Hello my fellow Hamburgers, this is my first OC story as well as my first Kuroko no Basuke (Basket) fanfic. I have just started to watch the anime and it is absolutely amazing (it's actually getting me into basketball)! Besides that... Hot teenage boys, hot teenage boys everywhere~


It' is said that Crows are not a good sign.

In fact they are an omen.

When seeing one you better watch out and not give it eye contact because it could definitely be a foreboding thing for you.

It stared.

He stared back.

"A crow?" Himuro questioned, looking at the black, squawking bird perched in a fence, which Murasakibara was intently staring at as they were walking past it.

Every time it squawked, Murasakibara would slightly flinch— much to Himuro's amusement. "Oh right, I forgot that you hold some distaste towards them."

"Their noise..." mumbled the purple-haired giant, "I hate their noise."

Himuro chuckled, "Well it's autumn and that's when they come around here the most so you'll have to get used to it Atsushi."


The boys were walking home from practice that day. To Murasakibara, practice was more of an inconvenience, but Himuro had always convinced him to go and he wouldn't argue so long as he got a snack by the end of it.

A simple bribe was all it took.

The path they were taking was rather quiet and peaceful, save for the squawking crows perched in the fence they were walking besides. Ignoring the fence and crows, one would see a well-maintained park just being occupied with young children and mothers.

Murasakibara was munching on his fifth bag of potato chips and walking languidly while Himuro made small conversations with the Yosen giant. The Interhigh championships were coming to an end and Yosen managed to, once again, gain a spot to compete in the Winter Cup. It was not much of a hassle to win the Tohoku Tournament for the Interhigh preliminaries, and although Murasakibara did not tag along for the Interhigh finals the team had still managed to win in third place. Tōō would most likely be second, even with Aomine's absence, and Rakuzan would most likely be first, despite Akashi's absence.

At the moment the Yosen basketball club was preoccupied with the coming up Winter Cup.

Considering that Kagami and Kuroko, would be in the competition as well as the four other Generation of Miracle members, Himuro had a feeling that this year's Winter Cup would prove to be interesting. Murasakibara thought otherwise, he had no intention in going against Akashi and he did not like basketball enough to really attend every match.

It was all so troublesome and pointless.


Both boys stopped and turned to the sound of a girlish cry. A girl, crouched near a large pond in the park, was shrieking and anxiously pulling at her hair for some unknown reason.

'Just ignore and move on' was Murasakibara's plan but Himuro was not on the same track. The girl's distress touched his natural gentleman-like persona and he did not have the desire to leave a troubled woman unattended. "Atsushi."

"Mm?" Murasakibara had already managed to walk a couple feet away until he stopped and waited for Himuro to continue. He absent-mindedly stuck a hand into his bag of potato chips and realized that not even a crumb was left, earning am upset grunt from him.

"Should we check what's going on?"

Murasakibara stopped moping about the finished bag of chips and just stood there before giving another glance to where the girl was still shrieking at.

Her light pink hair had immediately struck him as interesting. It reminded him of a sweet, fluffy, light-pink cotton candy...

Without a second thought Murasakibara nodded, much to Himuro's disbelief. He was certain that he would have to drag an unwilling Murasakibara with him, but he wasn't going to waste time on thinking it over as his attention returned to the distressed girl.

"Hey, are you alright!" Himuro asked the girl with genuine concern as he and Murasakibara walked towards her.

The girl turned to look at them. Her caramel colored eyes were welled up with tears, "My bracelet... A crow dropped my bracelet into this pond, anad I have to get it back!"

Before either boy could respond the girl continued, "Could you guys help me?"

Well she doesn't beat around the bush... Thought Himuro. He then curiously glanced over to Murasakibara, and he didn't seem quite pleased with the situation they were in. Purple eyes would glance dully over at Himuro, awaiting an answer.

"Uh- Sure..."

Wrong answer.

The girls face brightened up and she immediately jumped up in delight with her hands rapidly clapping in joy. This girl was surprisingly taller than they expected, heck she surpassed Himuro, who was 6'0, in height and reached up to Murasakibara's chin.

This girl is a giant. Himuro thought wryly.

"My name is Madoka Rose. Now. You see that rock over there." She pointed to said large rock which was situated in the middle of the pond. "The crow dropped it around there."

Himuro looked to the rock and had to stop himself from sighing aloud.

Ah… They have to get in the water…

A sheepish smile grew upon her lips then, "You see I would do it myself but... I-I don't exactly react well to foreign substances especially to ones in murky and brackish places like this pond. I would have to get disinfected for a week if I even step foot in this pond."

Himuro and Murasakibara eyed the girl strangely but made no comment.

"Just leave it be~" Suggested Murasakibara, and Himuro nearly groaned at his suggestion. As if somebody that's crying for a bracelet would ever actually leave it be, its highly unlikely, Atsushi…

Confirming Himuro's thought, the girl furiously shook her head, "No way! My mother would kill me if I did. It's an antique hand-me-down passed from generation to generation. It's been in our family for years-no centuries-no… ERAS! I can't just abandon it." She softly muttered the last part to herself before gazing at the boys. "Please, I'll pay you guys back for the trouble, I promise."

With a n open sigh, Himuro rolled up his sleeves and pants and took off his shoes and socks. Murasakibara did the same although with a more sluggish reluctance.

Rose beamed at the boys and watched as they tentatively entered the water and walked towards the aforementioned rock. Here goes nothing... Himuro bent down and allowed his hands to wander into the water, skimming his hand over the muddy ground in search of a bracelet.

Murasakibara watched Himuro for a couple seconds before he also went to search for the bracelet.

Some five minutes passed before Himuro got up slowly. "Hey Madoka-san, are you sure the crow dropped the bracelet here?"

He looked back at the girl who nodded her head furiously, "Yes, I'm sure of it!"

Well I suppose I must keep on searching…


With his hands still roaming the ponds floor, he shot a side-glance towards his partner, "Huh? Yes, Atsushi?"

"I found it..." He murmured quietly.

Himuro almost beamed at his friend until he saw that he was holding a mere muddy plant. "Atsushi, that's not a bracelet."

Murasakibara gazed hard at the plant. He could've sworn it was a bracelet at first…

They continued skimming through until Murasakibara called out to him again, "Muro-chin..."


"I'm hungry~"

He sighed. Murasakibara could be such a child at times "If you want to eat, you'll have to find the bracelet. The faster we find it, the faster we're done."

"...Muro-chin." Once more.

Near aggravated, Himuro groaned out, "Yeah."

"I found it."

"Please tell me you're not messing around again, Atsu-" Low and behold, Murasakibara was holding an intricate gold bracelet.

From the background the boys could hear Rose excitedly scream out, "That's it, that's it!"

The boys both walked back to land and Murasakibara held his hand out to give the bracelet back to Rose. However she did not immediately take it, instead she told him to hold on before she ran and rummaged through her bag.

"Aha!" She exclaimed with triumph as she pulled out a box of (disinfectant) wipes.

Murasakibara plopped the bracelet into a wipe that lay in Rose's hand. She diligently went to work, wiping the small bracelet with at least 4 wipes before she carefully set the bracelet in a Ziploc bag. "I think I'll still have to soak it in disinfectant but thank you guys so much!"

They both nodded. Their hands were dirtied with mud as well as their feet but at least they were done. Having noted their now messy and dirty appearance, Rose immediately concerned herself over them, "Oh! How rude of me... Wait here."

She once again rummaged through her bag and got out 2 towels for them to clean themselves with, as well as 6 wipes per each boy and some hand sanitizer.

The girl was loaded with disinfectants.

Grateful for her offer, Himuro bowed his head, "Thank you, Madoka-san."

She nodded as she watched them clean themselves. "So what would you two like as compensation?" She asked out of the blue.

Himuro smiled good-naturedly at the girl. "Oh nothing. It's nice to just help someone else out." Whether Murasakibara thought the same was highly doubtful. Himuro glanced at Murasakibara who remained quiet as he wiped mud off his toes. He doesn't seem too bothered. Himuro would often drag Murasakibara to things that he was unwilling to do anyways but this time seemed like it was crossing a line. Whatever the case, Murasakibara did not seem angry or troubled so perhaps it was not such a bother for him.

A loud grumble erupted from the giant's stomach causing all eyes to focus on said stomach, "I'm hungry..." He finally muttered.

A giggle erupted from Rose, "Well that settles it. I'll invite you guys out to eat! After all, you both did me a huge favor... "She then stared at the two, "I'm sorry, now that I think about it I don't think I know either of your names yet."

"Oh! Well I'm Himuro Tatsuya and he's Murasakibara Atsushi."

She muttered both of their names quietly to herself as to not forget before she bowed politely to both of them, "Well I am eternally grateful for both of your assistance, Murasakibara-san and Himuro-san," She then stood normally and beamed at them both, "Which is why I'll treat you guys to wherever you want to eat! Don't even worry about the price!"

She seemed so confident and positive. Himuro could not help but find her quite endearing…

"I want pastries~!" The lumpish voice of his friend sounded out between the three.

Rose nodded at Atsushi, not bothered by his command, "Well there's this sweets store in town that I would highly recommend! Aside from pastries they also have ice cream, frozen yogurt, assorted candies, and varying fruit beverages. It's awesome!"

Atsushi seemed more than eager to go, he glanced at Himuro as if waiting for his approval but Himuro was certain that he wouldn't take no for an answer. "Well that sounds great but are you sure you can pay?"

Rose waved her hand dismissively, "It's nothing to worry about."

With a quick glance at a starved Atsushi, Himuro thought otherwise. I think you'll be worrying soon enough...

"Wow! Murasakibara-san, I think you should just bring the whole store with you!"

Atsushi did not disappoint. His long arms were overflowed with sweets stacked into a mini-sweet mountain.

Out of guilt and pity, Himuro refrained from getting something for himself. She'll have paid more than necessary for us both with Atsushi alone.

Rose was watching in awe as Murasakibara made his way towards another pastry shelf. He diligently grabbed five before passing on to another shelf. How amazing he is! Thought Rose in absolute fascination.

Himuro, on the other hand, cringed at his friend's imprudence.

"Aren't you going to get anything Himuro-san?" Rose asked as she had suddenly come by his side, looking at him curiously. She had wondered why the cool Himuro was not grabbing anything like his tall friend was.

"Uh-No… I'm fine, thank you."

Her caramel eyes openly stared at him before she left his side and came back moments later with a bowl of what looked like vanilla ice cream.

"You look like a vanilla kind of guy." She would state with a smile.

Himuro chuckled and gratefully accepted it. Atsushi soon came to them as well with his mountain of sweets. "I'm done."

Rose stared at him and his pile, "Are you sure? Did you get any beverages or frozen treat? You can if you want."

He stood with a pensive look before Tatsuya abruptly answered for him. "He should be find with what he has, Madoka-san."

He led Atsushi to a bewildered cashier, whom had his work cut out for him, placing each sweet in several bags. The overall price managed to surprise even Atsushi but Rose dismissed it and said she was willing to pay. She pulled out a card and the cashier swiped it through the credit card terminal.

"Come again!" Shouted the cashier as the trio exited the building.

As the three walked together with Rose situated in the middle and Atsushi to her right and Himuro to her left, they began making small conversation.

Himuro learned that Rose lived in Akita City in a penthouse with her mom and apparently her dad was gone for a week due to the fact that he had several assemblies to attend around Japan. His lectures based off of his studies of microorganisms, such as germs and pathogens, which gave Himuro the idea that it was her dad who influenced her with her evident germaphobia.

"Considering your uniform seems unfamiliar, I'll like to come to the conclusion that you attend another school that's not Yosen." Himuro would note.

Rose looked down at her uniform almost as if she were confirming it to herself. "Yeah. I attend Ogata Academy. It's an All-Girls academy." She added naturally.

"Oh, isn't that in Yurihonjō ?" Himuro recalled that some girl in his class transferred from that academy and apparently it was a very stern and stringent school.

She nodded, "My mom and dad wanted me to attend a school known for its cleanliness. It was honestly one of my must-haves as well."

Himuro laughed awkwardly then, he has never heard of someone entering a school for it's cleanliness but he wasn't one to judge.

"Are you an only child?"

She shook her head, "No, I have an older sister but she went to study as an entertainer in the States. Ideally she would have more realistic dreams but it's not up to me." There was a brief pause before she continued sullenly, "She's married now. To some guy that she met in the States."

Noting her change in mood at the mention of his sister, Himuro asked curiously, "Do you miss her?"

Rose contemplated that question before she shook her head slowly. "No, I could be without her. She abandoned us and didn't invite, even me, to her wedding. She just sent us pictures and a post card from her honeymoon..." Rose sighed then before looking to her bagged bracelet. "Sometimes there are people that are out of your life for a reason."

Himuro remained silent then, an image of Kagami coming to mind.

Meanwhile, Murasakibara had gazed at her silently. He had not bothered to be a part of their small conversations due to the fact that he was happily eating the sweet, edible rewards that Rose bought for him. However as he paid close attention to Rose he had noticed that her whole body emanated nothing but disdain towards her older sister.

Although his own sister could be rather annoying, he couldn't imagine disliking her in such a way.

He stopped walking, prompting the two other people to stop and eye him. He reached into one of his bag of goodies until he pulled out a cherry Danish, beckoning her to take it.

She shook her head though, not even contemplating whether she should accept it.

"I'm sorry but I can't accept food from people who haven't washed their hands first."

Murasakibara stared at her plainly, not caring for the words she had just spoken. He prodded the pastry closer to her face almost as a forced gesture for her to eat it.

She continued to shake her head until he spoke sternly, "Eat, you'll feel better."

Himuro glared at Murasakibara for his rudeness. All-the-while Rose just registered what he told her. He's trying to comfort me? No. She stopped her train of thought abruptly. I'm not allowed to accept food from hand especially from a boy's hand... Especially from an attractive boy's hand! I'll definitely be dealing with E. Coli for a week.

Bothered by Murasakibara's prodding, Himuro went to defend the taller-than-him beauty, "Atsushi, leave Madoka-san alone."

Murasakibara immediately pulled his hand and the treat back. Pausing before he ate the treat for himself and silently continued to walk, seemingly not bothered by the rejection.

The rest of the walk felt a bit awkward to Himuro but soon enough, Rose had to separate from the boys as she reached a bus stop to take her home. "Well, it was nice meeting you guys. Hopefully we can meet again soon. " She would bow politely before entering the bus that had just stopped by.

As the bus departed, Himuro and Murasakibara stood silently together. "Atsushi, you are not so good with women."



"You like her~"

Himuro nearly lost his composure then, "No! I was simply being kind and I treated her like how people should be treated."

Murasakibara stared at him before reaching for another pastry and munching on it with satisfaction. It was really sweet.

Himuro sighed as he watched Murasakibara return to his usual eating antics, "Alright, let's go."

They both walked again, side-by-side before Himuro just stopped and realized something. "Hey Atsushi, isn't Madoka-san your type of girl?"

Murasakibara simply stared at his now smiling friend and shrugged.

"I believe you said that you prefer tall woman and she definitely fit that criterion."

He did tell him that once didn't he? Well it was true, after all, it would be a drag to date someone who is significantly shorter than him. He would have to bend down too much and that would ultimately prove a burden to his vertebrae. "It'll be more convenient."

Himuro chuckled, "Of course."

The squawking of some nearby crows echoed through the streets causing Murasakibara to unconsciously flinch a bit too roughly and then a horrendous thing happened. A perfectly good light pink bon bon that Murasakibara had been near eating had fallen onto the ground. A harsh scowl formed on his face as he stared down at the treat.

Before he could throw a tantrum, Himuro smoothly interjected, "Oi, Atsushi. I have homework to do so let's get going."

Murasakibara reluctantly obliged, grumbling as he gave one last glance at the light pink bon bon that was now being eating by some crows.

"Tch. Idiot crow."

It is said that Crows are an omen.

But let it be known, that a crow can also Clso ow can also mark fe also be a symbol for , asked curiously, or it'girl.mark a new phase in your life…

Now I would like to thank you guys for reading and I hope you'll be willing enough to leave a beautiful review as well. Flames make my heart bleed so please refrain from doing any flames and if you have any constructive criticism then I'll accept that too. I honestly felt a bit weird writing with these new characters i felt like I made them OOC and if I did please inform and explain to me what I did wrong so I can learn from it. I legit just started watching the show and am barely on episode 15 but I have skimmed through the Manga and I like the characters, especially the GoM. I hope to make more stories on them with an OC and I hope you guys look forward to reading them. Once again please review, I would greatly appreciate it.

Love yah and See you later, Hamburgers! (^_-)≡(||]!