Hey everyone! First thing first, I apologise for the long long looooooong hiatus, to be honest I never thought about continuing this fic, it's been two years and alot has changed in two years especially my writing which has degraded so badly T_T but after recieving notifications about reviews and stuff which were super sweet of everyone really did motivate me to write again so here it is! however, I became alot more busy and infact I still am, I'm still at uni with a bunch of assignments to do and exams to revise for but I took a cheat day out and chose to write the next part of this fic. I've been out of the snk fandom for a long time and I'm really unsure of the changes their relationship has taken and also the changes in the manga too, so maybe words and names and stuff may not fit accordingly T_T; SORRY!

But what hasn't changed is the fact that I still really like this couple! and maybe one day Jean would actually win her over in the actual story lol well wishes guys, well wishes, anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter it was a bit rushed and it may seem a little everywhere? idk, but please enjoy I will try my best to update it more!

Lot's of love,


P.s I know it doesn't really link on from the previous chapter, but I tried to connect it as much as possible ( I hope it worked ) but I really had no idea what I was thinking 2 years ago lol so yeah sorry to those who wanted to know what happened after Jean wakes to find Mikasa at his side infact I really want to know too, dammit brain!

Part Sixteen

A new day had risen at the scouting legion corps, the sun was as bright and as boisterous as ever seemingly fitting the high spirits of all the cadets members as they all shifted through their cabin doors. Jean stood at the entrance of his cabin, still yawning and stretching his arms outwards as if there was a stubborn kink in his arm he'd had from the night before, he swung his arms forwards, backwards and then round in circles trying to shake off the numbness he'd woken up to.

"Strange..." He thought, it felt as if someone had been sleeping on his arm all night, the kink still sat rigid in his biceps, he would flex and unflex as masses of people would stream pass his cabin staring at him.

"J-Jean...?" A muffled voice emerged amongst all the comments people were whispering about him, he looked up from his bicep to the half face covered by a seemingly,familiar red scarf, as black hair framed a small pale face, dark eyes latched on him.

"Mikasa?!" He jolted back a little, sweat forming at the hairline as his face twitched nervously at her sudden appearance, he couldn't conform the idea of Mikasa taking herself all the way to his without a reason, she could be delivering a morning report, or relaying a message from the corporal heck whatever it was its fine, even if god was about to send down the almightiest of the mightiest smite, as long as she was there that was good enough.

"J-Jean... good morning" Mikasa quickly whispered and ran off into the swarm of cadets, her figure slowly dissappearing within the crowd of people but Jean could have sworn even with all these people around it was only her he could see, he had no idea what had happened, who would have thought Mikasa would have taken the time out to greet him so early in the day, Mikasa who sleeps in a cabin a distant away, Mikasa who would barely batter an eyelid at him sometimes, was this the same Mikasa who had come by to tell him good morning? A sense of bewilderment and joy suddenly surged through him and the apples of his cheeks was stained with a cherry red, he couldn't hide his joy or the all teeth showing smile he was now baring, he didn't understand her sudden appearance but he dare not press on, his whole life had been a series of unfortunate events but even for someone as unfortunate as him sometimes luck and maybe love does find its way through the crevaces of his dark life.

Part Seventeen

Despite the day being a good day, it was still one of the corporals hectic training day where'd he pair you up and make you do all this combat rubbish, like you could take on a 7 metre titan in hand to hand combat in the first place anyways. Jean would let out a yawn and then another, as the corporals instructions were making its way through one ear and out the other, the muffles of the corporals voice fell on his deaf ears as he sank away into the imaginary life he conjured up in his head.

All Jean could think about was life, life if there were no titans around, what he'd do if he had his dream job that paid alot of money, the places he'd be able to visit amongst the walls, the different type of food he'd be able to eat along with the different type beers he could drink but despite all the mass production of scenarios he'd plan in his head there was only one person who played the role of the one who'd he spend all those life times with; he momentarility breaks from his daydreaming and leans his head forward just a tiny bit, enough to catch a glimpse of her from the side of his eyes,

"Yeah, that's right" He thought, "Just one".

Jean shifted back into his stance, with his head held high, smile as bright as ever, he gazed at the sun and hoped that maybe not in this current life time but another, the heavens would bring Mikasa to hi-

"JEAN KIRSCHTEIN!" A loud voice suddenly roared at him, "WHAT ARE YOU SMILING ABOUT?" Corporal Erwin was someone you shouldn't mess with, especially on his hectic training days, his demeanor is on par with the one he has when they're on an expedition outside the wall.

Jean's face was beet red, he had no idea what the corporal was rambling on about and now all the eyes of about 100 cadets were now set on him, crap, he's starting to sweat again, his arms began to shudder as the eyes pressed onto him not to mention that Corporap Erwin had the most deathily gaze of them all, but how should he respond, he needs to think of something smart, something that doesn't get him a good smack around the head later on-

"I-uh.. I-" Jean stutters, words wouldn't produce and the chance to save him from the smacking was long gone, he knew Corporal Erwin didn't take things lightly you could barely joke with the guy during time out let alone during training! "I'm dead" Jean whispered under his breath, the footsteps of Erwin closing in on him, all he could do right now is brace for the impact and hope he doesn't kill enough brain cells for him to forget who he is, yeah that's right he just needs to brace his legs, root them into the ground and pray that the side of his head hardens before the impact of the Corporals palm takes him out, Jean looked down towards the ground, the Corporals steps are slow but heavy and you could hear the gasp of the rest of the cadets as he closes in.

"SHIT SHIT SHIT I'M DEAD I'M DEAD LORD HELP ME GOD PLEASE ANYONE DON'T LET ME DIE" Jean shuts his eyes and lowered his head even further, his arms hung straight by his side and his legs obviously rooted into the ground, this is it he thought, this has to be the end, he braces himself as fine sweat drops formed at the side of his face-

"Jean, since you're so happy and no one else would offer to take up Mikasa in hand to hand combat how about you give it a try?"

What just happened, Jean softened up his tensed body and stared directly at the corporal who had placed a firm grip onto Jean's shoulder, his eyes etched into him as a grim smile plastered all over his face "So would you?"

Jean managed to break away from the Corporals intense gaze just barely able to turn his eyes to his side as he watched Mikasa step out of the crowd, what is she doing he thought, he didn't agree so why is she there waiting for him, Jean let out a small sigh if someones going to beat his ass, its best it'd be Mikasa anyways.

"Y-yes sir..." His words were heavy but his heart felt strangely light, everyone knew Mikasa was a beast on the battle field, even if Jean dreamt of a private one on one, this wasn't the idea he had in mind, but it was fine, for someone as unfortunate as him, this was enough.

Part Eighteen

Everyone broke out into their pairs and scattered across the training fields, Jean and Mikasa took a nice spot under one of the trees whose branches were nice and long enough to create a bit of shade from the sun. They were both stood staring at one another, ever since they broke out into a pair not one word was spoken, Jean stood awkwardly and drew one hand to the back of his head, his gaze averted her eyes which were bore into the ground now, what does he say he thought? it'll get too awkward to the point of no return if he doesn't say anything now.

"Hey Mikasa, I'm not good at combat, s-so please go easy on me" He lowered his head out of shame, of all the things he could have said, he went ahead and said the lamest thing there was, this was probably the only chance he'd get to up his appeal on Mikasa but-

"Sure" Mikasa whispered under her breath as her eyes still bore into the ground, her arms draped behind her back as her feet started drawing circles into the soil, it wasn't much but it made Jean pause he hadn't heard her voice since her abrupt appearance in the morning but this was enough to loosen him up, she looked so vulnerable and pure he couldn't get his head around the fact that she was the 1st in every combat classes they'd ever had.

"Thank you" Jean smiled, his eyes softened upon her petite body frame, people tend to forget that she is a girl also, especially the Corporal who only sees her as a war machine, that wasn't right he thought, girls deserve to be treated delicately, have someone walk them home at night, offer them a jack when they're cold and surprise them with a bouquet of flowers sometimes, he didn't understand how someone as beautiful as Mikasa ended up in such a brutal combat force, she deserved all the things young girls like her would want, and that's when it hit Jean, that him chasing Mikasa all this time wasn't because he's been a lusting pig but it was for her, deep down inside his heart, all the various scenarios he'd conjured up was to fit her, and her only.

Both Jean and Mikasa still stood stationary without one or the other making a move, if the Corporal was to see this, he'd bust a vein or two, Jean took the initiative and decided to go in with a punch.

"I'm starting Mikasa" Jean draws in closer, slowly but closer, he didn't want to hurt her and left as much openings for her to avoid his weak blows, but why isn't she moving he thought, her eyes were still bore into the ground and his fist stopped as it made gentle contact to her head, his fist loosens and he takes one step back, that's when it hit him-

Jean fell to the ground, hard, Mikasa has taken him down with a quick swoop to the legs, damn it he thought he had his guard down he forgot that Mikasa was an actual beast, she made her way onto him as she sat on his torso with one hand wrapped around the collar of his shirt and the other clenched into a fist sat in the air ready for a launch attack to his jaw, he quickly grabbed her hand which was clasped onto his collar and he began to wriggle under her body weight but his efforts were deemed futile, her fist was drawing down at an alarming speed and all he could do is pray she doesn't bust a few teeth out, Jean clenches his mouth and shuts his eyes, his hands still held firm onto her fist around his shirt collar.

Jean laid in wait for the momentum to bust his jaw open, he waits and he waits his eyes still shut tight but the impact hasn't hit him, why? he thought did something happen? did his face managed to pull a titan and harden just before she'd hit him? is that why he couldn't feel it? He opens his eyes and sees a fist which just barely grazed the side of his cheeks, she stopped? Why? her eyes locked onto his face but what was hidden behind red scarf of hers, he could see it clearly now, her cheeks were as beet red as ever, her eyes had a sense of warmness within them and he didn't understand why. Mikasa still sat on his torso, she leans back and pulls down the scarf she's covered her face with all this time, a small smile broke out on her face, captivating Jean as if he'd fallen for her all over again.

"You asked me to go easy on you" Mikasa smiled, she brings her hands towards his face and gently flicked his nose.

"One point for me" She giggled, clasping her mouth to hide her happiness, her eyes formed a moon shaped crescent as she beamed with quiet laughters, its been weeks since Eren had been captured by the enemy and he could be dead for all they knew, Mikasa was the one who'd taken his capture to heart the most, he'd never thought he'd see the day she'd smile again let alone laugh but this, what was this? he couldn't believe it, his heart was on the verge of exploding, he couldn't contain his love anymore.

Jean loosened his grip around her fist, his gaze still fixated on her smiling face, he could barely breathe but his hands made a bold movement, gently moving up towards her back, his fingertips sent tingles down her body as he could feel her shudder a little at his touch, Mikasa didn't react nor get angry, Jean was a deadman walking, if Mikasa had any idea of what he was about to do, she'd smack him into another century but the fear of losing a few years of his lifespan didn't put him off, he suddenly clasped down both hands on her waist, drawing him in closer as she sat up right he couldn't stop himself right now it was now or never, he kept drawing her in close enough until the point of their noses began to touch,

"Why aren't you saying anything?" He whispered under his breath as their eyes still fixated onto one another, Mikasa, silent suddenly draped her arms over his shoulders which had Jean flinch at the sudden move, he looked at her and then slowly turned his head to watch the movement of her arms clasping tight around his neck, and that's when it suddenly hit him, soft, moist lips made an impact on the side of his face, gentle but firm he could feel the warmness of her lips slowly drawing away as she backs up, his body went into overdrive but his mind was a blur his hands still clasped tight around her waist, he didn't let her go, if the Corporal was to see them now, they'd get booted from the scouting legion but it's okay, you only live once right? He couldn't let this chance go, he fowards on, bringing his hand up from her waist to the back of her head, he brings her in towards him as he slowly opens his lips for the arrival of hers, this is it he thought, he couldn't contain his love anymore.