Author's Note: I originally got the idea for just Sherlock, but then the crossover just kind of happened. I'm trying to keep it as close to canon as possible. I don't have any beta tester yet, so bear with me. If you have any comments or corrections, feel free to leave them. We'll see how long this story goes.
I do not own Sherlock or Harry Potter, although I wish I did :)

Sherlock sat very still on the Hogwarts train with perfect posture. Even his head was up straight, since he had the tendency to hold books in front of his face instead of straining his neck to look down at his lap to read. Although Sherlock had already read plenty of books on potions, including his older brother Mycroft's textbooks, he was eager to study his own copy of Magical Draughts and Potions and add his own notes and annotations. After hearing about all the subjects offered at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from his older brother Mycroft for five years, Sherlock had always been most enthusiastic about potions and had even taken the liberty to study the subject in-depth on his own. He was feeling confident that he would excel in that subject particularly and wanted to take advantage of any resources he could get his hands on. The intense silence of his compartment helped him focus on his studies, and he was grateful for the solitude the quiet car provided. Although Sherlock was a pureblood and grew up familiar with other wizarding families, the familiarity generally did not extend past acquaintanceship and the occasional nod of acknowledgement in passing. Beyond that, his other relationships with young witches and wizards his age mostly consisted of constant bullying and teasing which he was more than happy to avoid during his first trip on the Hogwarts Express.

When he heard the compartment door open, he would have looked up in surprise that someone was actually joining him if he hadn't heard the recognizable rhythm of the footsteps approaching.

"How did your prefect duties go, Mycroft?" Sherlock asked without looking up from his book. He frowned at the list of brewing directions on the page, then picked up his quill to improve step four.

"It went as expected; most of the first and second years stayed in line when they saw me coming with Matilda to check on them," Mycroft answered as he sat down opposite his brother. "It's the third years that really give us cheek. One of the third year Gryffindors tried to hex me from behind as a way to show off to a girl. Rather heavy-handed of him actually, I could clearly hear his wand being draw from his pocket and Anteoculatia requires some broad wand work. In addition to the fact that he can't preform non-verbal spells yet, he could not have been more obvious."

"Pity," replied Sherlock curtly. "Antlers would have suited you."

Mycroft was about to respond with a witty retort of his own, but stopped when he saw the teasing smile on his brother's face that he was trying to hide behind his book. Mycroft decided to do some studying on his own, so he pulled out his wand and a Chocolate Frog and began to practice the Engorgement Charm non-verbally.

The rest of the train ride consisted of mostly silence with the occasional sound of pages flapping and already dull quills scratching away. Mycroft would ask his brother what potion he was reading sporadically and offer advice of his own for Sherlock to scribble down in addition to his own notes. After a few hours of the monotonous chugging of the train, both Holmes brothers began to sense the reduction in speed.

"Sherlock", said Mycroft after he put his things back into his satchel, "I need to find Matilda again so we can help the first years get into the boats. Remember, don't be worried about the Sorting Hat and don't let other people bully you. Don't be scared-"

"I'm not scared," Sherlock interrupted defiantly. "I know all about the Sorting Hat from mother and you've already told me more than enough about Ravenclaw for me to know that I'll get along with my House perfectly fine. I can handle it on my own."

Mycroft looked at Sherlock with sympathetic eyes to match his brother's bold stare. He knew he hat hit a nerve when he mentioned bullying.

"Mycroft, I appreciate your concern, but at Hogwarts, I'll be with people like me. I'm different, but we're all different. That's why we're going to learn magic. It's rather obvious that I'll also be in Ravenclaw, so I'll be with…people like me." Sherlock broke eye contact and looked down at his textbook, riddled with his own scribbles. The Holmes brothers were different from most people for their magical abilities, but their intelligence and aptitude also set them apart. Mycroft learned how to deal with the social issues that came with their mental gifts, but Sherlock had never quite gotten the hang of it, resulting in social awkwardness in most situations. Both boys, Sherlock especially, hated that something they considered a gift was looked down on.

Mycroft sighed and put his hand on Sherlock's shoulder. "You're going to be a brilliant wizard, Sherlock." He picked up his bag and exited the compartment, leaving his younger brother alone for the rest of the trip. Sherlock was glad that Mycroft was so supportive, although he would never let him know how much he appreciated it. On the other hand, he was also relieved that Mycroft left him alone right before they reached Hogwarts. It allowed him to try to calm his nerves.

"Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure," Sherlock recited to himself. He certainly agreed with that, considering he had made the pursuit and utilization of knowledge his main goal in life. Obviously he would be sorted into Ravenclaw, but the one thing he could not yet deduce was the number of friends he would be able to make at his first year at Hogwarts.