All characters are in their second class advancement

(Rena's POV)

I take in a deep breath to let out all the tension. Aisha finishes applying my makeup and claps at her work of art. "Oh Rena you look adorable!"

"I may look cute but I seriously nervous!" I fidget with my hands.

"You'll be fine! Just relax alright!" Ara chimes. I nod and try to think of something else. Today is when I'm getting married to Chung, and all of our friends were here to see us. I'm extremely nervous and wish the ground to swallow me up whole.

"Relax kid you'll be fine!" Aisha giggles."We got to do greet some guests so if you need us call alright?" I nod. I still remember how Chung proposed to me.

(Flash Back)

Elsword and Ara began the speech for the graduation. I can't believe I'm graduating! Man time flies! I see Chung mouthing something to the sky he must be telling his sister about the grad. Then Elsword and Ara decide to change up the schedule up a bit.

"Can Chung and Rena please come up to the stage please?" Elsword said proudly. "We have something very important to share!" Everyone whispers about what's going on. Raven and Aisha escort me and Chung onto the stage.

"Alright man good luck!' Elsword pats Chung on the back." I tilt my head in confusion. Chung gets down on his knees and pulls out a sparkling diamond ring. I gasp at the scene.

"Chung I—I don't know what to say."

"SAY YOU'LL MARRY THE KID!" Aisha shouts.

"Say yes! Say yes!" The crowd starts to chant.

"Hmm I pretend to think. I think I'll say nn—yes!" The crowd cheers and Chung slips the ring on my figure. He picks me up bridal style and we kiss as the crowd cheers for us.

(Flash Back ends)

I blush at the memory and smile to myself like an idiot. A knock on the door wakes me up Elsword pops his head in. "It's time!" OH MY GOSH WHERE'S THE PAPER BAG!?

My dad walks me down the aisle. Chung awaits me, he smiles brightly at me. Ara and Aisha gives me a thumps up and I'm now standing face to face with Chung.

The priest clears his throat and begins to say his speech now he starts to ask the questions, "Do you take Rena as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

'I do' Chung signs.

"Do you take Chung as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

'I do' I sign back. The crowd awes and Chung smiles at me. We exchange rings and we all bow our heads to pray finally the priest says,

"I now pronounce you man and wife you may kiss the bride!"

Cheers busted when our lips met. After the wedding was over Chung carries me bridal style out of the Church. I throw the bouquet; everyone rushed to get it but because of all the mayhem the bouquet split into two and landed safely in Aisha and Ara's arms.

"OH MY GOSH THANKS!" The girls chime. They both go to their 'man' and kiss.

Yep my life is defiantly perfect now.

Sakura: Done! I will be taking short break for bit cause summer and what not.

Angel: *Sleeping

Rena: *Eating ice cream, cake, candy

Sakura: As you can tell we are in vacation mode XD Next chapter for Chains of Love will be out after me short break. Any who RENA GIVE ME SOME SWEETS TOO DX