Night spread around Jump City as a blanket of blackness, tucking away the citizens of their weary day. Fog crawled through the empty streets, its thickness captivating anything around it. The cool crispness of a summer night pinched the air, stroking any lone wanderers around the quiet streets.

Yet, where there is tranquility, so dwells an opposition wanting to break it, for within the city also dwelt something hideous and blood-curdling. Its mutated form roamed into a construction sight, mindlessly looking for things to destroy.

"Plasmus!" yelled Robin, wind flapping his cape as he pointed to the beast, Titans getting ready to fight beside their leader."This sight is off limits."

"Good 'lil monsters are in bed by eight," joked Beast Boy, with his humored grin featured on his face.

A piercing yell sounded from the monster as it whipped its arm at the heroes.

"Titans GO!" And with that, they ran into battle. Raven telepathically picked up a truck and threw at it but it hit it away then threw its liquid-like material at her. Instantly she disappeared into her dark portal like a phantom owned by night. Beast Boy transformed into a T-Rex to charge the creature, but it shot its slime at him.

"EW!" complained Beast Boy, now in his human form, caught in a puddle of slime. "Monster guts!"

Plasmus turned to the leader who gave him a dangerous, challenging look. The beast growled and charged after the him, throwing out hits of slime at the hero. He dodged the attacks in a rapid movement of acrobatics.

Robin back-flipped through the murky night, his swift movement cutting the air like a sharp knife. Landing securely on an unfinished building in the construction sight, he swiped off a strip of sweat away from his face. A wisp of his breath melted into the cool air like the intangibility of the murky fog around him.

Plasmas shot out more of its substance at the young hero. Quickly, Robin ducked from its aim while running across the skeletal figure of building. One of the lively substances molded into an ugly scorpion shape, snorted like a wild boar, and crawled after him. He threw out his bo-staff and sparred with it, aggressively. It tried to grasp him with its form of a claw, but he leaped to a higher pole, swinging around it to avoid more hits aimed at him. At a height, further up than Plasmus' mini-monster, he leaped down, yelling, his bo-staff aimed at the threat.

Before he could reach the chemically mutated creature, a blast of sonic, amplified noise knocked it off the building with an animal-like squeal.

Landing firmly to a lower metal pole, he put away his bo-staff in his utility belt while looking to the source of the noise: Cyborg and his mechanical arm.

"I had him," Robin insisted.

"Sure ya' did," snickered Cyborg.

A green eagle transformed into Beast Boy, perching himself upon the unfinished building. "Duuuude!" he complained. "I hate Mondays!"

"Good," said Raven, coming out of one of her black portals, "because at this hour, it's Tuesday."

"Then let's finish up this zit!" shouted Cyborg, raising up his arm to shoot out another sonic blast.

"That won't work, Cy," said Robin. "He'll just multiply his remains."

"Then how're we suppose to beat 'em?"

"Yeah," agreed Beast Boy in the already negative situation. "I mean this dude's as hard as rock."

"Rock...that's it!" gleamed the leader, leaping off of the building and into the depths of battle.

"I would like some assistance now, please," said Starfire, shooting her starbolts at Plasmus, chasing her.

"Hold on Star," called Robin, leaping onto a parked truck. Gracefully, he flipped into the sky, threw down one of his mini-bombs that burst open the the truck, and made the cement, held in it, spurt out everywhere. He pulled Starfire down to the ground, blocking both of them with his own cape from the mess of Plasmus' goo.

When he pulled his cape down, his masterpiece stood before them- a concrete Plasmus!

"AH, yeah!" praised Cyborg walking to the two with the other Titans behind him. "Beat'n monsters like a boss."

"HELLO! It was MY idea!" proclaimed Beast Boy.

"Right," responded Raven, sarcastically. "Because you were just about to do that, right?"

"Glorious!" exclaimed the Tamaranian, rising to her feet. "We shall celebrate such victory with apprehending the Zs of sleep!"

"I'm up for that!" Cyborg said, he and the Titans walking away...almost all of the Titans.

"Robin?" asked a sweet voice beside the leader, who stared suspiciously at the concrete Plasmus. He turned around to see all of the Titans looking at him. "Are you not joining our return to the tower?"

"I will later," he promised, putting a skeptical finger to his chin. "Plasmus doesn't usually break out on his-its own account. And crime being so slow lately, makes it seem a bit odd that one of Jump's toughest villains would just randomly escape. The whole situation is fishy..."

"Man, can't you just take a break?" Complained Cyborg, rolling his eye. "So there's not a lot of crime. So what? Don't mean you gotta stress about it all the time."

"Yeah," agreed Beast Boy, "ever since Slade's dust got in your system, you've always been-OW!" Raven rammed her fist at the changeling's shoulder to get him to stop talking. "Hey! What was that-!?" he began until he realized his error in mentioning that instance.

Robin stood, his back facing the Titans. A whistle of wind touched his cape lightly, flapping it in the foggy night. It had just been a week since he saw the hallucinations of Slade, a week since they cured him...mostly cured him. The thing about a battle is that, no matter how long ago it ended, there's usually a scar that won't heal from it. Robin's scar is that Slade could still manage to hurt him even when the man is dead.

Cyborg rubbed his hand against his bulky neck, breathing out exhaustion for his friend. "Look,...just be back before morning or I'm coming back for ya."

Biting his tongue, somehow finding offense in Cyborg's words, Robin grimaced, nonetheless, nodded in agreement.

Just as the wind blows, almost all of the Titans slowly drifted away with it. Yet a warm, hand rested upon the leader's caped shoulder. Slowly, Robin turned around to find a concerned Starfire, her emerald green eyes softening in pity.

"Star, I'm fine, really," he assured to plant the gleam back into her stare. A smile spread on his face but its lack of emotion was obvious to even Starfire.

No such joy for her could form when she saw his evident troubles seeping through the masked away eyes. "Apologies, my friend, but I cannot come to believe that," she said, sadly.

"I just..." Robin thought out his words carefully. "I just need some time to think..."

"To...think?" asked Starfire, curiously. "What troubles your mind? Is it...Slade?"

Robin stroked his hand through his gelled hair, a captured breath slowly released. "I guess...maybe. I'm just... not sure how to accept he's gone."

"He is, Robin. It is difficult, I am sure, but please accept that you were not in this battle with him alone. I- the other Titans and I are here for you. We are a team, and even if Slade were really alive, we would handle him as a team. Is that not what friends do?"

Robin nodded, a more genuine smile slipping onto his face. "Yeah, that's what they do..."

Starfire smiled, happy to find Robin's comfort with her. "Then that is what we shall continue to do." Waiting to find his response, but not hearing any, she turned to leave, her sweet comfort gone, leaving him with bitter memories.

A/N: It's back! Old Target, New Angle is back due to requests. XD I'm having a little dance victory here while Robin's fuming about it over here. lol, anyways, I'm going to say the same thing I said on my account. It's not gonna be EXACTLY like the original, but I'm hoping that it will only be better. I'm having the same plot and the same relationships, but a couple twists and turns.

Just remember to drop off a review so I know what should stay, go, or be the same. Thanks!

-Tabie OUT!