It was quite late when Kirk found Dr. McCoy at his door. "Bones, it's almost midnight, can't it wait?" The doctor only shook his head. Why's he look so nervous? Kirk thought. "Here, come in." He opened the door, allowing McCoy inside before shutting it and following him.

He watched as the doctor sat down and looked up at him. "Jim, he's free." The words hit Kirk hard, like a punch. He could feel his heart begin to race. "By the end of this week, he's going to be out of there. You know what that means, don't you?" Kirk tried to hide the shock he felt, but his voice, so quiet when he spoke, made it quite obvious.

"'s only been 3 years. They can't really be done with the experiments yet, can they?"

"I know, that's what I thought too." The doctor hesitated before he spoke again. "You remember what you told him, don't you?" Kirk nodded slowly, thinking back to the day of Khan's trial. "Jim, I'm sure he remembers too." McCoy shook his head and covered his face with his hands. "My god, he's going to be living with you, Jim. Were you absolutely out of your mind when he agreed to that?" Kirk only sighed. What had come over him that day? "You can't let this happen. You know what he's capable of, what he's done."

Why had I decided to let him stay with me? For a moment Kirk thought, then remembered. "Yes, but he's also capable of good, I know he is."

The doctor's expression quickly changed from one of concern to anger. "Damn it, Jim, what could make you think that. I mean, we're talking about the man who killed you."

"He loves his family."

"That doesn't give him the right to take out half of San Francisco!"

"I know that, but I can't say I wouldn't have done the same." At this, the doctor almost laughed.

"You actually want me to believe you would do that?"

"Look, I don't know, I probably wouldn't but that doesn't mean I can't relate. Bones, I would kill to protect you, or Uhura, or Spock. His actions were wrong, trust me, I know that, but that doesn't mean the reasons behind those actions were."

McCoy sighed again and looked up Kirk. The anger was gone from his voice. "Jim, I'm worried about you. If you want to help him, do what's best for him, then fine. Just please, be careful."

Kirk smiled. "I will, I promise." The doctor stood up and walked to the door, stopping to rest a hand on the captain's shoulder and quickly saying goodnight before leaving.

Alone, Kirk was left to his thoughts. His mind seemed to be racing and he found himself overwhelmed with memories of the pain and destruction, of his own death, all that one man had caused. The man I'm going to be living with, caring for... The thought made him feel sick. Was he really worth saving, capable of something, or was Kirk simply lying to himself, desperate to find a reason for his kindness towards Khan?

He shook his head, trying to get rid of the thoughts and calm himself. Khan was going to be free soon, he could not stop it, so he tried to accept it. After all, what else could he really do?

Kirk awoke early the next morning after a night of restless sleep. Khan had found his way into his dreams and he had again experienced the terrible nightmares that had haunted him for weeks even after Khan had been locked away. Every time he shut his eyes, he could see Spock on the other side of the glass, could hear him perfectly. "Because you are my friend..." He could remember the feeling of falling into the emptiness of death, of fading into nothing. If simply hearing Khan was free could do this to him, would he really be able to live with him? Would he really be able to put up with that man's arrogance and anger?

Kirk hated the idea, regretted ever suggesting it, but now he couldn't just turn Khan away. He had promised him, and he refused to break that promise. No matter how badly he wanted not to, he would have to accept Khan into his life.

Kirk quickly showered and changed clothes, then left for the science facility where Khan was being held.


Kirk was growing nervous as he waited for them to bring Khan out. What have I gotten myself into?When he finally saw him, Kirk was shocked but tried to remain expressionless as Khan walked closer, then stopped infront of him.

Khan was dressed in similar black clothing as when he had been a prisoner aboard the Enterprise, but he looked quite different from the last time Kirk had seen him. His hair was shorter and no longer fell infront of his eyes, and he was considerably thinner, sharp bones visible even under his clothes. He looks so...sick. He no longer stood so straight, but instead leaned forward slightly, and his eyes, once so bright, now seemed dull. The superiority he once projected had disappeared. Could so much really have changed in just 3 years?

Kirk couldn't decided whether he was more relieved or sad about the change. Certainly this Khan would be easier to deal with, now that he had been broken, but it just didn't seem right. Once Khan spoke, though, he was certain that he was sad for him.

"Kirk..." Khan began to say, then took the captain's hand in his own. Everything about him seemed to have changed. Weakness had replaced the arrogance, the anger, the greatness. Their eyes met briefly before Khan looked down, trying not to let Kirk see him cry. His body shook slightly as he hesitantly wrapped his arms around Kirk and pulled him close, resting his head on Kirk's shoulder. The captain did the same and carefully ran his hands over the other man's back, feeling only bones where muscle had once been. "Thank you."