Prologue: Need to Know Details

Rachel has a g!p and Quinn is a boy and is on the football team with Noah and Sam. Rachel and Quinn meet the first day in freshman year.

Quinn thought she was smart and a nice person to hang with. So he invited her to bro night with Noah and Sam. From there on the three have been best bros since.

When the school found out about Rachels extra appendage the three jocks were still her friend. They got over the fact and still wanted to be her friend.

Santana is the HBIC and Quinn is her boyfriend. Brittany is her second in command and best friend. Brittany dates Artie.

Everyone is still in glee and Finn is a male cheerleader(don't ask me why). He is also co-captain in glee. Finchel never happened. Finn is gay and is with Kurt. Blaine is at WMHS and dates Dave.

Hmm the rest of the couples are the same.

Rachel has a tiny crush on Santana that will come into play in later chapters. Santana likes Rachel a bit too much and that's her main motive for bullying her.

Anything else you want to know just pm me or review. Anyway I hope you enjoy.

Chapter one: (Junior Year)

Hi my name Is Rachel Barbra Berry and I am the captain of the glee club New Directions. But that's not only thing about me you should now. I am the school pariah and intersex.

I still remember the day the whole school found out about my extra appendage.

Flashback: Gym Class(freshman year)

"Hey berry!" Santana yelled.

Rachel spun around and the dodge ball Santana threw hit her in the face. Dave snuck up behind Rachel as she was getting and pulled down her pants along with her under ware.

"What the fuck. Berry is a fucking dude" Santana says after she takes a picture of Rachel.

And from then on Rachel has become the number one target at McKinley.

End of Flashback.

Rachel shuddered at the memory and proceeded to open her locker. "What's up Berry?" Quinn says fondly "Hey Quinn" Quinn leans against the locker and watches his lesbro get her stuff out of the locker.

Just as Rachel gets the last of her books her locker door slams close.

"Rupaul. Hi Quinn. If your down talking to the tranny which I know your are. Then come and walk me to class." Santana snaps.

Quinn rolls his eyes before fist bumping Rachel "Bye bro."

The couple walks off but not before Santana shoulder checks Rachel into the locker. Rachel let's out a sigh of relief and heads to class.