Hey everyone!
Here's the second part of my "Bloody" series. It takes time two weeks after graduation.
Thanks to the amazing Kitten2010 who edited and corrected this
Please review let me know what you guys think, i will really appreciate that

Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Wolf or Vampire Diaries i just play with the characters a little.

Summary: Allison and Stiles finally got their revenge, they and the pack finally finished /
They didn't expect that their summer will be filled with crazy old grandpas getting revenge, old boyfriends, news sheriffs, another kind of werewolves, and for worse relationship problems. Sequel to "Bloody senior year

Pairings/Characters: Isaac Lahey/Stiles Stilinski, Allison Argent/Scott McCall, Jeremy Gilbert/Kol Mikaelson, Allison Argent & Stiles Stilinski (friendship), Scott McCall & Stiles Stilinski (friendship), Vernon Boyd/Erica Reyes, Matt Donovan/Rebekah Mikaelson, Jeremy Gilbert/Tyler Lockwood(past), Lydia Martin/Jackson Whittemore, Isaac Lahey & Rebekah Mikaelson (friednship), Gerard Argent, Sheriff Liz Forbes, Matt Donovan, Tyler Lockwood, Melissa McCall, Klaus Mikaelson

Bloody Summer

Chapter 1: Bloody Party

"Can you believe it?" a girl said into her cell phone. It was late at night and she turned into an alley, taking a short cut.

"It's dangerous to be out alone at night," a female voice purred from the darkness.

The girl gasped and dropped her phone to the ground. "You scared the crap out of me," she said uneasily. She tried to grab her phone, but before she could a high heeled shoe shattered the screen. The girl flinched and stumbled backwards. Shaking, she tried to memorize what her attacker looked like. The strawberry blonde curls fell on her shoulders without a hair out of place. She wore expensive looking clothes. The stranger was eerily perfect, from her manicured nails to her perfect make up and pearly white teeth.

The girl started running, letting her purse fall to the ground in hopes of distracting her assailant. She ran as hard and fast as she could, certain that she'd gotten away. She risked looking back and that's when she crashed into someone.

"You forgot your purse," the strawberry blonde said, examining the bag that she was holding. "It's nice, by the way. But...that's not what I want." Dark veins started to pop up around her eyes and in a flash she had her fangs buried in the girl's neck. The girl was paralyzed by fear. She could hardly believe what was happening to her. Surely it wasn't real.

The vampire pulled away from the girl's neck and looked into her eyes with a stern expression. "Forget all about this. Go home and wear a scarf until your neck heals."

In a flash it was over. The girl stood alone in the alley, looking around wildly and wondering why her neck hurt so badly.

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::

"Where's Allison?" Scott sighed from his spot on the couch in Stiles' living room. "We'll be late for the party if she doesn't hurry." His friends didn't respond and he looked over to see Stiles and Isaac making out on the love seat. "Can you guys like...not do that? I'm right here."

"Cock blocker!" Isaac teased as he backed off of Stiles.

Stiles sighed and slid off of Isaac's lap. "I think you'll survive without her for a few more minutes."

Right on cue, Allison came bouncing down the stairs with Rebekah not too far behind her. "Let's go!"


The rest of the pack was already at Danny's house. They'd bonded over the past few months and were practically inseparable. Isaac had plans of growing his pack, but he was waiting to find the right person. Even though they were a relatively small pack, they were better trained than most. Every weekend they worked together, learning to fight individually and as a group. In addition to that, Allison was teaching them everything she knew about hunters.

"Hey, guys!" Danny said to the newcomers. "The party's inside. Come in!" He quickly scanned the group. "Is Jeremy not coming?"

"He's probably having hot, steamy sex with his boyfriend," Stiles said bluntly.

"Have fun," Danny said. He left the group to join the group of people dancing in the living room.

"Is it just me or did he seem to be acting strange?" Rebekah asked as she poured a glass of punch.

"I smelled vervain," Boyd said, a hint of worry in his voice.

Isaac could see his pack was starting to feel uncomfortable and he took charge. "Just act normal," he said. The rest of the group dispersed, but Stiles and Rebekah stayed with Isaac.

Rebekah took sip of her drink and immediately started coughing. "Vervain," she whispered.

"Something's off," Stiles said. "Tell everyone to be careful. I'm going to go investigate."

It didn't take Stiles long to find Danny. He followed him up the stairs and took his chance to use his supernatural speed to pull Danny into a bedroom. He slammed the door behind them and pushed Danny against a wall.

"I know what you did to me," Danny accused. "I don't remember it, but I know you were using me."

"How do you know?" Stiles demanded.

"Lydia told me everything," Danny replied angrily. "She told me how you killed Jackson and made her a monster just like you."

"I know you're on vervain so I'm not going to bite you," Stiles said, tilting his head in thought. "Although I could just keep you hostage until it wears off and then I'll drink every last drop of your blood." There was a sharp pain in his abdomen and he backed off just enough to see a knife. He sighed and reached to pull it out. Letting his guard down was a mistake.

Danny punched Stiles hard and threw the drink he was holding at the vampire. Stiles backed away, hands scrambling at his burning skin. He let out a groan of pain and fell to his knees.

"Lydia told me to kill you," Danny said, kicking Stiles so that the vampire was on his back. Danny pulled a wooden stake out of the waistband of his pants. Stiles was pretty sure this was it for him. The music was loud and he wasn't sure if anyone would be able to hear him if he screamed.

Isaac must have figured out Stiles was in trouble because the door crashed open just as the tip of the stake pressed against Stiles chest. "Let him go," Isaac demanded. He'd partially shifted and his glowing red eyes and sharp teeth were enough to make Danny pause. Danny scrambled away was Isaac rushed at him. He drove the stake into Isaac's stomach, but that only seemed to anger the werewolf. Isaac's teeth dug into Danny's shoulder savagely and his claws slashed across the teen's face. Danny fell unconcious from the intense pain.

"Are you okay?" Isaac asked.

"I'm fine," Stiles said. "And...not that that wasn't hot, but you bit him. We have to take him with us now."


The pack managed to sneak away from the party with Danny in tow. They took him to the basement under the former Hale house and locked him in one of the cells.

"We have to be more careful," Isaac said. "Lydia is smart, she's planning something. I'm pretty sure Danny was compelled to do that."

"I can't believe you bit him," Scott griped. Isaac couldn't blame Scott. The alpha had promised that he would only bite people who had given consent.

"He's lucky I didn't kill him," Isaac said. "I know I made a promise but he was hurting Stiles. I did what I had to Scott. Besides, you have to admit that the bite was probably the best thing that ever happened to you."

Scott shook his head. "Not even close."

"It cured your asthma," Isaac started listing reasons. "It made you better at sports. You got the girl. It was a gift, Scott. Just admit it."

Scott glared at the alpha and walked away, grumbling, "I can't believe you."

"I'll talk to him," Allison said, rushing after her boyfriend.


Allison found Scott sulking with his back against a tree not too far from the house. "Are you alright?"

Scott sighed. "I don't know. This is all too much. I mean...I guess, Isaac was right. The bite did a lot of good things for me but now we have to deal with this. It's all too much. Sometimes I wish I could be normal again."

"Scott, I know you don't really want to talk about this, but I need you to tell me the truth. Do you have a problem with me being a vampire?"

"Allison…" he said, but he couldn't seem to come up with anything else.

"I love being what I am, just so you know," she said. "Let me know when you're ready to actually talk about it." She disappeared into the shadows before he could come up with anything else to say.

Scott let out a breath he hadn't even realized he was holding in. He knew she was right. They did need to talk about things, but first he needed to figure himself out first. The only thing he's really sure about is that he loves her and he hoped she'd be able to forgive him.


The homeless man let out a loud scream as Allison cut his wrist with her knife. She took in a deep breath, savoring the smell of the blood before she put her lips on the wound. Her gums ached as her fangs came out for the first time. She looked up and saw Stiles taking his first drink of blood from the man's neck. They paused for a moment, looking at each other. Stiles had dark veins around his eyes and his fangs were a pearly white in the moonlight. She knew she looked the same way. They smiled at each other and continued to drink until the man fell dead in their arms.

:::::::::::Flashback end:::::::::

"What are you thinking?" Stiles voice in the present interrupted her thoughts of the past.

"The night we became vampires," she replied.

Stiles laughed. "That was a crazy night."


"Danny failed," Lydia said.

Jackson was immediately on edge. "I thought you said we weren't going to put Danny in the middle of this."

Lydia shrugged. "He was the best option. They trust him...well, they did."

Jackson watched in exasperation as she calmly filed her nails. He loved her, he really did, but he felt like he was being used. It was almost like being the Kanima all over again.