Episode 13


36 days ago, eighteen contestants from TJBambi93's Survivor series started an adventure of a lifetime. Now, only Anise, Kasumi, Grune, Konata and Cyrano remain. Who will be the Sole Survivor?

Day 37

TJBambi Tribe

(Anise, Cyrano, Grune, Kasumi, Konata)

Anise tries to rally the troops after having lost Fluttershy.

"Look, guys, it's okay," she tells them. "All we have to do is win the challenge today, and Cyrano is gone."

"And what if Cyrano wins?" Kasumi asks.

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it."

"Yeah, yeah," Konata replies. "Let's not worry about it."

"Oh, my, I think everything will be just fine," Grune says.

"If people start getting anxious, then I'm in trouble," Anise says. "I've got to make sure everyone's on the same page."

Meanwhile, Cyrano feels all left out.

"It's time for me to win another challenge, ah-CHOO," he says. "That's my only hope of staying in this game. I'm going to have to go all out to make sure I win."

Immunity Challenge

"Come on in, guys!"

The five remaining players enter the immunity challenge area.

"Final Five," Jet states. "You guys ready for today's immunity challenge?"


"First things first, I will take it back."

Cyrano hands over the immunity necklace to Jet.

"Thank you. Once again, immunity is back up for grabs. For today's challenge, you will balance a pot on a plank. Your foot will balance the plank which holds the pot on the other end. Last person remaining, wins immunity, guaranteed 1-in-4 shot at winning this game. Losers, Tribal Council, where someone will be the next person voted out of this game. We'll draw for spots, get started!"

The players take their positions, getting their feet ready.

"You may put your foot on the planks now."

The contestants put their feet on the planks, starting to balance their pots.

"This challenge is underway."

It only takes about three minutes for one of the contestants to screw up.

"Konata drops her pot, and it breaks! She's out of this challenge right away!"

About ten minutes go by before the next player drops.

"Grune drops her pot, and we are down to three!"

Cyrano starts to have a really hard time balancing his pot. He knows how important this immunity is, but eventually his foot slips, and his pot breaks.

"Cyrano is out! That leaves us with just Anise and Kasumi!"

Anise chuckles. "I don't need this," she says. "You have it."

Anise kicks her plank, and her pot breaks.

"And that's it! Just like that, Kasumi wins immunity!"

Kasumi rushes over to grab her necklace.

"Congratulations, Kasumi, you are safe. As for the rest of you, after 36 grueling days, someone's going home. You've got tonight to figure out who that's gonna be."

The players head out of the challenge area.

"Big win of immunity today for me," Kasumi says. "Not necessarily for me winning it specifically, but for Cyrano to lose. That's what matters most."

TJBambi Tribe

(Anise, Cyrano, Grune, Kasumi, Konata)

Cyrano goes over to the alliance of four and announces his intentions.

"I'm screwed tonight, ah-CHOO," he tells them. "I realize that I'm going to be voted out. I acknowledge that I've lost."

"Great!" Anise exclaims. "Now we have nothing to do but eat for the rest of the night."

So the players go ahead and have a meal together.

"I lost, and I acknowledge it, ah-CHOO," Cyrano says. "It was a good run for me, but up against that unassailable alliance, I know I won't make it any further."

Tribal Council

The five remaining players take their torches and set them down in their particular spots.

"We now bring in the members of our jury."

The jury members walk in and take their seats.

"Cyrano, you lost today. And-"

"Jet, why don't we just have the vote right now?" Cyrano asks.


"Yeah, I know I'm going home. No need to draw it out."

"Is that okay with everyone else?"

The other players nod their heads.

"Fine then, it is time to vote. You cannot vote for Kasumi, and I'm sure you weren't going to anyway. Anise, you're up first."

Anise goes to vote.

Cyrano goes to vote.

Grune goes to vote.

"Oh, my, I guess it's time for you to go," Grune says, showing her vote for Cyrano.

Kasumi goes to vote.

Konata goes to vote.

"I'll go tally the votes."

Jet gathers the votes, then returns to the players.

"Once the votes are read, the decision is final, and the person voted out will be asked to leave the Tribal Council area immediately. I'll read the votes."

Jet pulls out the first vote.

"First vote… Anise."



"Next player voted out, Cyrano. You need to bring me your torch."

Cyrano immediately gets up and brings over his torch to Jet.

"Cyrano, the tribe has spoken. It's time for you to go."

Jet snuffs out Cyrano's torch, and Cyrano heads on out."

"Congratulations, you are the Final Four. But there's one vote left for you to have to survive. Grab your torches, head back to camp, good night."

The players take their torches and go back to camp.

"It's a shame I wasn't able to last longer, but it only figures that I'd be knocked out at this point, ah-CHOO,' Cyrano says. "I'm glad I was able to make it this far, it was a good run for me. Now let's see who I feel like voting for in the end."

Who voted for whom:

Anise – Cyrano

Cyrano – Anise

Grune – Cyrano

Kasumi – Cyrano

Konata – Cyrano

Day 38

TJBambi Tribe

(Anise, Grune, Kasumi, Konata)

Anise quickly pulls aside Kasumi and Grune while Konata is off lost in space.

"Konata's the vote, okay?" she tells them.

"No problem with that," Kasumi replies.

"Oh, yes, that's fine," Grune states.

"There's no way she wins immunity," Anise adds. "She has about as much chance at winning immunity as she does winning the Hunger Games. Just relax, we're going to be the Final Three."

"Agreed," Kasumi says.

"Konata isn't the brightest bulb in the box – or is that the brightest crayon in the box?" Anise says. "Now wait, crayons can be bright, but bulbs are naturally bright… oh, whatever! Konata has no shot at winning this challenge."

Immunity Challenge

"Come on in, guys!"

The four remaining contestants enter the immunity challenge area.

"You guys ready to get to today's challenge?"


"First things first, I will take it back."

Kasumi hands over the immunity necklace.

"Thank you. For the final time, immunity is back up for grabs. For today's challenge, you will hold on to a pole, trying to prevent yourself from falling down and hitting the ground. This is the challenge Ozzy was 2-0 at before losing in the Mamanuca Islands. Last person remaining on their pole, wins immunity, guaranteed to sit at the Final Tribal Council. Losers, someone's going to come up one day short of making it all the way. We'll draw for spots, then get started."

The players go ahead and get on their poles.

"This challenge is underway."

About five minutes is all the time it takes for Konata to go flopping off her pole and fall off.

"Konata is out, and we are down to three!"

Anise laughs. "What the heck, no use in even continuing this challenge!"

She jumps off, and Grune joins her.

"And just like that, Kasumi wins final immunity! Guaranteed Final Three!"

Kasumi hops off her pole, not all that excited about having won an easy challenge, then goes over to get her necklace.

"Congratulations, Kasumi, this is for you."

Jet hands over the necklace to Kasumi.

"You are safe from tonight's Tribal Council, the rest of you, after 38 days, someone's going home. You've got tonight to figure out who that's gonna be. I'll see you tonight for Tribal, you can head on out."

The players trudge away.

"Oh, dear, looks like we'll have to vote out Konata," Grune says. "That's just too bad for her."

TJBambi Tribe

(Anise, Grune, Kasumi, Konata)

Konata starts packing up her stuff, knowing that she's going to be voted out.

"I guess this is how Haruhi Suzumiya felt when she was voted out at the Final Four, twice," Konata says. "I feel privileged that I get to be voted out at the same position as her."

She pauses for a second.

"But it sure would be nice to hang around just a little while longer. Maybe I can talk Kasumi into giving me her necklace?"

She then laughs.


Tribal Council

(TJBambi Tribe)

The contestants walk into the Tribal Council area with their torches.

"We now bring in the members of our jury."

The jury enters the Tribal Council area.

"Let's get right to it," Jet states. "Is there a clear-cut vote again tonight?"

"There is," Kasumi replies. "Konata's going home tonight."

"Yeah, I know," Konata says. "There's nothing I can do about it. I'm going to be voted out."

"Well, in that case, why wait? It is time to vote, and you cannot vote for Kasumi. Anise, you're up first."

The new Tribal Council music plays as the players go to vote.

Anise goes to vote.

Grune goes to vote.

Kasumi goes to vote.

"Sorry, but you played a great game," Kasumi says.

Konata goes to vote.

"I'll go tally the votes."

Jet goes over, grabs the voting urn, then returns to the players.

"Once the votes are read, the decision is final, and the person voted out will be asked to leave the Tribal Council area immediately. I'll read the votes."

He takes out the first vote.



"Konata. Two votes Konata, one vote Anise, one vote left."

"Konata. That's three, and it is enough. You need to bring me your torch."

Konata walks over with her torch.

"Konata, the tribe has spoken. It's time for you to go."

Konata waves to the tribe, then heads on out.

"Congratulations, you three, you have made it as far as you can in this game. I'll see you tomorrow night for the Final Tribal Council."

Anise, Grune and Kasumi head on out.

"I'm proud of the way I played," Konata says. "I made it very far in this game. I'm happy with my finish. It could have been a little better, but I think I'm very lucky anyway."

Day 39

TJBambi Tribe

(Anise, Grune, Kasumi)

The players are given a feast as they prepare for the Final Tribal Council.

"Oh, my, am I really still here?" Grune says. "I can't believe I've made it all the way here. It's all just a bonus if I win at this point."

"I really want to finally win this game," Kasumi says. "I've come so close in the past. This time I want to finally pull it off."

"I've controlled this entire game from start to finish," Anise says. "The only thing left to do? Collect my million-dollar check at the finale."

Final Tribal Council

The Final Three enter the Tribal Council area.

"We now bring in the members of our jury."

The nine members of the jury march in.

"Since our Executive Producer has been cutting down on everything, we will not have opening statements tonight. Instead, we will start with our first jury member, Sindel."

Sindel walks up in front of the Final Three.

"Do you believe that I should be queen?" she asks.

"Of course!" Anise replies.

Kasumi shakes her head, while Grune doesn't quite know what to say.

"Next up," Jet states.

Blaze walks up in front.

"Kasumi and Grune, did you two ever make a move for yourselves throughout this entire game?"

Grune gives no answer, but Kasumi has one.

"Yes, I believe in fact that I was equal with Anise in making moves," she answers.

"Well, if you believe that, you've got to be insane," Blaze tells her, before sitting down.


Roy the Yoshi steps up. "Why was I voted out?"

"You were too much of a threat," Kasumi responds.

"I don't know why," Grune replies, while Anise just chuckles.

"Next one."

Peter walks up. "Which of you played the most honest game?" he asks.

"I've been honest throughout," Kasumi replies.

"So have I," Grune states.

Anise laughs. "Hey, I've been pulling the strings throughout the whole game," she says. "So if you want to blame someone, blame me."

Peter shakes his head and sits down.

"Next up!"

Limberg then steps up and starts to shout at Kasumi. "How could you turn on me like that?" he yells. "You completely backstabbed me. Ridiculous."

He sits down in anger.


Angela steps up. "Why, really, should anyone vote for Grune or Kasumi?" she asks.

"They shouldn't, that's what!" Anise exclaims.

"Hey, I've physically outplayed everyone out here," Kasumi states.

Grune gives no response.

"It's an easy choice, vote for Anise," Angela states, before sitting down.

"Next one!"

Fluttershy steps in front of the Final Tree.

"I just want to congratulate you, Grune, on playing a great game," she says. "That's all I really have to say."

She sits down.

"Next player."

Cyrano stands up. "Kasumi, why did you turn on me and Limberg, ah-CHOO?" he asks. "There's nothing positive I have to say about you."

"I'm sorry, it's just the move that I had to make," Kasumi says.

"I'm sure, ah-CHOO," he replies, before sitting down.

"Finally, Konata."

Konata steps up in front of the players. "Of these three, who do you think is the wisest: The Wizard of Oz, Dr. Phil, or Haruhi Suzumiya?"

"Haruhi, of course!" Anise exclaims.

"Yes, I will go with Haruhi," Grune replies.

"Sure, I'll go with Haruhi too," Kasumi states.

"Awesome," Konata responds, before taking her seat.

"Okay, that's it. Remember, jury, tonight you are voting for a winner. It is time to vote. Angela, you're up first."

The new Tribal Council music plays as the jury goes to vote.

Angela goes to vote.

Blaze goes to vote.

Cyrano goes to vote.

Fluttershy goes to vote.

Konata goes to vote.

Limberg goes to vote.

Peter goes to vote.

Roy goes to vote.

Sindel goes to vote.

"I'll go tally the votes."

Jet grabs the voting urn, then returns to the players.

"Tonight, you want your name on the parchment. For the final time, I will read the votes."




"Grune. We're tied, two votes Grune, two votes Anise."


"Anise. We're tied again, three votes Anise, three votes Grune."

"Grune. That's four votes Grune, three votes Anise, two votes left. Kasumi is officially eliminated."

"Anise. We're tied again, four votes Anise, four votes Grune, one vote left."

"The winner of Survivor: Tropical Jungle…"

"Anise Tatlin!"

Anise jumps in the air in celebration, then she hugs Grune and Kasumi. Soon the entire jury is giving handshakes and hugs.

"Thank you for joining us for Survivor: Tropical Jungle!" Jet says. "Hope you enjoyed the season!"

Who voted for whom:

Angela – Anise

Blaze – Anise

Cyrano – Anise

Fluttershy – Grune

Konata – Grune

Limberg – Anise

Peter – Grune

Roy – Grune

Sindel – Anise