Hey guys! Oh god, I haven't updated this in like... forever. I'm so sorry! I don't even have a good excuse. Anyway, whenever I pay this website a visit, I see that people are still adding this to their favs and follows and I feel bad because I stopped updating this. So, here you go, a new chapter! And I'll update the previous chapters right after posting this (just some small fixes here and there, really).

Disclaimer: I don't own Devil May Cry or the characters!

Chapter 9: Demons

Dante sighed. The day had started completely normal and uneventful. So why had it turned out like that?

Nero slowly opened the door to Dante's room and peeked inside. 'Still asleep, typical.' Not that he minded that much, waking the old man up was always fun. He was currently lying on his side, facing away from Nero. Light snores could be heard and half of the blanket was on the floor.

He crawled onto the bed and stared at the devil-hunter. "C'mon old man, I'm hungry!" No reaction besides some shifting, Nero rolled his eyes. That usually never worked, but it was still worth a try. He grabbed the man's shoulder and started to shake him rather violently. Dante's eyes cracked open and he mumbled something under his breath before he suddenly turned around, grabbed the boy and pulled him close to him. "Just five more minutes."

Nero let out a huff. "No way! When you say five minutes you mean an hour or two."

When he was finally able to free himself from Dante's iron grip after some wriggling and kicking, he grabbed the blanket, yanked it off the bed and ran off with it. "Stand up and make me breakfast!", he shouted from the living room. Dante sat up slowly and shivered lightly. "Damn kid!"

Ten minutes later Dante was finally in the kitchen and prepared breakfast while Nero sat on the couch in the living room, cuddled up in the blanket. He wouldn't give it back until the man had made him food. "Breakfast is ready, you little terror!" Nero already sat at the kitchen table before Dante had even finished the sentence. His good mood faded rather quickly though. "Ew, scrambled eggs, really?" He could still remember the last ones the devil-hunter had made.

"They're better than the last time, promise." He seemed to be really proud of himself, like he had archieved something awesome.

Nero rolled his eyes for a second time this morning. 'It's just food, old man.'

He stared at his plate for at least one more minute before he carefully picked some of the scambled eggs up with his fork. Okay, a little bit too salty, but no eggshells in it, that was an improvement.

Around noon Nero stood in the doorway and waited impatiently for Lady and Dante to finish their small conversation. They wanted to go out for a bit, the weather was nice and Dante was certain that he deserved a break after all the jobs he had done in the past few days. Lady was not amused.

"No way, Dante! You still have a debt to pay off, did you forget that?" Said devil-hunter pouted. "Well, okay, then go and tell the kid that I don't have time for him today." She scowled at him. The boy gave him a big advantage and she didn't like that. Oh, how she wished she could wipe that grin off of his face! But Lady had learned that shooting Dante in front of Nero wasn't a good idea. She had done it once and after that never again. It had taken a whole week before Nero had started to talk to her again and he probably hadn't even forgiven her completely yet.

"Run! Before I change my mind." There was no need to tell him that twice.

Everything had went downhill from that point on.

He was sitting on a park bench enjoying the warm afternoon sun while Nero was occupied with running around on the playground not far away from him. And then, suddenly, there was a huge lizard-like demon and another one and another one... Dante can't really recall all of it anymore. He had grabbed one of Neros arms and had yanked him back before one of these ugly things could bite his head off. And he could clearly remember how Nero had started to scream, how mad it made him and how his blood had started to boil. The rest went by in a blur.

In the next moment there was just silence. No roaring demons and no screaming Nero. Just a very demonic Dante and bloody corpses that had started to vanish into thin air.

The way back home had been more than awkward. Neither of them had said a word. Nero was obviously too shocked and scared to say something and Dante just couldn't find the right words. He had told the boy storys about ripping demons into hundreds of little pieces and saving the world and he had told him about his devil trigger. But just hearing about it and actually seeing it for yourself are two completely different things. They both had learned that today.

Now Dante was sitting on the couch in the living room, alone and kinda lost. Nero had went to his room as soon as they arrived at Devil May Cry. He had refused dinner and a bedtime story even after Dante had offered him one. Trish tried to get something out of him, but it was no use.

Both girls had tried to cheer Dante up. "Give him time, he'll get over it sooner or later.", she said while patting him on the shoulder. As if. Big, blue eyes had stared into his red, demonic ones and he had seen the fear and the panic.

The devil-hunter sighed again. He could only hope that the kid behaved like that because he got attacked by demons and was still in shock and not because he was scared of him now. Either way, he would leave Nero alone for today and would try to fix things tomorrow.

And if he couldn't fix it?

This chapter was a bit depressing, sorry!

Anyway, I'm so glad that I went back to writing, it was a lot of fun.