Tails in Forks

Chapter 12

New Discoveries

Author's notes: I don't own anything; except my OC's. Sorry for the long wait. My depression had gotten worse and It's been getting the best of me. I've been basically letting it run my life. But I'm going to try to change that. Here's the next chapter I hope that you enjoy this.

Ellie stood in front of the liquid Jell-O. She looked around to make sure that she was completely alone before she used her powers. The Jell-O hardened into Gelatin. She had finally found her new power. Hers took a while to find, when she told her friends she had found her new power she had lied. She hadn't wanted to admit that she hadn't figured her new power out. In fact she was kind of embarrassed to be the last one of the four of them to find her new power.

Maya and Seth were closer than ever. The two of them were now in a steady relationship. Brooke and her twin, Brady had reconciled and were back to their close twinship (that was a word Brooke had made up to describe her friendship with her twin brother). Taylor was still the same old her and so was Ellie.

"You want to go swimming?" Taylor asked Ellie.

"Sure." She said happily. She was glad that she could at least hang out with one of her friends. With everything that had happened lately they hadn't really had the time to talk or hang out. "Are Brooke and Maya coming?"

"We could ask them." Taylor replied. They approached Brooke who was talking with her twin. "Hey Brooke, do you want to come swimming with us?"

"Sure." She jumped up off the sofa eagerly. "Let's grab Maya away from her boyfriend."

The three of them found Maya at the table with Seth. The two of them were both holding hands. "Hey Maya! We're all going for a swim. Want to come?"

"Sure." Maya smiled. "Do you mind?" She directed her question to her boyfriend.

"Not at all." He smiled giving her a quick peck on the cheek. "Go hang out with your friends."

"You're the best." She responded, flashing him a quick smile before she turned to her three best friends. "Let's go."

The four friends left Sam's house, which was where they were mostly spending their free time lately, and began their long walk to the beach.

In the moon pool cave, the four friends began to talk.

"Hey guys, I need to tell you all something." Ellie began. The others fell silent and gave the yellow tailed mermaid their full attention. "When I told you that I found my new power... I kind of lied."

"We know." Brooke told her gently.

"What? how?" Ellie said.

"Please Ellie," Taylor responded rolling her eyes. "We're not complete idiots. When you said you found your new power and named it, it was the same power that you already had."


"Why did you lie to us though?" Maya asked.

"I.. I was kind of embarrassed that I hadn't yet figured out my new power." She admitted.

"That's nothing to be embarrassed about." Brooke told you.

"Yeah, remember how long it took me to discover my first power?" Taylor remarked. "It wasn't until I got very mad, that I realized what my power was."

"Yeah." Maya chimed in. "So don't worry about it. Besides were your friends, We're not going to judge you."

"Thanks guys." Ellie gave them a small smile.

"No prob." Taylor flashed her friend a quick smile.

"That's what friends are for." Brooke added.

Maya nodded her head in agreement. "You're welcome."

Author's notes: Sorry for the long wait and the short chapter. I just have horrible writers block for this fanfiction. Any ideas would be well appreciated. :)