pre class="aLF-aPX-K0-aPE aLF-aPX-aLK-ayr-auR" style="-webkit-user-select: text; font-family: 'Courier New', Courier, monospace, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; white-space: pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;"strongOkay I know I have been gone for a ridiculous amount of time. I'm sorry but hopefully this chapter will put me back on the right the track. Also for anyone waiting for A series of Unfortunate events to be updated, I'm sorry but I'm still stuck with writers block. I will be trying to update this story from now on more frequently but I promise nothing for I may be swamped with homework. But yeah anyway this chapter picks up from where we left off in the last /strongbr /A few days had passed before Santana tracked Quinn down at his locker. The latina had been debating whether or nor she was going to talk to him. She didn't feel as though it was any of her business but she felt guilty. Here she was parading around trying to get Rachel to date her and Quinn was still hung up over her.

"Hey Quinn, got a second? I was thinking maybe we could talk."

Quinn eyed Santana suspiciously. It wasn't the fact that Santana was being friendly but the latina hadn't actively wanted to talk to him since they broke up.

"Umm sure, about what?"

"Well I know you still like me."

Quinn looked at her shocked. He had been trying to reign in his emotions ever since he found Santana and Rachel liked each other.

"Did Rachel tell you?" Quinn said rather calm.

"No I put it together a couple days ago after lunch. Your first day as a janitor."

"Okay and your here to tell me what? That you don't like me, to not try and get in between you and Rachel's relationship..." Quinn trails off still rummaging through his locker.

"No why would I say that? Your a good guy. I just thought you might want somebody to talk to." Santana said with sincerity.

Quinn barks out a stale laugh before closing his locker and leaning against the cool metal. "And you honestly think your the person I should be talking to? Santana I'm trying to get over you and I don't think talking to you about how I feel will help. I need time to myself or maybe someone that's not going to talk about you 24/7." Quinn said, voice still calm.

"Someone like Brittany." Santana bites out on mistake.

Quinn shakes his head and stands up straight.

"See that's your problem Santana so quick judge someone but don't want to be judged yourself. You wouldn't understand what it feels like to have your heartbroken. Ya know cus you actually have to be in love first. Brittany's funny, smart and she doesn't try to get into my head all damn day. I love Rachel and I loved you other than that I don't think we need to talk anymore about my feelings." Quinn said matter-of-factly before he walked past the brunette to his class.

Quinn sat down in the back of his humanities class. A soft sigh was released as he dropped his head on the desk in front of him. He was mad and tired but mostly mad. Quinn was mad at hiself for blowing up at Santana. She was only trying to help. But most of all he was mad at Santana for trying to think she could just swoop in and make everything better. He was trying so hard to be a good friend to Rachel that he didn't know how much heart ache and anger he had been burying. Santana broke his heart and she thought she could say a couple words, be all Dr. Phil and it would be mended.

But Santana was right, he needed to talk to someone before his emotions ate him alive. Quinn couldn't(wouldn't) talk to Rachel about it. She always wanted too much too fast. Noah could never be serious enough and Sam was just a no. The blonde could only come up with the last person he thought he would be telling his emotions to, Brittany. In a way the tall dancer was perfect. Brittany wouldn't judge him, or push for more than he was ready to tell, and she would offer some simple advice.

Quinn made a mental note to invite Brittany over afterschool.

"Mr. Fabray do you find this class so boring that you must sleep while its in session?" Mr. Kevin said with a serious voice that had a hint of a amusement in it.

Quinn jerked up so that he was sitting straight up.

"Umm no sir. I had a headache so I was just resting my head. Sorry Mr. Kevin."

"It's alright Mr. Fabray just don't let it happen again."

Quinn nodded his head in understanding. Mr. Kevin then turned his attention on the rest of the class beginning his lecture.

**Back to Santana**

Santana quickly entered her chemistry class and took her seat next to Rachel. A sigh of annoyance leaving her lips. Why was Quinn being such a big baby about this? They broke up like four or five days ago. Why couldn't Quinn just lick his wounds and get over it?

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Rachel whispered into Santana's ear making the latina jump.

"Quinn." Santana responded without thought.

Rachel frowned a little before straightening her face. "Why?"

"Because I figured out he wasn't over me yet and I talked to him about it. I asked him if he wanted to talk to me about how he was feeling. And he kinda just blew up."

Rachel looked at the girl next to her with a blank face. "Do you honestly think that was a good idea? I wouldn't want to talk to my ex if I had just broken up with them. Quinn needs time to himself to get over you."

Santana huffs in irritation folding her arms across her chest. All she wanted was for everything to be normal again. So she could have her friend back.

**A week later**

It had been a week. A whole seven days of the silent treatment from Quinn. Whenever Santana tried to talk to him Quinn would listen before leaving. If she tried to walk his way he would walk the other way. He didn't even talk in glee club anymore. Santana was going to get Quinn to talk to her and she had the perfect plan.

During lunch Santana went to Mr. Schue's office.

"Mr. Schue I think we need a duet assignment." Santana offered.

Mr. Schue looked at her in surprise. "Why do you suggest this?"

"Because there is a lot of tension in glee. I mean Quinn and my break up, Mercedes and Rachel fighting for leads. We need to do duets with the people we have tension with so we can learn how to form that emotion into a killer performance."

Will raised his eyebrows. The latina never came to him with ideas about how to better the group. In fact she was the cause of most of the groups problems.

"That sounds do-able. Who are the duo's?"

Santana quickly wrote out the duo's on a sheet of paper before exiting the office. The latina made her way to the cafeteria.

Quinn walked into the choir room ten minutes early. The blonde sat near the back and stared at the ceiling. He was so deep in thought he didn't notice anyone had came in until they sat next to him.

"Hey Quinn." Brittany's chipper voice rang through Quinn's thoughts.

Quinn sat up straight before responding. "Hey Britt. What are doing here so early?"

"I could ask you the same thing but I don't think that would be the right question to ask." Brittany said.

Quinn raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms over his chest. Since the two have been hanging out Quinn has learned that the dumb cheerleader act is only just that an act. Brittany was very smart almost as smart as Rachel but she was carefree. Almost to the point of being a hippy. Even though he knew this didn't mean Quinn wasn't still impressed when Brittany and him held an actual conversation.

"What's the right question then?" Quinn asked curiously.

"What's eating Gilbert grape?" Brittany responded poking him in his side.

A light chuckle escaped Quinn's mouth as he dropped his arms and relaxed. "I don't know. Maybe a human who named his grape Gilbert."

Brittany smiled happy that she had got Quinn out of his rut for a moment.

"Thanks Brittany. You always know how to make me feel better."

Brittany shrugged. "I think it might be my super power."

"It just might be." Quinn said, his voice filled with amusement.

"Woah you two can stop eye fucking each other." Noah said as he walked.

Rachel hit the mohawked boy in the back of his head. "Watch your mouth Noah."

"It's impossible to watch your mouth unless you have a mirror or some shit." Noah replied back, cursing on purpose.

Rachel huffed lightly and went to take her seat in the front row. Quinn and Brittany moved down to the row behind Rachel and Puck took the brunette's left.

Soon after the four took their seats the rest of the club sans Mr. Schue showed up. Santana sits next to Rachel and Sam sits next Quinn. Mercedes looks at the six teens oddly.

"What the hell are you looking at Aretha?" Santana snaps out.

"First off la cucaracha I was looking at the weird seating of you six. Like seriously was it planned to put all the blondes on one row and the brunettes on the other." Mercedes pointed out.

Quinn and Noah snickered at Mercedes insult. The rest of members look toward the six teens and raise their eyebrows before shrugging. Mercedes goes to take her regular seat next to Kurt and wait for Mr. Schue to show up. It was 15 minutes later when Mr. Schue finally came.

"Sorry I was so late, but I had this wonderful idea for a new assignment." Mr. Schue said and quickly glanced at Santana nervously.

The girl just rolled her eyes in response. In a way Santana was glad that he took the credit. This way when the partners were named she didn't have to take the blame.

"Were going to be doing duets but before you moan and groan its going to be with the people we have to most tension with. This way we can learn how to work together and harness our emotions into a killer performance." The instructor explained.

All of the members groaned anyway except for Santana and Brittany.

"So I'll start naming partners. Rachel and Mercedes, Santana and Quinn, Sam and Brittany, Puck and Kurt, Finn and Blaine,"

Quinn had waited until Mr. Schue was finished speaking before he began to object. "Mr. Schue this assignment is bull. There's only two legitimate pairs that have tension, those being mine and Rachel's. Other than that the rest of the pairs have put the dislike they used to have for each other behind them. Plus I don't want to sing some song with Santana."

Mr. Schue continues on with the assignment, ignoring Quinn's rant. "Anyway you need to come up with a song to either mend your feuds, or a song that expresses the tension. You guys will be performing your duets this Thursday and Friday."

Quinn mouth drops open at Mr. Schue ignoring him. If he wasn't a teacher Quinn is pretty sure that he would've kicked Mr. Schue's ass.

"So I guess that means we have to get together." Santana said a smirk on her face.

"This is all your fault, I know it." Quinn responds before he gets up and storms out.

"Hmmm...I give him a 8 for flare, and getting the last word. Would've been a full 10 if he did the signature Rachel Berry hair flip and stomp." Noah comments jokingly.

Rachel turns her head to glare at Noah before going to check on Quinn. Rachel found the football player sitting on bench outside of Mckinley. She took a seat next to him.

"I know you and Santana haven't seen eye to eye lately. She wants to be in your business and you want to keep it to yourself. You've been a great friend for me but now you have to let the emotions you have pent up go. I think this assignment will be great for just that." Rachel explained.

"Your on Santana side huh?" Quinn asked.

"No I'm on yours. But I also want you to be healthy and keeping your emotions bottled up isn't."

"I talk to Brittany." Quinn said matter-of-factly.

"That's all fine and dandy. But your gonna have to face Santana someday so you might as well bite the bullet and get it over with." Rachel responded.

Quinn sighed heavily. The blonde looked at Rachel with a weak smile. "Fine I'll do it. Are you happy now?"

"I won't be happy until your the best Quinn you can be. But for now I'm content."

Quinn shakes his before lightly nudging the girl next. "Whatever. Do you need a ride home?"

"No my dad is supposed to get my car today so he's picking me up."

"Woohoo! No more carpooling thank God." Quinn exclaimed.

"Whatever Quinn." Rachel replied with a smile.

Soon the the members of the glee walked out of the doors next to them. Puck and Sam gives the two a fist bump before walking off to their cars. Brittany and Santana stand in front of them.

"Quinn I know th-" Santana starts but Quinn cuts her off.

"I'll be at your house after I drop Brittany off at home."

Quinn takes Brittany's wrist and leads her to his car. "Bye Rachel, bye Sanny." The blonde through over her shoulder with a wave."

Santana sits next Rachel with a huff. "That was rude."

"Yeah but at least he's talking to you." Rachel said with a shrug.

"You need a ride home?" Santana asked.

Rachel spots her father coming down the street in her car and smiles. "No my father's coming."

"Okay I'll wait with you until he comes."

Rachel nods to the car pulling up in front of them. "He's here."

"He owns an Audi?" Santana asked, one eyebrow raised.

"No its my car. Bye Santana."

Rachel runs over to the driver side of her car, that her dad had slid out of when he parked. The brunette gets in and leaves Santana sitting on the /br /strongThe next few chapters will be more Quinn-centric since I want to resolve his problems so later on we can have Pezberry without any interruptions./strongbr /br /pre