Well, my dear friends and readers, this is it…this is the last chapter (starts to cry uncontrollably). I want to thank all those who continued to support me and gave me the inspiration for this story. I really appreciate it. Before I begin, lets have a quick recap of what's happened. Unknowingly near the end of her pregnancy, Lukana finally lets the Duke touch her stomach. Upon doing so, he literally hears the baby's voice and learns that it's a girl, she doesn't like it when Sateriajis and Lukana fight as it makes her sad, she is sorry for hurting her mother(she was angry at Lukana for keeping Sateriajis away) and despite the difficulties, she loves both her parents very much. After hearing all this, the hatred he felt for his daughter turned into immense love. A few days later, the two parents decide to name their unborn daughter Mireya(the miracle child) Things remain pleasant…until Lukana suddenly goes into a painful labor in front of Sateriajis and the other women. I want to once again thank all those who had supported me and I hope you enjoy the final chapter to Why Have You Made My Love Untouchable?

Disclaimer: I own nothing related to Vocaloid

Why Have You Made My Love Untouchable?

Hearing nothing but screams of pain coming from his wife, Sateriajis could do nothing but try to get Lukana as calm and comfortable as possible. In no less than two minutes, Mikulia, Gumina, and Meilis rushed back into the room carrying blankets, towels, and pillows. After making a make-shift bed and getting the tailor on it, she seemed to calm down for at least a minute before Lukana started to painfully scream again.

"Duke, Mireya is in pain! Get her out now!"

After Lukana's painful and desperate plea, Mikulia frantically looked at the tailor's stomach and then to the Duke and the others.

"The placenta detached so Mireya's literally trying to tear herself out…she's suffocating."

Lukana's screams of pain began to turn into fear after hearing the peasant's statement.

"She's suffocating! Get her out! Save her!"

It was at that point that Sateriajis knew what he had to do to save his unborn child and his wife. It was the last thing he wanted, but he had no other choice. He turns towards Mikulia and asks her to bring him something. The peasant ran off and came back with a knife moments later. She hands it to the Duke, who then looked at his wife.

"My love, I'm going to make all the pain go away."

Sateriajis took the blade and gently ran it across the bruised area and ignoring the blood that spurted out, started to reach into Lukana's stomach to retrieve his suffocating daughter, with Mikulia and the others trying to keep Lukana as calm and still as possible. Sateriajis continued to feel around for the baby until he felt something land in his arms.

"Here she is." The Duke said as he delivered the baby. Moments later, everyone heard the sound they wanted to hear…a baby's cry.

"Lukana, it's Mireya…she's here." Sateriajis said happily.

After getting Lukana cleaned up and having her stomach fixed up (by Gumina), the tailor was taken to the bedroom (not the basement chamber) to rest as the horrific delivery had left her too exhausted to do anything.

. . .

A few hours later, Lukana woke up from her deep sleep to find her husband in a nearby cushioned chair, cradling his daughter.

"He looks so happy" the tailor thought as she pulled herself up into a sitting position, almost immediately grabbing her husband's attention. The Duke slowly rose from his chair and walked over to his wife with a smile on his face.

"My love, are you ready to meet her?" Lukana happily nodded as Sateriajis handed the tailor their miracle child.

"Mireya my daughter, you are going to be loved more than anything." Lukana softly said as she kissed her daughter's forehead. "Duke, she looks so much like you." Sateriajis slightly chuckled at his wife's observation. "I would say so yes…more or less."

Mireya had entered the world with her father's purple hair and angular face and her mother's crystal-blue eyes, along with a slight blush to her snow-white skin.

Lukana was right, despite the difficulties; Mireya was born a very beautiful baby. Gently taking one of Mireya's tiny hands and smiling at the small grip on her finger that she received in return, thinks quietly to herself.

"I know that from this point on, we will be a very happy family."

. . .

The full moon shone brightly through the nursery's window as Lukana walked in with her daughter (who was recently bathed). After turning on a small table lamp, the tailor got Mireya into a diaper and into her favorite pajamas (purple footsie with white frills at the end of the sleeves). She then sat in a rocking chair with the tiny child cradled in her arms. Lukana stroked her daughter's purple locks and began rocking in the chair.

Hush now my baby

Please don't cry

Dry off both those eyes

Baby please rest your head

Dream peacefully as you lie in bed

You are loved so very much

We both smile at your slightest touch

Almost immediately, Mireya's crystal blue eyes slowly closed, putting her into a deep peaceful sleep. Tucking Mireya into her rather large crib, the tailor gives her a kiss on the forehead, turns off the lamp, and walks out of the nursery, leaving Mireya to her dreams.

. . .

Sateriajis walked down a hallway, avoiding any contact with women he came across, until he got to the nursery. Slowly opening the door, he walks toward the crib, and smiles at the sight of his sleeping daughter.

"My dearest Mireya, I continue to feel guilt on what I have done to you and your mother. But remember, the both of you are my life now."

He kissed his daughter's forehead and whispered…

"Good-night, my love"

There may be a sequel, I'm not sure yet. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the final chapter, and see you next time!

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