of Megaman. The one that your dad befriended was the original version. All are relatively the same, being blue and all, but this one has some notable differences. I know where he is. He's at school.

I shuddered at the last word. I never liked school, once I hit the age of 12. It was always like an Asylum for me.

Me: A-anyway, we should go check at the school.

I let Mrs. Stelar know we were leaving to go see Geo, her son.

This is it. Time to face one of my few fears. School. Then I remembered something.

Me: Okay guys, this is it.

Lightning: Yeah, I think we can tell.

Me: You'll need these.

I handed them their Hunter-VG's. The Hunter-VG would be more important later.

Me: It's called the Hunter-VG. When you get your "Wizard", that's where it will stay, unless you take it out. *Idea*

Me: Transcode: Omega!

Nameless Gear appeared in front of me and I transformed.

(Enter: No: 13, Omega)

And I disappeared from sight. Again.

Lightning: Seriously! He disappeared again!

Spike: Can I do that?

I materialized back into reality.

Me: No. You'll learn how to do that later. Anyway let's head inside...

I opened the door and I bumped into someone.

?: Hey, can you please watch where you're going please?...

He looked up at me.

?: I-It's you! A-

Me: Will you people try to keep up? I said, call me "Unknown".

Then I realized I didn't tell him yet. *Mental Facepalm*

Me: Oh right. I forgot to tell you, Geo.

Geo: Oh. Well, nice to see you again, big bro.

Spike and Lightning were taken a back a bit by this.

Them: B-bro-brother?

Me: Well..not exactly. More like adopted brother.

Spike: Oh. Well tell us next time!

Lightning: Will we be seeing more of your "siblings" as we go on with this?

Me: Yes. Anyway, Geo. How's It going at school?

Geo: Well, it's been fine. Although, Someone new joined recently. Where is she?

Me: Well, I guess I'll see her later. Right now I want to see Mega.

?: You rang?

Geo: Oh fine. Wizard, On!

And in front of us materialized who is one of my favorite characters in gaming history, Omega-Xis, Mega!

Mega: It's been a while, kid.

Me: Who you callin' a kid, old timer?

Mega: Oh, hitting it where it hurt's, I see. Where's your Wizard?

Nameless materialized in front of me.


Mega just laughed.

Mega: Still the strong silent type I remember when we first saw you two.

Me: Well, where's Prez and the -

I would've completed my sentence, but someone snuck up behind me and covered my eyes. I could tell it wasn't just me that was surprised.

(Theme: Panty & Stocking - Fly Away (Sim Gretina Remix))

?: Guess who.

Her hands were soft, like an angel. Her voice was sweet and soothing, like an angel. She smelled like an... oh I see where this is going.

Me: Stargazer!

(Music: Six Flags Theme)

AAAAAAND that's a wrap! I wish this thing wasn't so boring. Me and writing never went together well. I've left references in this, a few were really obvious. Shoutouts!

SonicDash777: You sir, are a really good fanfiction writer. I really like your stories. Sorry if this seems a bit copy and pasted.

SonicMX: One of my favorites. Metal Sonic's Log was pretty good, having Omega inject him with the FREE WILL CODE. But wasn't that E-102 Gamma's job? But, then again, he was destroyed.

mb6 and mb7: You have one of the most popular stories in this genre. It didn't start out that way, and I never saw that race coming. I liked it. Keep going.

Ashley Tigers: That was one of my favorite bonuses ever. Making me a spectator, oh, you shouldn't have! Hope the next one is coming along well.

bronysonicfan0000: You sure are an interesting one. A harem story. That actually ended pretty well. And you did a Q&A show as well, which also seems to be going well.

Shadowisepic: All I can say is, good luck with that bonus. Seem's like you're gonna need some help.

Aura the Hedgehog: The aura is with me. I NEED TO SEE MOAR OF YOUR STORY TOO DUDE!

Stargazer the Angel Hedgehog: Stargazer, my, my, you are someone. Giving me a good backstory I can work into mine. Hope you like how it turns out.

Galaxysonic: You were one of the first people who used me. As a good friend of mine, a big thanks, and I hope to see more of your story.

Okay, something I have to ask for anyone who is reading this that is a Pokemon fan. Are you getting X or Y. I am getting X, simply because I liked Xerneas. If you want we can trade. Just a random question.

And one last thing. This is serious. Who do you guy's see me as? A kind person, an annoying person, just something I had to ask.

Anyway, guys, GOOD LUCK!

