Authors note:

The characters in this story are extremely ooc, this is a bella jasper story so be warned. This story will contain scenes of torture, lemons, and language, don't like don't read. For all you kinky bitches, it contains dark dominate Jasper. All mistakes are mine.


Characters belong to S. Meyer, i just like to play with them ;)

Things you need to know for this story:

Alice can have visions of the past, present, and future,and they can be projected into multiple persons heads, for example, Alice could have a vision of the new top she wants to buy, she would project the vision on to Rosalie, and she would see it too.

Edward and ALice lovers, don't think this story is for you.

Bella met Alice, Edward, Rosalie, Emmet, Jasper, Carlisle and Esme in Forks, she was good friends with all but Alice and Edward, but not in a romantic or sexual relationship with them. They left 3 years after they met Bella, because people were getting suspicious, Bella and most Cullens were obviously upset, but not catatonic like in new moon.


Jasper-Bella (human blood)

Peter-Charlotte (human blood)

Edward-Alice (vegetarian)

Carlisle-Esme (vegetarian)

Emmet-Rosalie (vegetarian)

Garrett-Kate (human blood, vegetarian)

Laurent-Irina (vegetarian)

Eleazar-Carmen (vegetarian)

Tanya-? (vegetarian)

(made up) Max-Jasmine (human blood)

Volturi will also be included.

Summary: Bella met the Cullens but hated Alice and Edward, Cullens eventually leave, they check on Bella 50 years later, and find out she's Maria's second in command. Will the Cullens be able to save her?, do Jasper and the Major find their mate?

I hope you enjoy, this is my first fan-fic, so be nice please. I appreciate ideas for the future of this story. thank you!

xoxo Christine xoxo