In honor of my first 'flame', I would like to post this response to the guest commentator who generously gave me their opinion on this story. Thank you.

To "Tobuscus, Skrillex, Deadmau5, and PewDiePie."

Firstly, I must say it's an honor for you to be reading my humble piece of fanFICTION "Tobuscus." (Along with Skrillex...Deadmau5...and Pewdiepie? Are you serious?)

That being said, this is indeed a work of FICTION by a FAN, and in no way reflects the real thoughts, emotions, actions, or preferences of the people portrayed. I meant no disrespect to Gabe Uscus or "yourself," respectively. There is a warning posted in the summary for a reason, most writers expect you to actually read through them before you click. If you do not like to read this kind of fiction, please avoid it in the future (reading summaries, checking warnings, and seeing ratings may help).

Also, I'd like to point out your several grammatical errors, "Tobuscus," although I mean it in the best possible way, and you should only extract ways to improve your own grammar from this.

Fuck is not spelled with a period between the 'c' and the 'k'. "...An my man..." is also erroneous, correctly, it would be "...[and] my man [comma] Gabe Uscus." If I may inquire, what is an "anime point of view?" Are you implying that all male Asians must be homosexual? If you are, I must inform you that is a rather narrow minded assumption. (FYI: We are as a contraction is "we're.") For curiosity's sake as well, I feel inclined to inquire what "B***" stands for. Lastly, "people" is not spelled "peopel." Please be more courteous with your grammar in your next hateful comment.

With dearest regards,


P.S. I hope someone gets a laugh out of this, because I am rather frustrated right now. This is why my account is being moved. I would hate to be a bother to immature elementary school kids who cannot read warnings and certainly can't type coherently.

P.P.S. I apologize to anyone who followed this story and thought that I had added another chapter, but on the bright side, I am indeed adding another installment to Advantageous Relationship. It will be posted on my account at AO3—see my bio for details and my new username. Oh, and thanks to everyone who left a review of legitimate interest. Trolls are rampant on the internet these days, and I had not experienced the unpleasantry of such a creature until today. Say la vie—all's well that ends well.