"So whats this mysterious offer you have for me?" Haley purred and stretched out on the bed. She tried her best to look seductive, but he didn't seem to notice. "Whats your name?" He asked. "Whats yours?" "I asked you first" She hesitated. Her name seemed irrelevant but she sighed and replied "Haley." He looked away and tried to hide a smile, "Loki." and he nodded at her. "This might sound strange to you Haley, but I'm from a place called Asgard. Its not anywhere on Earth, but rather an entirely different world. Up there I'm considered a God, and my adoptive father rules. And I plan on overthrowing him." He smiled wanly and continued. "Lately I've caused a lot of problems for my father and my brother Thor, and I want them to think I'm reformed. Your part is to play the adoring girlfriend, who convinces everyone that I've changed and I'm not planning anything. You don't need to know what I'll do, but you will be paid handsomely for your service and then afterwards you may return home. If you get in my way or tell anyone, I will either kill you or make the rest of your life miserable." She started at his sudden change in attitude. "I wont be your friend. I'm paying you. Yet, I also wont be cruel. Much." Loki laughed, and she stared at him in shock. Was he crazy or was there such a thing as this place? She was a little disappointed that there was no chance of a God or heaven. Should she take this deal and see if it was real, or run now? With her thoughts racing, she jumped when she heard the door open. A polished woman came into the room and looked Haley over. She had black thick rimmed glasses and fiery red hair tied up in a knot. "She'll be work but once I'm done, she is going to be stunning." The woman said thoughtfully, pacing back and forth. "Haley, this is Jules, she's going to make your appearance a little bit moreā€¦ proper." He blushed as he looked down at her clothes which were basically underwear shorts and a crop top. Loki turned and sat down on the fluffy bed. Jules waxed, colored, buffed, scrubbed everywhere. When she was done she was forced into a light black dress which she assumed was a nightie. Haley turned to look in the full length mirror. Her hair was now a dark gold, her gray eyes looked bigger, and she felt amazing. "Wow." She breathed. "You look like a young Blake Lively." Jules said, pondering. Loki got up from his spot, looked at Haley, and slipped Jules a wad of cash and politely showed her the door. "It`ll have to do." He said and walked by her, into the bathroom. Haley heard the shower start and she giggled before flopping on the bed. Even though Loki pretended to be indifferent, Haley saw him smile when she was twirling and he thought she wasn't looking.