Raki violently jerked awake, only to find himself under the very same tree he had fallen asleep before it all began. He was not alone however, since a brown-haired man with thick glasses was sitting a short distance away, a strange contraption on his lap on which he was drumming his fingers repeatedly making the typing sound he had heard.

"Oh, you're awake." the man greeted. "Must have been an interesting dream, you kept mumbling about 'hot ladies flashing me' and 'DDs'..."

"A dream?" Raki asked.

The man shrugged as he kept typing on his strange device. Raki let out a small chuckle, which soon turned into a full-blown laugh. "A dream!" he repeated. "YES! No White Rabbit, no Dodo, no muscle-bound shemale, no Queen wanting to rip out my guts or my pants, no drop-dead gorgeous Knight needing to get laid!"

"You mean... like those just behind you?"

"Exactly, like those... behind..." Raki slowly turned around, and sure enough...

"I won, he's mine!"

"In your dream Rabbit!"

"Look, this is how our bodies are..."

"Damn it Deneve! PUT YOUR SHIRT ON!"

"You must give me that guts recipe! Teach me your art Master!"

"Could you pet me?"

"My Precious..."

"Can we be friends?"

"Miata, come take a..."

"I hate baths!"


... They were all here! Even Rachel the Griffin, chasing Rubel the Mock Turtle in the background.

"No!" Raki shouted. "Wait! This is not possible! It was dream, how can you be... Unless it wasn't... no... no... NOOOOOOO!" Raki howled in anguish. Unfortunately he had no time to flee as he was pounced on. "Help me!" he cried to the strange man who was still drumming his fingers, a mad giggle of glee escaping his lips.

"Just go with it." the man replied. "Now what to call you? I'll have to figure that out later."

Looking around, the man found himself alone. Only ten furrows in the ground from gripping fingers remained as proof of Raki's resistance against the overeager female inhabitants of the Claymoreland. He then spoke to no one in particular. "It's been a fun story for me, and I hope you had as much fun reading it. Thanks to all my faithful reviewers for their precious feedback. And don't worry, I can assure you Raki will be very compliant to his fate after his first orgy of mad sex."

With this, Dany le fou, the Mad Writer closed his laptop, performed a stage bow and walked back to the Claymoreland.