"Your sister?" Andy –I mean Herobrine teased Axel who had a face that seethed rage as he began punching the strange entity to no avail.

"You miss her already? But I like playing with her and her powers…"

She summoned the ender pearl from out of nowhere-that was no longer an ender pearl that looked like in the game, the orb looked like it was made out of an organic substance, something that looked like very rough black skin but it was see through I couldn't explain the logic either because it violated the laws and physics of something that's supposed to be see through but still had a rough texture. The skin like orb began to change into an image like it was glass, it showed the image of the girl which we saw earlier in Ell's summoned portal to the past it was-Axel's sister…Lissandra, she was chained and looked like she was dead-pale, thin and unmoving.

"You bastar-

Herobrine summoned chains from the corners of the room that tied axel from both of his legs and both of his arms, Axel began screaming in agony as the chains punished him.

"You look just like your sister…if you're power wasn't so useless to me I would have taken you by now…"

"This is enough for now…"

A white light coming from the floor held Andy's arm that unabled her from tearing Axel apart.

"I am sorry mother, father-big sis was very excited in meeting you but it seems like she made quite a scene…we shall take our leave. until we meet again…"

The chains freed Axel from his prison, he quickly ran towards the two beings of light and darkness and kicked the orb making it smash to the floor breaking into pieces and freeing a very weakened Lissandra.


Herobrine reached out before her hand was slapped away by the white entity.

"Not now, you caused enough trouble…


The two of them teleported away…

" Goodbye, Father…I love you…"

The white light said in a soft voice that calmed me as both of the entities teleported out of the scene.


My childhood friend-Ell was actually nightmare. Who I taught was Ell was actually a guardian angel who turned out to be not a guardian angel but a goddess named Ellsword. Cupa was actually a living bomb that wiped out her race because of Andy, and Andy was Herobrine who was my daughter which had a little sister…

"Stevie, I'm sorry-all of you I'm sorry…"

Cupa began walking away from the room slowly…

Each step sounded stronger than the last as time began slowing down.

Damn you Steven do something!

Cupa stop…



Why won't words come out of my mouth?

She turned into gunpowder and began vanishing away…


Why, couldn't I say anything?

"It's because her leaving, signals that start of you're new adventure."

I was transported away…How many times have this happened?


"Hello, Steven…"


No, no words came out of my mouth.

The headmaster was wearing a panda costume…I don't know either…he's eccentric.

"Anyways, Steven my full name is Wyvern Deadwood you know what Ellsword Lightshield and I have in common?"


"But first do you know what you and all of those students have in common?"

Nope, nothing can't say a single word.

"Ell and I have last names, while you did not…"

I had a last name it was, it was…


"Let me reveal to you a terrible truth…"

He began adjusting himself as he stood proudly in the empty room.

"You are an Imaginarium. Do you know which is the most successful organization? The organization as big as a whole planet, one that was isolated because the leader chose to lock everything from his people. Oh wait." He snapped his fingers as my mouth opened.

"Conversations are more fun if it's shared with different opinions, wouldn't you agree?"


"Good, Anyways you know what he did to the people? He committed a very unforgivable act. He and a group of very powerful leaders took everyone's powers away and left them there to live by themselves…"

"Why are you…"

"It's because it's a great story my friend."

The Headmaster adjusted himself again and walked towards me.

"But the lock wouldn't hold for long, it seems like the lock began withering away and that's when they undid their deed, they gave everyone their powers back, but…they used arcane magic that unabled anyone from using their powers. Everyone had power, but everyone wasn't able to use it.


"The most successful organization is called earth…"


"Time passed, and you were born, a being who's power is unrivalled by the greatest students themselves, you were a being who was un affected by the curse, well both of you and Ell now, I would say."

"You are a being who is able to make his own world, the world that you always dreamt."

I began smiling.

"Anyway, I know what you're thinking right now. And yes, I will be cheering for you so don't disappoint me.

I know what to do.

"Oh yeah, before you go-Ell isn't Evil…that's all you need to know."

I began looking at him with a determined smile.

"Of course, She's Ell, She's my Yandere childhood friend!" I announced

"And don't forget Ellsword-She's a Tsundere."

My smile grew brighter…

The light began engulfing me as I transported back into the room.

"My Steven!"


Both Ell and Ellsword shouted towards me. It seems like they were the only two left in the room.

"What are you doing you petty goddess? He is mine!"

"Petty? I know Steve longer than you have!"

"Leave my Steven and I in peace!"

"I refuse!"

"Then, Die!"

"I refuse that too!"

I looked at both El and Ellsword, Ell raised her hand up changing her hand into a monstrous claw. While Ellsword began changing her hand into a divine gauntlet.

"Hey guys!" I announced.

"What!?" They said simultaneously.

"From today on, I have a new plan! I will become God!"

"God?" they both repeated

"I will become a creator!"

And so start my journey…

-To be continued-