One month had passed and Furuichi Takayuki was still in a form of a child. His instincts and priorities had changed however over the thirty days. He was tied to a mission and to the four demons that lived with him in the building. Today however there was a new guest. A guest that was discovered by Furuichi, and dragged back to his home by Jabberwock.
A small body towered over the tied up body on the floor which shook with fear. Blood stained the floor and small bloody footprints followed. A smirk met fearful eyes and a whimper escaped the tied body as a hand reached to his eyes.
"You little shit, what the hell did I tell you?"
The hand retracted and silver eyes glared up at the demon. The small body sagged with defeat of being found out before he could have some fun.
Furuichi kicked lightly at the floor and said in a teasing voice. "Ah Hecadoth, I was just playing with him." He huffed out and mumbled under his breath. "Jabberwock, lets me all the time."
Hecadoth ignored the comment and instead pushed the boy at the back of head to the door. "Behemoth, is looking for you."
At the mention of the ex-leader he became somber and quickly exited the room without another glance to the prisoner. The training over the two months had consumed every minute of the boy's life excluding sleeping and eating. It also made him develop close relationship with the demons. Whether that was a good thing, had yet to be seen.
But there was obvious respect Furuichi had for the others, despite how many times he may have tried to escape. Because even though it had been a month there were still moments, where Furuichi was frantically trying to look for someone.
Someone he could not name but the absence of the person had him going crazy at times. Those training days were harder than others. But as time went on, the fits spaced further and further apart. Now training and survival was the only thing on his mind
Meeting the ex-leader he stood quietly like he was supposed to. It was strange for him to meet the leader in room like the bathroom. And it was strange to see Behemoth hold a bottle with a red liquid. But his curiosity got the best of him and he asked.
"What's that?"
The interruption didn't bother Behemoth and he quickly replied. "Hair dye." He put down the bottle to pull a small container out his pocket. "And contacts."
Furuichi walked further into the bathroom to take a closer look. "Who are they for?" He asked with dread, as his instincts already told him they were for him.
A smile appeared on the old man's face and he answered. "You. You're going to meet an important person tomorrow and we need to hide a few physical traits. Well, we actually need to hide your whole identity."
The boy was already backtracking his steps before he could finish. Hands clenching his gray strands of hair, he replied with finality. "I don't want that."
"Well to bad. In order for this contract to work, Lord En has to like you. The 'New You'." Behemoth emphasized. "So Furuichi is no longer of existence when in the company of the Lord."
Lord En was the guy that he was going to have a contract with. He could tell The Lord was of great power as no one dared to speak an ill word towards him. He knew what the contract consisted of and he had questions in the beginning but, they were crushed with each day of training. Now he accepted his mission and would die for it.
But dying his hair with that smelly dye was pushing the boundaries. He was about to exit the room and go to his hiding place when Behemoth stopped him by announcing. "Before you leave you should be aware that it will be either myself or the leader who will complete this task."
The boy froze and quickly turned around. With a frown on his face he entered the bathroom and stared with hatred at the bottle and container.
He watched as it was picked up by Behemoth and the directions were read. The bathroom was silent as Furuichi waited for further directions. He was surprised when the bottle was put down and the elder stood outside. He wasn't surprised however, when Behemoth yelled with authority. "Hecadoth front and center!"
In the same second that the order was yelled out, Hecadoth appeared. Face expression serious and weapon in hand. "Yes sir!"
Behemoth looked at the pillar with amusement before ordering. "I need, Furuichi's, hair and eyebrows dyed and he has to get used to the contacts. Make it look good." Without another word he left and Hecadoth could only sigh as he stared down at the child.
Leaving his spear to rest against the wall, he rolled his sleeves and began reading the instructions on the dye. "C'mon let's get this over with."
Turning towards where Furuichi was last seen, he realized his mistake in taking his eyes off him for one second. Barging out of the restroom, he caught sight of the small body fleeing up the stairs. Patience growing thin, he grabbed his spear and watched his target for a few sparing seconds.
Then he released.
When Agiel came into the building she was welcomed to the sounds of high pitched screams and Hecadoth's yelling. She sprinted to the sounds and when she entered the bathroom she exclaimed. "What the hell are you two doing?"
She took in the sight of a red stained face Hecadoth who also had red spots on his shirt. His jacket laid abandoned on the floor and she noticed a smaller jacket that had a hole in the cloth. Before she could jump to the worst conclusion a small body hit her knees. She looked down to see Furuichi clinging to her thigh, fake tears streaming down his face and crying dramatically.
"Agiel look what he did to me!"
Staring down at the now red head she was able to suppress her laughs for the general's sake. But when he looked up and revealed his now red eyebrows, Agiel lost it.
Between laughs she weakly threatened. "I'll kill you, Hecadoth."
The other demon paid no mind to her and instead was reading the instructions on the contacts. She couldn't threaten him any further because her hand was tugged feverishly. "Agiel, am I still adorable!" Furuichi cried to her as he again buried his face into her thigh.
Agiel carefully pulled her tattooed thigh away from the child's touch. Two months the demons finally learned that Furuichi was drawn to their energy or "sin" as he once mumbled in his sleep. The after effects of him taking away their "sin" was horrible. Left them unconscious for hours and feeling horrible and weak when they woke up.
Kneeling down to the other's height she squeezed his face and soothed his worries by cooing at him. "Of course you are, you precious thing."
Before Agiel could pick up the small child, Hecadoth interrupted. "Come over here for your contacts." While Hecadoth placed the contacts, Agiel questioned the child.
"So, Furuichi-chan, what's your new identity?!"
"We have yet to come up with one." Hecadoth grumbled miserably.
"He's not my kid is he?" Agiel yelled in shock at the idea. The kid did have red hair like her. Having Agiel be his mother was a possibility, but it wasn't good enough. Furuichi already made up a backstory and shared it with the two demons.
"My father is the great second leader, Jabberwock, and my grandfather is first leader, Behemoth."
"Shit that's pretty high up there." Agiel mused out loud.
"No one will dare question me." Furuichi replied with a grin. His plan was a good one, and no one would dare question Behemoth or Jabberwock.
"Who's your mom?" Hecadoth questioned and seemed pleased at himself to finding the hole in Furuichi's story.
"Dead." Furuichi replied bluntly.
"Shit you're one cold bastard aren't you." Agiel mumbled.
"En has no mom presence, so he will hopefully find comfort that I too have no mother figure." Furuichi explained further. Such a deep connection from the small body, surprised the two pillars. Hecadoth quickly recovered from the shock by commanding.
"Go to bed. Tomorrow is a big day." After a death glare sent his way, he continued a moment later "If I catch you near the prisoner you're going to regret it."
With a roll of his eyes, the small body turned and sprinted towards his room. The moment he was away from the two, Agiel turned to Hecadoth and hissed. "What the hell was that? We didn't tell him about the Queen's status."
"We will have to monitor him closely in case his memories are returning. Especially since tomorrow will be an important day. Can't have any mistakes."
"And how is the protective mama dragon gonna let her lil baby out of his sight." Agiel teased as she took a seat on the toilet. Hecadoth rolled his eyes at her choice but defended himself. "Being protective over your comrades is never a weakness.
This time Agiel rolled her eyes at the male demon. "You're talking to the person who carried three comrades on her back at Ishiyama." After a pause, Agiel admitted. "I feel like we're manipulating him for our own goals.
"We are." Hecadoth replied truthfully but continued before Agiel could start yelling. "But we would protect him to the death. And you saw his thoughts when we were first contracted with him.
"Yeah. The kid was in bad shape, but to be contracted with the young master. That's a big responsibility." Agiel worried out loud.
"A responsibly we all believe he can take."
They grew silent as the conversation settled in their mind, until a stranger's scream broke through the silence. "That brat!" Hecadoth growled before taking off.
"What do you expect he's attracted to the sinner." Agiel yelled in Furuichi's defense before she followed Hecadoth so she didn't miss the show.
Tomorrow came all too fast for Furuichi, and his stomach was in knots when he and Behemoth walked towards the portal.
The moment Furuichi walked through the forbidden door, his body wanted to run away. Run towards a destination that he was unaware of. He wanted to see someone that had no name. Because this was earth. And he never felt as close to this unknown urge than he did when he was here. The person had to be here. Had to be somewhere.
A heavy hand broke his thoughts, and set reality back to him. He tried to hold his disappointment as he remembered why he was on earth. He had to meet Master En.
"Don't be nervous." Instead of sounding like advice from the elder, it came off more as a warning. Furuichi knew how serious today was. He had been training for so long for this day.
"I'm not."
"Are you really going to kill me if Lord En doesn't like me?"
A shrug was all he got for an answer. His face fell, and for a moment panic surged through him. This was wrong. Everything was wrong. A kid shouldn't be contracted with a Lord. And he shouldn't be killed if the Lord did not want to make a contract with him.
He felt his breathing stutter, and for an unknown reason he began looking around. He was in a residential area where tall buildings took most of the space. He expected someone to come barging through, grab him, call him an idiot and then save the day. He wanted this to happen so bad that his heart beat became faster just at the thought of it.
How the hell can he miss someone, he didn't even know? Something was wrong. No, everything was wrong. But before he could think any further, Behemoth was leading him inside one of the buildings. And as if a switch being flipped, his thoughts changed to the mission.
The mission was to have the Master like him. And in time, set a contract with him. But his thoughts began to blur, as the smell of sin began to overwhelm him. He knew everyone had sin, but this person's sin. It was…powerful.
He barely realized he was in someone's room when he heard Behemoth talking.
"Good morning, Master En. I have some plans that need your approval. "
He blinked a few times and quickly tried to take in his surroundings. He didn't have to look long enough to see all of the room's occupants. Since they were all staring at him with hated glares. They as in three beautiful skimpy dressed maids who surrounded an older green haired demon who was sitting in a luxurious chair in front of a TV. This had to be Lord En. The source of the overwhelming sin.
"Who's that?" The boy commanded at Behemoth, as he looked at Furuichi in disgust.
"This is my grandson, his name is-"
"Don't care!" The royal demon interrupted. He resumed playing the video game, and ignored the two. The three nursemaids however resumed their heated glares which made Furuichi feel like an intruder.
This feeling increased when the demon continued by asking in an annoyed tone. "Ugh why is here?
"The leader was busy and could not watch him." Behemoth explained calmly.
Well why is his mom not watching him." En barked.
"He doesn't have one." Behemoth replied in a solemn tone. A glare from Behemoth, told him to have a sad expression which he quickly did.
Silence covered the room, and the nursemaids were on their toes in case the Lord began to start crying. But instead the demon spared a glance at the younger boy. Furuichi stared back and again the familiar feeling crept into him. He knew this boy.
Before he could stare at En any longer, Behemoth's glare reminded him to avoid eye contact with royalty. He quickly looked away and admitted defeat to the older male. Staring down at his feet, he panicked and wondered if the mission was still able to be successful.
Well if he wanted to live then he better make this damn mission work. Spending a few moments to observe the green haired male and his surroundings, he chose his next words wisely.
Faking excitement he pointed towards the system, the controller was connected to and asked. "Wow what's that."
"Don't touch it." En barked as a reply, even though Furuichi had yet to make a single step towards it. Despite his rude comment he continued with a smug smile. "It's a device that is much too complicated for you."
"Wow you must be really smart…because you're playing so good." The words were like poison to him and after saying the compliment, his stomach felt a little weak. But the compliment was worth it, as En spared another glance to him. The smug smile became bigger and with a nonchalant tone he waved his hand to the corner of the room.
"You can watch but go sit over there, so you don't interrupt my concentration."
Furuichi quickly followed the command and sat in the corner of the room. En made an exaggerated show of fighting, and constantly glanced in the corner of the room to see if Furuichi was watching. Which of course he was. And the entire time he was complimenting the other's actions.
"Wow! You're amazing!"
And when the brat lost, Furuichi made sure he was looking away or staring at Behemoth.
Furuichi almost felt like blood would surge up his throat if he had to compliment him one more time. He didn't know why complimenting the Master seemed to make him feel sick
Behemoth and the demon maids the entire time were watching the two, as if waiting for disaster to strike. But nothing unusual happened, until En turned to Furuichi. "You wanna play?"
Furuichi quickly ran to the comfy looking couch, and sat down next to it on the floor. A waving hand told him to put more distant between him and the demon. Furuichi quickly followed the instructions and replied with a smile. "Thank you. Can you teach me how to play?"
"I'll try. It takes raw talent and that can't be taught."
Furuichi nodded feverishly even though his teeth were grinding against each other in annoyance. But he had to keep face, because the three beautiful demons were watching his every move. But Furuichi made sure each move and word did not cause any setbacks.
He complimented En which surprisingly had a big effect on the royal demon. Downgrading himself also had a positive effect to the Lord, and surprisingly came very easy to him. By the time an hour passed, Furuichi went from the corner, to sitting beside Lord En.
The play date had to be cut short when Behemoth saw a few strands of hair were slowly being changed back to gray. Coughing to grab Furuichi's attention which was enough for Furuichi to understand. He lost the fighting match in a matter of seconds. With one last exaggerated compliment to the demon, Furuichi thanked him for letting him play.
"It was very nice meeting you Master." Furuichi bowed quickly as he began to felt a tingling sensation at the back of his head. En did not reply and instead changed the game back to one player mode. Furuichi didn't know if he should say something else, but a hand at the back of his head quickly guided him out the door.
The hand stayed at the back of his head as they walked out the door and out of the building. Each step Furuichi wondered if it would be his last. When would the hand lower to his neck, and snap it? By the time the building was a distance away from them, Furuichi was sure he was going to be killed and have his body dumped in the dumpster.
"You did well, Furuichi." Behemoth finally complimented him.
Swatting the hand away from him he angrily exclaimed. "YOU SHOULD HAVE SAID THAT IN THE BEGINNING!"
Behemoth chuckled at the child's reaction and quickly guided him through the portal. Being back at home, Furuichi quickly ran to the restroom, to get rid of the disgusting taste in his mouth after complimenting the green haired kid so many times.
By the time he was done, any red in his hair was completely gone. Staring at his reflection, he quickly took out the contacts. When he was finally back to his normal self, Agiel walked by and paused to stare at him.
"Oh I was starting to like the red on you. You were one of us for a while." Agiel teased as she combed her fingers through the gray locks. "So how'd today go? Did the young master like you?" She asked curiously.
Before Furuichi could reply, Behemoth answer for him with a smile on his face." Master En's maids has just informed me that the young master wants to see you again in two days. Apparently a new game is being released and he wants you to test it out with him. Good job Furuichi."
Furuichi smiled sheepishly at the compliment, and felt a surge of happiness go through his body. He looked down at his feet and mumbled a thank you. The moment of accomplishment was broken when Jabberwock appeared and brought with him a sober atmosphere. Covered in someone else's blood he announced. "A member has been detected."
The five words had everyone moving. Furuichi was running to his room and grabbing the necessary uniform he wore when he went out on searching missions. The moment all the clothes were on him, Agiel barged into the room and sprayed him with a potion that smothered any scent he had on him.
Before Agiel could drown him in the potion, Behemoth's stern voice was heard. "Furuichi."
"I'm ready." He answered as he escaped Agiel and ran to stand in front of the elder. He was excited and couldn't wait to find the Solomon member. He just had to make sure he didn't mess up this time. Even though he couldn't remember what happened last time, he did remember how angry Behemoth had been.
"Remember I need the member to be conscious for questioning." Behemoth stressed to him.
"Got it."
"Furuichi. Not another mistake." Behemoth warned.
"Yes sir."
"Get it done as fast as possible. You have to prepare for your visit."
Furuichi could only nod before he ran out the door. The moment he entered earth, the smell of sin called to him. He couldn't help the smile that came across his face.
I'm so sorry everyone for my horrible updating skills. I'm going to get better, as midterms are over on tuesday! YAY! Thank you everyone for following, favoriting, and of course reviewing this fic. I really appreciate every review and love hearing your thoughts.
So I hope to update soon, and yes things will be getting pretty serious. And to avoid confusion, Furuichi was changed back to a child form, at the end of chapter 3.
So hope you enjoyed the new chapter and please leave any thoughts, comments, questions. They will all be very appreciated! Alright hope you guys have a good one!