The Doctor could draw River Song from memory. The thing is he never wanted her parents to find that out.

"What's that?"

The Doctor jumped at the loud Scottish voice from behind him, and attempted to close the sketchbook he'd gotten from Earth the last time they'd been. The sketchbook that had only one purpose designated to it.

The sketchbooks full of drawings of his wife.

"Nothing!" he said perhaps a little too happily, tucking the book and pencil into his bigger-on-the-inside jacket pocket and whirling away from the jump seat to face Amy and Rory, both wearing dubious looks.

"Don't pretend, Doctor," Amy said sternly.

"We've been standing here for a while," Rory added in what seemed to be a helpful tone. Helpful to their side of the argument, anyways.

This made the Doctor's smile fade on his face and he stilled. "Long enough to see?"

Amy's face scrunched a bit and Rory nodded.

"It's not that your drawing skills aren't surprisingly excellent," the Roman drawled, "it's just that you're drawing our daughter."

"She's... she's clothed in that one," the Time Lord protested weakly.

"In that one?"

Great, he'd let it slip that he'd drawn their daughter naked. And if that wasn't enough to get Amy properly Scottish, then nothing would.

"Are you telling me that you draw- you've seen- River?!"

For once, he was stunned into silence and could only shrug awkwardly.

"Raggedy Man-"

"Amy," Rory whispered in her ear.

"What?" She huffed back. For a split-second, it looked like Rory had flinched.

"They're married." He was being so quiet that the Doctor wasn't quite sure he had actually heard him correctly.

"You're the one who's supposed to be defensive of our daughter."

"It's her life. She didn't have to marry the clumsy idiot."

"Oi," the Doctor protested half-heartedly, still very thankful the other man was on his side for this matter.

Amy rolled her eyes and turn to face the alien. "Let's see that one, then." Raising a hand, she snapped, "To be clear, I meant the one you were just working on, not the... other ones."

He could only plaster a sheepish grin across his face as he dug the book back out of his pocket.

A/N: the inspiration for this came from an AU Mattex fic where Matt sees Alex in a cafe and can't resist drawing her. I figured the Doctor would have picked up some decent drawing skills over 1200 years, so this little fic was born. c;