Hello, it's me again! I have another chapter for you, enjoy!

Chapter three.

"Prepare for unforeseen consequences."
- Alyx Vance.

I froze when I saw the body, there were fungi growing out of the head, arms and chest the body is absolutely unrecognizable and grown into the wall. While I know the only thing it can do to me is releasing spores and that they are harmless because of the gas mask I'm wearing I still don't turn my back on the corpse. I slowly move towards the curtains, after a few seconds that feel like hours they are within reach of my hands. I move the flashlight from my right to my left hand while keeping it pointed at the infected corpse. Finally my right hand finds the dusty cloth of the curtains and in one movement I yank them from the ceiling.

The apartment is filled with sunlight now that it can freely come through the windows but to my horror the light reveals multiple other corpses.

I still need to check if there is a live one here. I think as I quickly move towards the nearest bedroom door, just when I try to open it the rotten wood around the hinges crumbles away and the door falls to the floor with a loud bang.

I freeze up immediately and hold my breath until the only sound I hear is the beating of my own heart. Ok, no other sounds, maybe nobody heard that.

I quickly scan the room with my flashlight but nothing dangerous catches my eye and I don't feel like staying inside this apartment any longer than I have to. So I leave the drawers and nightstand unopened.

I move through the second bedroom and kitchen in a similar manner until only the bathroom is left, I try to open the door but it does not budge.

"Seems like it is locked from the inside." I mutter silently, while wondering what I should do with it I remember that the door of the first bedroom practically fell from its hinges when I touched it.

Can't be that hard to break through. I think as I put my right shoulder on the wood and start pushing, nothing.

I take two steps back and charge the door with my shoulder, I can hear some of the wood breaking off when my shoulder connects with the door but it doesn't give away completely.

I move a few steps back and survey the damage that I've done to the door, the upper hinges have broken off but the lower one is still intact and seems like it's not even damaged.

I walk back to the door and kick it at the bottom, immediately I notice that there is something on the other side that does not budge.

Sighting I take a few a few steps back again and charge the door again, nothing.

This time I walk a few meters back into the living room, my shoulder is getting sore so if I'm not breaking through after this I decide to just leave it. I start running at the bathroom door but this time my run up is long enough for me to get some real speed, the door connects with my right shoulder again and I push with all my weight.

The door breaks in and I fall through the doorway head first onto the floor, my right shoulder and head hurt as a result so I take a few seconds to close my eyes and catch my breath.

But then I hear a clicking noise coming from the floor below me, I freeze completely, not even daring to breath. Fuck, that one heard me I think as I hear the Clicker moving around below me, it takes several minutes before the clicking noise starts moving away from me. I stay silent until I don't hear the Clicker anymore, that takes just a minute or two but it still feels like an eternity lying in dark.

When I finally feel confident enough to move I slowly stand up on the door and aim my flashlight into the bathroom, that was a big mistake.

I can see a skeleton siting in the bathtub, but that isn't the most horrifying part. There is also a third arm in the bathtub, and dozens of smaller bones scattered over the floor, in a corner I can see another skull facing the wall. As if the person in the bathtub killed and ate the second person but couldn't face the head afterwards without feeling guilt or sick.

A startled scream leaves my mouth before I can control it, if there is one thing I hate it is skeletons.

That scream gave me away, not only did the clicking noise downstairs come back but I now also hear several others Clickers join him, "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!" I yell as I turn around and sprint through the door. I run through the stairwell leaving behind the supplies I gathered from the last apartment, at the stairwell I don't even dare to look behind me, fearing that there is an infected right on my heels and that it will get me if I turn around.

Panting I bolt through the doorway at the roof and close the heavy metal door behind me, fully expecting some infected to try to get through it the moment I close it.

But there is nothing, I hear nothing besides the beating of my own heart and birds peacefully singing in nearby trees.

I take a few steps back from the door, "Well, that's better than I expected." I mutter as I start walking towards my pile of wood on the roof. I pick some of it up and bring it to the tent, there I start to prepare a campfire.

I make some kindling out of paper and dry twigs and retrieve a box of matches from the tent, I have a decent fire within a minute.

Sighting I stand up again and take a can of dried beans, which I start to warm up in the fire, this time I try to make myself comfortable as I sit down again.

"Ok, I need a plan" I say to myself as I watch over the post-apocalyptic city of Boston.

I suppose I can try to save Tess as she jumped by the two assholes and just try to stick around. If I do I'm sure I can keep her from being bitten. I can also make sure that Joel doesn't get impaled at the university, that would mean that Ellie doesn't have to deal with David. Yeah, I can do some good things if I help them. I think as I try my first bite of the canned beans I've never been a great fan of beans but this isn't that bad.

Wait, didn't the game run into some infected when the group just escaped the military because they couldn't get down from something and had to cut through a building? I ask myself in my head.

I suppose we can avoid that if I bring a rope, yeah, I need a rope.

"Still need to get off this roof first." I say to myself "I'll work on that tomorrow."

That's it for today, have a nice day!