It's been awhile.
So I know it's been a few months. I've been slowly getting used to living in Japan and I have to say it hasn't been easy. I've had a rough couple of months trying to sort out my life and get use to life here. Me writing a chapter is BEYOND what I expected, but I'm updating on my birthday which I've done for years now so I thought I owed it to you guys still reading this. I LOVE this story and will continue to write it, but please keep in mind my situation. Bear with me as I get over this cultural hump. I'm getting there!
Chapter 54- I kiss something ugly
Everyone knows that if confronted by a predator you are not supposed to run away screaming. It would give the predator dominance and motivate them more to chase after the prey. No, instead, you are supposed to try and make yourself tall and big, put your arms up in the air and try to intimidate them. Oh, and you are also supposed to run to the closest tree and climb it…wait that's just for bears.
Wait, I think everything I mentioned was for a bear situation.
They really don't teach you about these kinds of situations in school, do they? I really think they should because here I was, standing only inches away from kissing razor sharp fangs.
Okay, now if there was a 'what-to-do-when-a-demon-is-about-to-eat-you 101' class then I would've known what to do in this situation. But because there wasn't, and I had no idea what to do, well, all I could do was wait and hope that my fuzzy white housecoat wouldn't end up with blood stains. My mother would not be happy.
Did I happen to mention it wasn't Sesshomaru's razor sharp fangs in my face? Thought it was him didn't you. Yeah, I totally wish it was my amnesia stricken psychopathic mate instead of …I don't even know who this was! But my god their breath was bloody horrible! Seriously, it smelled like they had just had raw meat or…oh.
So the was why they had blood on their…
"You have…"I started speaking without realizing it. I tried to hold my breath so I wouldn't gag. "…some blood right there." I pointed to the spot on the corner of my mouth to indicate their little mess.
Seriously though, who the hell was this demon? And what did they want?
Guess I shouldn't have mentioned the blood on their face because all I got was a ragging growl in response. Okay, rude! I shut my eyes waiting for the roaring response to be done.
And when I opened them I saw the pair of crazed yellow eyes again. I nodded my head, whispering low. "Are you done?"
I was trying really hard to stay completely calm. Besides, my mate was a demon, so I wasn't totally clueless on how to deal with these types of situations. I may have had a little training in the past. Plus, I did save my baby from a psychotic serial sorcerer who has been hunting me like crazy for the past year. I wasn't an invincible superhero, but I wasn't going to count myself out for being a badass.
Still, my heart pounded against my chest insanely fast, and I wasn't going to lie that my mind was screaming at me to run and hide like a stereotypical girl in a monster horror movie.
But I also reminded myself that Saika was downstairs with my mom. They didn't know what was going on, and I really didn't want to lure a demon intruder into my life.
The intruder growled low again. His yellow eyes pierced into mine. His face was unfamiliar but I could tell he was a wolf demon from his shaggy, long brown hair and tail behind him. And a young one too. Why there was a wolf in my room, I really wanted to know. And I wanted to find out without being Little Red Riding Hood.
Strange too was the fact this wolf demon was acting this way. Wolf demons usually were chill creatures unless their alpha ordered them to act out or worse, died. Most of the wolf pack wolves would remain calm unless told otherwise. This one…something wasn't right. He was feral.
"What do you want?" I asked in a low, calm voice. I was pinned up against the wall with a demon wolf threatening to pounce on me if I made one move. I couldn't really play twenty questions at the moment.
All I got was a growl in response.
Okay… "Who is your alpha?" I asked again.
Another growl, louder this time, came as a response. Guess that wasn't the right question.
I swallowed and breathed in deeply. "Who is controlling you?"
His eyes narrowed as the growled seized. I was getting to him. So I continued.
"Who is inside your head?"
Then he continued to stare at me before he shut his eyes, placed his hands to his head and began to groan.
I clenched my teeth, feeling that I was getting closer, so I went further, stepping towards the creature. In response, he stepped back howling in pain, and so I replied in a low, demanding voice. "Tell me who X is."
And in that moment, time seemed to slow. I saw the ferocity return in the demon's eyes, more savage than before. The predator had been released from its reins, free to capture and devour its prey. I gasped out in surprised, my eyes grew wide in response, and I went into fight or flight mode.
And what was my fight or flight mode? Well, it was to remain where I was because my damn legs wouldn't move and wait for my end. It was a good life.
But a flash of white entered my field of vision. It was so fast that one moment I was staring into a world of teeth, and then the next nothing at all. On the other side of my room, I saw a long, white haired figure pin the snarling wolf demon by its neck and up against my wall. Shards and debris of my vanity scattered around them. The room shook as my saviour slammed the wolf again. Green mist ran off my savour's hand as I started to smell burning flesh.
"Sesshomaru, stop!" I demanded, breathing heavily.
He turned his head slightly to me, his eyes hungry.
"It's not his fault," I continued, trying to convince him to drop the wolf and not destroy my room further. "He's being controlled by X."
Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed slightly, turned his head back to the wolf, and dropped the demon into the pile of broken wood pieces. The wolf was unconscious as he remained lying in the remains of my vanity like a sizzling lump. He was poisoned. Not badly, but the black mark on his neck would take a long time to heal, and the poison in his bloodstream would be longer still, making his life a burning hell without quick pain medication.
I looked at the wolf then back to Sesshomaru where he continued to stare at the wolf. "Why are you here?"
He didn't answer. At least I wasn't getting a snarl as a response, but I didn't need this silence.
"Tell m-"
"I sensed something was wrong," he replied quietly, and I took a step back surprised by the response. "I felt this irritating heaviness in my chest that compelled me to come to this location. Now I understand why."
He turned fully to face me, his expression colder than before.
"We truly are mates," he confessed with disgust, "which makes me want to kill him even more."
I shook my head slowly, trying to ignore the fact his words came out like venom. "You don't have to. He was being controlled. He couldn't help it. Besides, I have no clue who he even is."
"He is a vile wolf demon who decided to press onto my possessions."
The last of his words stung me like a hornet. A possession? I swallowed the anger that was building, and in a low voice said. "Get out."
His cold eyes narrowed.
And so I repeated in a louder tone. "Get out!" I stepped forward with a pointed finger towards him and clenched teeth. "I am nobody's possession and I especially not yours!"
Then he smiled. He fucking smiled! And that cracked the ice in me. "Hn, like you a weak human could handle a demon like this. If I was not here, you would be splattered pieces of flesh on the wall."
"I would've survived just fine. I can handle this situation on my own!"
He crossed his arms. "What will you do if I leave and he wakes up?"
"I'll handle it," I answered in confidence, walking up to him. "Don't underestimate how I can deal with demons. I've dealt with one for the past year and a half. And this doesn't even come close to what I went through."
I moved passed him and tried to carry the wolf to my bed where he would be more comfortable. Somehow though Sesshomaru didn't like that idea and grabbed the wolf himself out of my arms.
"Hey! What are you doing?"
He dragged the wolf to the other side of the room, placing him on a clear part of my floor. "Don't think I would allow another male to touch you let alone place him on your bed."
"Wha-" Okay, jealous much? My gods if I knew dog demons were this possessive then I would've taken history class online and avoid meeting Sesshomaru in the first place.
I paused then at my sudden thought, and blinked in realization that I was questioning whether I regretted meeting him. Then I realized this wasn't who he was and it was because he was technically stuck mentally in 1362. He couldn't help doing these actions. It was purely based on instinct. He was protecting his mate…that's all.
Then I thought back to the reporters he had killed. Those reporters were all after me. Did that mean he…?
Still, he did try to kill me. But that could've been based solely on confusion.
I took a deep breath, feeling guilt build in my stomach. "Okay, thank you for saving me, but…did you really have to destroy my vanity and wall?" I gestured to the dismantled piece of furniture and the giant hole in my wall where now everyone could see inside my room. And I doubt my mother would get it fixed anytime soon.
"I did what I could to rid of the problem. It was clearly in the way of dealing with the problem."
I lifted my eyebrow. "My wall was in the way of the problem?"
"Okay, now what?"
"I kill him."
"Wait…what? No!" I waved my hands in front of myself. "We can deal with him another way. Besides he probably has answers to who X is."
Sesshomaru eyebrows furrowed. "Who?"
I blinked, realizing he probably had no idea who I was talking about. However, if I did tell him he probably would go to the ends of the earth to track them down ending my suffering. But then…ah never mind. I just thought of all the innocent bloodshed that would occur and how illegal it was to assassinate anyone. "Never mind. Just some person who has been giving me a rough time."
"Rough time? They have threatened you?"
I shook my head, knowing I was on the tract to getting him riled up more than he should be. "No, it's fine. Everything is fine."
He crossed his arms. "You know as much as I despise the fact you are my mate, and I can't take it away without your permission, I have this deepened urge to protect you and destroy anything that harms you. Unfortunately, I feel every emotion inside you. I even know when you are lying because your heart beat races twice as fast."
I swallowed. "I'm…not lying. I'm fine."
"Then I demand you to tell me who this X is."
"They're…" I paused. "…a bully."
It wasn't a lie. But Sesshomaru's narrowed eyes told me he wasn't fully convinced. Still, it may have been enough to keep the wolf alive.
"Let me call someone who can probably help with the wolf, okay?"
I went over and grabbed my phone, keeping an eye of both dog and wolf. Gods, I needed a vacation from demons.
The phone rang once when Ayame answered on the other side. "Rin? What's up? Are you okay?"
I loved how a phone call to my friend told her immediately something wasn't right. "Nah, I just decided to call to gossip about the latest! Do you want to know?"
"Rin, what's going on?" I heard her impatient tone grow.
"Ah, well you know, I was having this totally relaxing evening like I do every night, and well the greatest thing happened tonight! You know that guy in Biology that has totally been crushing on me? You know the one who I apparently I don't even know they exist? Well, he decided to totally surprise me with an almost BIG kiss tonight in my bedroom!"
"What- what are you talking about, Rin? And why are you speaking like that?" she asked, now with confusion in her voice. Even Sesshomaru looked at me like I was crazy.
"Like I don't get it, Ayame. Why do wolf demons always come onto me? It wasn't as if I was expecting it at all."
"Oh my god," she slowly said. Now she got it.
"So, do you know who it may be?" I asked, returning to my normal tone.
"Shit…okay, yeah. Let me call Koga and I'll be right over."
"See you in a bit."
I hung up the phone promptly after and nodded to Sesshomaru. "Ayame is on her way. Probably part of her and Koga's pack."
"Did she mention why a wolf would act this way?"
It took a few seconds for me to answer. I didn't want to full out say he was under a sorcerer's spell. "No, but she said she would handle it. So please, no more…poisonous destruction."
I walked passed him to my destroyed vanity. I had it since I was ten, and now...well, I wasn't using it, but it would've been a nice gift for my daughter one day. I kneeled down and grabbed one of the mirrored shards, noticing Sesshomaru was standing right behind me.
I stood up and turned to see him right there. I froze for a moment as his hand went to my long damp hair, holding the strands in between his long fingers.
"Tell me, human. Why would you be my mate?" he pulled my hair and sniffed it, whispering. "What makes you so special?"
I couldn't answer. It sounded as if he was asking himself so I didn't really know how to answer.
"Your smell enlightens me. Your personality thrills me. The way you act and speak sends spikes of lightening down my soul, placing me into a moment of utter confusion. I want to kill you and yet protect you at the same time. I don't understand why you would be the one."
But before I could open my mouth to speak, I noticed movement behind Sesshomaru and saw our wolf friend was gone. Sesshomaru noticed my change in focus and turned to the mysterious disappearance. I looked around the room but there was nobody here besides us. I looked to Sesshomaru for any answers and a moment later he commented, "He escaped."
"But you poisoned him, so he couldn't have gone far-"
There was a moment of silence until I realized something. And my eyes grew wide and panicked.
"Oh no," I muttered before flying as fast as I ever could out of my room, down the hall and into the living room where my mother and daughter were held up huddled into the corner with a giant snarling wolf (literally in a wolf form) stalking towards them. I stopped at the doorway, watching my mother hold my sleeping daughter closely to her chest. Her eyes were shut, hoping that the predator would notice that it wasn't worth it and leave. But it didn't look like it would be the case.
I had to be careful in this situation. If the wolf noticed something, he would pounce faster than I would blink. I wouldn't make it to them on time. And even if I did, what could I do? Sesshomaru was right, what could I do?
Sesshomaru was behind me moments later. I could tell in his eyes that he was even confused as to why the wolf was still moving. There was enough poison in the demon to incapacitate him for hours. So then…
"He's still under their control," I muttered. And it had gotten so far that the demon transformed into his true form so the pain from the poison wasn't as bad. Still, if the demon went any further in releasing energy….
"Sesshomaru, we have to stop him," I said in a low tone.
He didn't say a word. He only launched towards the giant wolf, crashing into my mom's china cabinet. Oh I was going to have an earful after this.
While the two demons wrestled for dominance, I took my mother from the corner, pulling her up onto her shaky legs and quickly leading her away from the scene and into the laundry room.
"Rin," she began.
"Keep Saika safe," I answered, closing the door behind her. How was Saika still even sleeping? That child I tell you.
I leaned against it hearing the sounds of growling and snarling in the living room. More sounds of broken glass and breaking made me quickly grab the closest knife and rush back in. But by the time I did, there was a change in the atmosphere. Sesshomaru had the wolf pinned to the floor with both arms and a leg. Well, at least he was trying. I could tell the struggle was real. And that was when I noticed Sesshomaru's demonic energy swirling around him. I could see an invisible force radiate from his body. I could feel the room grow heavy, as if several pounds were placed on gravity.
I watched from the doorway as Sesshomaru's growl grew louder and louder as the giant wolf snapped and snarled back. I couldn't see Sesshomaru's face but I could feel a transformation occurring. Was I about to witness Sesshomaru's true form? Inutaisho told me about a dog demon's true form – a great and giant beast the size of a small mountain. I honestly didn't want that to happen because it would destroy my mother's house.
So I decided to step forward.
I shouldn't have done that though because right when I did, Sesshomaru noticed my presence, quickly glanced into my direction. He must've lost his concentration because a second later I heard him yelp in surprise, stepping back off the giant wolf.
Then the giant wolf growled low, backing up and crashing through the window, disappearing. Outside I noticed Ayame, Koga, and a few members of the pack look into my direction after seeing the giant wolf leap out of the window. I heard Koga shout orders and they raced off after it.
Ayame came in afterwards, and I told her to go and check on my mom and Saika as I went over to Sesshomaru.
I breathed heavily as I saw the deep bit mark bleeding on his shoulder. He didn't seem too fazed by it, but that didn't stop his hand touching the wound to try and stop the bleeding. He was in pain. I could feel it.
"Sesshomaru, let me see," I urged, only to get a growl in return.
I looked up to see his eyes had a tint of red behind them, and his demonic marking were slightly raised and grown. "Damn him," he growled.
I took a step back cautiously.
He was in the middle of transforming.
You know what to do! I'll be back sooner than soon!