I tend to capitalize when I'm referring to God. Just a heads up.


Bobby was pacing the floor and trying to concentrate but he couldn't. All he could think of was what was happening in heaven and if Dean's plan had worked. It was a bold plan, Castiel using Dean as his vessel, and it was risky. If anyone detected the deceit, it would eliminate the surprise and bring all their plans crashing down. Castiel had said that he knew an elder angel named Solomon, who could help them hide it from other angels but that was all Bobby knew. They had to make sure that Julianna wouldn't realize it either. She could accidentally give it away. That is, if they found her alive.

Dean was originally destined to be the vessel of an archangel. Because of this, Castiel would be more powerful using him. It would also give Castiel the jump on Raphael and maybe end this civil war once and for all. If Bobby was a praying man, he might take a minute to talk to the man upstairs but rumor has it that he left town long ago.

Bobby poured the last of the whiskey into his glass. He decided then that he didn't know who caused more trouble, angels or demons. If anything happened to Sam or Dean because of this stupid heavenly civil war…

Bobby's thoughts were interrupted when Sam appeared on the floor of the living room. It was as if he was gently placed there by loving hands, and he was unconscious. Bobby ran over to him and knelt beside him. He began to check him for injury but found nothing, not even a scrape. Sam was just out cold. Bobby stood up to get the smelling salts from the cabinet.


Bobby turned to see Jules standing there staring at him.


She ran to him and threw her arms around him. "I'm so happy you are ok. I was so worried."

Bobby held her tight, quietly thanking the powers that be for her safe return.

"Don't worry Bobby, Sam is ok. Father must have sent us here."

Bobby pulled Julianna back suddenly.

"Father? Jules, what the hell is going on?"



Dean heard it and he realized that suddenly Castiel had stopped. Jimmy Novak had been right when he said that being the vessel for an angel is a lot like being chained to a comet. When Dean came up with the idea to be Castiel's vessel, he asked about Jimmy. Cas never mentioned him but he wondered what would happen if Cas left his vessel to transfer to Dean. Cas told him then that Jimmy's soul was released to heaven the day of the apocalypse after Lucifer killed Castiel. Castiel was restored to the same body but Jimmy was freed.

Dean had no intention of being the next Jimmy Novak. He had told Cas that this was a onetime gig. It was not in Dean's nature to be controlled. The plan had been a good one and the surprise attack was working in their favor. Yet, everything suddenly stopped and everyone had disappeared from the battlefield. Now Cas is kneeling on the battlefield next to Raphael, neither one making a move against the other.

When Dean said yes to Cas, he wasn't sure what to expect. The idea of being possessed by an angel was one thing but when that angel was Cas…well…it held a whole different meaning. Cas told him that he needed to relax and just accept him but it was not in Dean's nature to just accept things. He had really tried to stay calm and subdued but it took a while for Cas to gain control.

The sheer strength and power of Castiel surprised Dean. It was intense. He instantly could hear Castiel's thoughts. He could tap into his memories and the feelings that he tried so hard to hide. He heard Cas talking to him, telling him to calm down and not fight it. He tried to listen. This plan had to work.

Now, kneeling on this battlefield, Dean was impatient and ready to be free of this one on one connection. As he tried to relax, he tapped into Castiel's thoughts again as if they were his own. Dean cleared his mind and tuned in to his angel. What was happening?



Castiel had heard it and he had suddenly stopped and fell to his knees. His Father was back. He wasn't dead. Raphael had lied. Cas never truly believed God to be dead but so many things had caused him to doubt. Now, maybe God would take heaven over again. Castiel suddenly felt a rushing sense of relief. Deep down, he was a soldier. It was just so much easier when he was told what to do and followed orders. He wondered for a moment if he was still capable of that kind of blind devotion.

Castiel could feel Dean's impatience inside of him. When he had entered Dean's body, he felt renewed and powerful. Dean's vessel was meant for Michael, so it was logical that it would be stronger but it was more than that. Dean's soul was like a blinding light of devotion, pain and passion. It was almost difficult to control at first and almost impossible to harness. It was much like trying to ride a wild stallion. It was much as Castiel had expected.

Dean's idea to be Castiel's vessel was an interesting strategy, and it had worked. Of course it was risky for many reasons, but the reason that concerned Castiel the most did not come from Raphael and his angels.

When an angel takes a vessel, everything about that person is known to the angel. Cas would be able to see Dean's thoughts. He would be able to sense every memory, every hope and dream and every desire. He didn't want to tell that to Dean because he thought if Dean knew, he might not want to go through with it. The truth is that Cas wasn't sure if he wanted to go through with it for the same reason. Dean would be able to see and feel Cas' thoughts as well. There were just some things that Cas didn't want Dean to know, but it was too late to worry about that now.

God was speaking to him.


When Sam regained consciousness, he filled Bobby in on everything that happened. They all expected Dean and Castiel to appear that same day. However, they did not show. They didn't appear on the second day either. Sam was starting to get nervous.

It was the middle of the afternoon of the third day and Sam, Bobby and Jules were going over ways to contact heaven. Other than prayer, not too many ideas were presenting themselves.

Sam sat back in his chair and sighed loudly. He was visibly frustrated and out of options.

"They will be ok Sam." Julianna offered for support.

"How do you know God isn't punishing Cas and Raphael for fighting and Dean is just stuck in the middle of it? You don't know Jules, do you? Everything doesn't always turn out alright because you want it that way. We don't have that kind of luck." Sam was agitated and tired.

"Go easy Sam. No one knows." Bobby pointed out calmly.

"Sorry Sam" Julianna said quietly.

Sam got up from his chair to walk outside and took a deep breath. "No, I'm sorry. I'm just…"

"Sam? Bobby?" Dean yelled their names as he came running in the back door.

"Dean?!" Sam embraced his brother as he stepped into the room.

Dean was a little surprised at first but sensed Sam's worry and returned the hug. He felt Sam's body relax as he held him tight.

When Sam pulled away, he kept both hands on Dean's shoulders, unwilling to let his brother go entirely. "Are you ok? What happened?"

"Man, it's hitting the fan up there." Dean broke free of Sam's grasp and went straight for the beer in the fridge.

"All the work I do and you acknowledge the beer before me?" Bobby commented sarcastically.

"Sorry Bobby." Dean took a drink and then gave Bobby a quick hug. Noticing Julianna sitting there quietly, he opened his arms and gestured to her. "Well come on, you know you want to."

Jules ran over and hugged him tight. "Where is Castiel? Is he alright? You smell like him."

"Do I?" Dean sniffed at his t-shirt and it had an earthy smell to it.

"If you are finished sniffing around, how about you tell us what happened." Bobby sat at the table and pushed a chair out for Dean with his foot.

Dean sat down at the table. "Cas is fine. The whole angel experience is kind of hazy but here goes. I'm guessing they told you that the big man is back upstairs, Bobby?"

"So I have been told."

"Well, Dad makes all the angel kids stop fighting and sends them to their rooms. I'm still stuck inside of Cas and…wait…wow…that didn't sound right."

Dean took a second and shook his head as if to eliminate any sudden visuals. He took another drink from his beer and continued his story.

"So, anyway, Cas has us kneeling on the ground and Raphael is kneeling next to us. I couldn't really understand what they were saying. All I heard was this booming kind of noise. Cas' heart was racing a mile a minute. He seemed nervous at first and then he seemed really happy. Next thing I know, I am kicked off the angel train. Cas is back in his own vessel, complete with trench coat. He puts his finger on my forehead and I was in the backyard."

"What? Dean, you were gone for 3 days!" Sam interjected.

"Three days? No way, we were only maybe an hour or so. I didn't even get a chance to talk to Cas."

"Dude, we were praying to Cas to let us know what was going on. We were trying to contact you but never got an answer. It was three days."

"No wonder you were all freaked out when I walked in."

"So, is this civil war over now that Daddy's home?" Bobby asked.

"I don't know Bobby but Cas seemed happy about something. I guess we are just going to have to wait and see."

Dean tried praying to Castiel but received no response. He didn't feel like he should be worried but he wished Cas would answer him. He needed to talk to him about much more than God being back home. Dean was finished lying to everyone about his feelings, especially himself.


It was very early the next morning when Dean woke up to find Castiel watching him sleep.

"Hello Dean."

"Cas! What the hell man. You know I hate that."

"You watched me sleep when I was human. It didn't bother me."

Dean sat up in the bed, not willing to admit to watching Cas sleep.

"Well, I'm not you...at least not anymore. So, talk to me Cas. What did Dad say? Are you and Raphael grounded for fighting?"

Cas smiled at Dean. "He is not going to allow Raphael to start the apocalypse again. He said we stopped it and that is how it would stay."

Dean felt a rushing sense of relief overtake him. "Damn Cas that is good news. That is why you were so happy. I could feel it, you know."

Cas nodded, acknowledging the connection.

"He also said that He is going to get Michael out of the cage. There was even some talk of him restoring Gabriel."

"Can He do that?"

"Dean, He is God." Castiel smiled at Dean's childish expression of awe.

"Yeah, I'm still getting used to that. If He gets Michael out, what does that mean for Adam?"

"I imagine He will release his soul to heaven."

Dean shook his head in agreement to that idea. "So, it sounds like Dad is taking over again. Did He happen to mention where He has been? Why come back now?"

"Father doesn't exactly have to explain himself Dean."

"Oh, right. The whole, The Lord works in mysterious ways, right? So, what does this mean for you, Cas? Do you go back to being a soldier?"

"I don't know Dean. Father is allowing me to decide. He said I have earned free will."

"Well, you have Cas. You took on an archangel and you won. I'm really glad you got your Dad back. I know how much that means to you. After being connected to you and everything, I know a lot about what's important to you."

Cas gave him a quick look and turned away, not responding. Dean could sense his nervousness.

"So, did you earn yourself a new wardrobe Cas? Cause, I kind of liked the jeans and t-shirt thing you had going on."

Cas smirked at him. "Yes, I know you did."

"Looking into my thoughts huh? " Dean felt like he should have been embarrassed but he wasn't, not anymore. "So, now that you can do what you want, what do you want to do?"

Cas sat down on the bed and Dean moved over to accommodate him.


"Nothing? What do you mean nothing?"

"I'm tired Dean. I want to help people. I want to sit and watch children play. I want to visit with my sister. I want to help you, Sam and Bobby if you need me. I want to do nothing for a while."

Dean nodded. "Yeah, I get it Cas. That sounds like a good plan."

Both of them sat there quietly for a while. Dean could almost feel the tension coming from Castiel.

"Well, I will let you get back to sleep." Cas stood up to leave but Dean grabbed his arm and pulled him back down. Cas looked at him, confused by the action. Dean swallowed hard, suddenly feeling nervous himself. He had to say something and now was as good a time as any.

Dean locked eyes with Cas. "You know I know right?"

Cas looked away quickly, embarrassed and surprised by the admission. "I know."

Dean kept his eyes on Cas even though the angel was avoiding his gaze.

"I'm guessing that if I could see your thoughts, then you could see mine."

Cas turned to look at him then. "I saw."

Dean nodded and they looked at each other for a long moment.

Cas spoke next.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Nope, wrong brother. You must have thought I was Sam." Dean gave him a small sarcastic smile and Cas melted inside.

"Do you want to talk about it Cas?"

"No," He said it a little too quickly. He had the familiar look of nervous embarrassment on his face and it made Dean laugh.

"You know you should do that more often Dean."

"Do what?"

"Laugh. It makes me happy when I hear it."

"Yeah, I know it does. I didn't have to rummage around in your head to figure that out. You are easy to read." Dean said confidently.

"I am not that obvious Dean. You are the obvious one."

"I never show my feelings. I am a mystery."

Cas let out a laugh reminding Dean of his human side. "Oh yeah Dean. You are a mystery. You never left my side when I was sick. I think you really wanted to come into the bathroom with me too."

The conversation was strangely comfortable and familiar. It was as if it was no surprise that they both revealed feelings for each other. They didn't need to discuss it or analyze it or argue over whether it was right or wrong. It just was. It felt right.

Everything felt right. God was back in heaven. Everyone was back home, safe and sound. For once, everything seemed to be in the right place at the right time.

They sat together quietly for what seemed like a long time. Cas was letting the revelation of his feelings for Dean sink in. Dean evidently was thinking of food.

"I'm hungry. Are you hungry?"

"I could eat." Cas responded casually.

"You don't eat Cas. You're not human anymore, remember?"

"Then, why did you ask me? Besides, I like the social aspect of eating. Sitting around a table encourages people to talk. It feels like… like…"

"…like family." Dean finished the sentence for him.

"Yes, like family." Cas got up and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?"

"I think I'm going to make breakfast for everyone. I'm going to make breakfast for our family. Come help me Dean."

"Do you even know how to do that?"

Cas walked back to Dean and grabbed his hand pulling him up off the bed.

"How hard could it be?"

Dean stood up but he didn't let go of Cas' hand. Instead, he used it to pull Cas closer to him. They stood there for a moment, face to face. Dean moved even closer to him still holding on to his hand and Cas felt a funny sensation in the pit of his stomach.

"Dean" Cas whispered.

"Shhhh" was the only response he received.

Dean put his other hand behind Cas' neck and leaned in quickly, giving Cas a long and tender kiss. He held it until Cas' body went from fearful and rigid to relaxed. Dean let go of his hand and brought both his hands up, entangling his fingers in Cas' hair, kissing him again. Cas suddenly found himself up against the wall. Dean's body was tight against his and Cas moved forward into the embrace. Then, as quickly as it happened, Dean pulled away. He smiled at him, gave him a wink and went out the door, leaving Cas standing there with flushed cheeks and pink lips. Cas took a minute to catch his breath and slowly smiled to himself. He followed Dean out of the room.


When Bobby and Sam got up, Cas and Dean were both in the kitchen. Cas had taken off the trench coat and tie and he was rushing around the kitchen trying to keep up with Dean. There was toast and eggs and bacon. Cas was doing his best to cook the sausage links; while Dean had popped open a container and was putting biscuits in the oven.

"Cas, you have to turn the sausage links so they cook on all sides."

"I am turning them. You pay attention to your biscuits. How difficult is it to cook biscuits from a container? You gave me the hard job."

"Biscuits are an art form Cas. Quit whining."

Bobby and Sam stood there at the doorway of the kitchen watching the scene as if they were bystanders at a traffic accident.

Bobby looked at Sam. "I just want to make sure. Are you seeing the same thing I'm seeing?"

Sam stared at the two of them in disbelief. "Well, if you are seeing my brother cooking breakfast with an angel, then yeah, I'm seeing it too."

"Is your brother smiling too? Cause that is what I'm seeing."

"Yep, that is a real smile, not one of the fake ones." Only Sam knew the difference between the two.

"What's going on?" Julianna had just woken up and squeezed between Bobby and Sam to see what they were staring at.

Sam put his arm around her shoulders. "Well, your brother is back and I think he might be dating my brother. I can't tell."

Dean finally acknowledged the crowd.

"Make fun if you want to but for the first time in a long time, everything seems like it is in the right place."

Jules ran into the kitchen and threw her arms around her brother. Cas took the sausage off the stove and held her tight.

"Are you ok? Were you hurt?" Cas held her out at arm's length and looked her over.

"I'm fine" Jules looked at her brother strangely. "You seem different Castiel."

She put her hand on his chest and then looked at him with surprise. "You are…happy."

Dean interrupted. "How could he not be happy? He is cooking breakfast with me."

Castiel rolled his eyes in mock disgust. "Really Dean? You truly are not all that impressive. Must you constantly flatter yourself?"

"See, there you go with the flatter word again. Didn't I already tell you that was a chick word?"

"I am sure there is no such thing as male words and female words."

"Well, Cas, contrary to your huge ego, you don't know everything."

"I know way more than you. It would behoove you to remember that."

"Well, I would remember that if I knew what behoove meant. Who talks like that?"

Bobby, Sam and Jules looked at each other as Dean and Cas bantered back and forth about the English language.

Jules spoke up. "I think you are right Sam. I think my brother is dating your brother."

Bobby summed it up for everyone. "It's about time. I thought they would never figure it out."


The End.

Thanks to you all of you for the reviews and the favorites on this story. This was meant to be the last of this series but you never know what the future brings. I appreciate all the encouragement. I hope I didn't disappoint. Thanks again.