Nyan is all I can say, nyan?!

I glanced at the group of men. Realization hit me as I remembered the encounters I've had yesterday. They were all from the Shinsengumi?! My eyes widened as yet another image crowded my mind.

I stood at the edge of a forest. Tears slid down my cheek as I stared at my new found friends. "Hey guys… You're finally free!"

I gasped and I fell to my knees, clutching my head. "Y-you… guys?..." The other men looked puzzled as to why I suddenly collapsed. Hijikata bent down. "Hey, you alright?"

"Heh, looks like you're finally getting it all back." My head turned and I saw the man from earlier, his red eyes glowing even in the night. The Shinsengumi immediately got out their weapons. "Who are you?" Hijikata got up and glared at the stranger.

He chuckled and held both his hands out. "Seems like you've also forgotten the feud we've had for each other." He walked closer and the members of the Shinsengumi stiffened. The man stared at me and I gasped. "Chizuru. Now that you're no longer a demon, I plan on playing with you for a bit."

As he said my name, I felt like someone has released a storm of memories down my brain. Events played in my head as I glanced at the Shinsengumi; it appears like that storm has also hit them as their faces showed a shock expression.

My head swung around as I faced… "Kazama-san…" He laughed. "Ah, seems like you remember now." I looked at the Shinsengumi and tears immediately spilled out. "Everyone…" They glanced at me and smiled. Hijikata suddenly pulled me into an embrace. "Idiot! If we haven't regained our memories, I could've struck you down!" I cried on his shoulders and nodded.

Kazama sighed and placed his finger on his temple. "Well now, since you seem to be united with your wolf friends, let's start with our game." He held out his hand and I felt my chest beginning to tighten up. I gasped as I pushed Hijikata away and placed both hands on the ground. Sweat poured down my neck.

"Chizuru?! Whats wrong?!" The wolves- no… the Shinsengumi sounded me and my eyes widened as I let out a high pitched scream.

The pain subsided almost immediately and I glanced up at the guys. I'm okay now guys. But that's not what came out of my mouth. "Nyan?"

Everyone gasped as they stared at me. I lifted up my hand and my eyes widened. No fingers, but white paws. I glanced over my shoulder and noticed black and white fur on my back. I started to panic. Ah! What happened?! "Mrrrrow!?"

"Well, let's see how long you guys can play this game." Kazama chuckled and I saw Hijikata leap towards him, sword now unsheathed. "Bastard! What did you do to her?!" Kazama dodged the blow and smiled. "Don't worry. The curse isn't permanent. Like you guys before, she can change from human form to innocent little kitten form."

He then disappeared. "Let's see if you're animal instincts will come back if she acts like this." I stared at the guys and instinctively licked my paw.

Hijikata cursed under his breath and turned to the men. "I'll bring her inside; you guys wait in the command room."

Hijikata picked me up and stared at my new form, a frown on his face. "Well how are we supposed to deal with a little fur ball like you?" I shook my furry head and yawned, letting out a pitiful little; mew.

I gasped as the night before replayed itself in my mind. That was… just a dream… right? I opened my mouth and yawned, but instead of making a human kind of sound, I heard a "mrrow" escape my lips. I flinched as I once again lifted up my "paw". Pads on the bottom with neatly sharpen claws attached to it. I flicked the claws in, and then back out.

Huh, that was cool. I glanced over my shoulder and saw the black tail waving back and forth behind me. I arched my back as I placed my two front paws on the tatami and stretched. Man that felt good. "Mew!" Was what came out. I glanced up at the roof and suddenly, I felt really small. So this is how a cat sees the world.

"Oh, you're awake." I turned around and saw Hijikata opening the slid door. I trotted over to him and sat down. I flicked my tail in irritation. Being in this form is really a big pain. "Rrrow." He sighed and picked me up, placing both his hands under my arms. I struggled as I felt really uncomfortable being held like this. "Now, I don't understand a thing you are saying."

I stopped wiggling and stared at him questionably. "Mew?" He chuckled and set me back down. I circled around and licked my paw, feeling the need to make myself more presentable. He scratched his head. "Hmm, I guess you're hungry if you're licking your paw like that."

He re opened the sliding door and beckoned me to him. "Come on." I followed him, trying to take in all of my surroundings of their headquarters. I kept on looking down at my paws, which made a nice click sound as I trotted after Hijikata.

We entered an open room and I smelled the delicious scent of fish waft up my kitty nose. I began to get excited. I saw Saito and Okita by the stove; I guess they could cook after all. "Hey guys, you have anything to give to her?" Hijikata went over to them and glanced over their shoulder. Okita looked at me and smiled. "Ah, here she is."

He bent down and patted my head, which was oddly comforting. "I'm very fond of cats you know." I squirmed under his touch and let out a weird sound. My eyes widened as I heard the sound purring erupt from inside of me. He chuckled and tickled my chin.

"How cute." I can't believe he's calling me cute. "Mrrow." I shook my head and tilted my head. "He gave me another smile and re joined Saito in making breakfast. Hijikata placed a small plate in front of me and I looked what was on it. A puddle of water. Right. I was a cat now so I have to drink like this.

This will be the only time I will be drinking with my tongue. I lapped at the water, it was cold and it slowly made its way down my chest. I wasn't thirsty, I'm actually hungry! "Nyaaa!" I leapt back from the plate of water and stared at the fish on the counter next to Saito.

The rumbling in stomach got worse to the point of me wanting to take the fish from them. No! Its not right just taking their fish! But I was hungry. Releasing the animal in me, I leapt onto the counter and picked up the raw fish between my mouth. I let out a triumphant "Mrrow!" As I shook the fish back and forth.

Saito sighed and picked me up by the back of my neck, I hung their dangling with a piece of fish in my mouth. "Chizuru, we only have enough portions for the each of us." Oh right. Since they're the Shinsengumi, food was important to keep their stamina up. I lowered my gaze and he placed me back down on the counter. He gave a small smile. "Well, since you're with us now, I guess you could have that piece.

My kitty face lit up and I waved my tail enthusiastically. Hijikata sighed and placed a finger on his temple. "Now we'll have to get extra food for the cat here." Got that right. I leaped down from the counter with my prize and started to tear at the skin. I noticed that Okita kept on smiling at me. He really is a cat person. My teeth tore at the fish and I shivered with bliss as I swallowed a portion.

After I was finished, I licked my paws and crept out of the kitchen. I glanced around and noticed Harada walking outside, with spear in hand. Being curious, I went over to him. He didn't noticed me until I let out a sneeze.

He spun around and saw me. "Ah. What do we have here?" He bent down and grabbed a nearby twig, holding it above me. Instincts took over as I jumped and tried to catch it. "Adorable as ever Chizuru." I shouldn't be doing this! I dropped on all fours and stared at him. "Mew." He chuckled and picked me up. He brought me close to his face and he rubbed me.

"Honestly, how could you have gotten into this mess?" He pulled back and set me back down. I shook out my fur and watched him walk away. I tilted my head to the side and held a paw out.

Cats are strange creatures indeed.

As night found itself in the Shinsengumi headquarters, I decided to call it a night. I found Hijikata cooped up in his room. I scratched the door and waited until he opened it. "Oh, it's you." I smiled and let myself in. He sighed as he placed the paintbrush away, it seemed like he was writing something before I came in.

"I guess you could sleep here tonight." He went over to his tatami and patted at an empty spot next to him. Feeling reluctant, I padded over there and circled around the spot. Hijikata blew out the candle and laid next to me. "Good night then." I continued to stare at his sleeping form. He seems more peaceful sleeping than awake. I purred and tucked my paws under me.

Thump, thump. I scrutinized as I felt my chest tighten up. E-eh… W-what's happening? I gasped as I felt my body change. I blinked and held up my hand. Fingers, just like a human's. "Was the curse only temporary?"

Realization hit me as I Hijikata shuffled and placed his hand on my shoulders. O-oh no! This was definitely a bad time to turn into a human. I glanced down at my body and my eyes widened. "C-crap!" I was butt naked as I lay next to Hijikata.

Burning with embarrassment, I tried to pry his hand off my shoulder. I… I'm too young for this! My nightmare has just begun when his eyes suddenly flew open.

Gosh, I even had a stupid smile on my face when writing this. But anyways, how do you guys like the sequel so far? Remember, criticism is fine with me if it helps me with improving my story!

Thank you guys for reading!

Next Chapter: I'm a Bad Kitty, nyan!

Vote on my new poll for the guy you want Chizuru to end up with (Found on my profile)!