There were times in Sesshomaru's life that he wanted things, powerful, unattainable things, but he never had a problem in successfully obtaining them. There wasn't a lot that Sesshomaru, the Killing Perfection would be afraid of, but this, this feeling of his entire world wrapped around the one part on his body that allows him to not only feel the ultimate pleasure, but also to help create life. Tightly she fit, too tight almost, wrapped warmly around his gorging member – it was almost, no, it was too much.

She gasped, suddenly very aware of the fact that maybe she shouldn't have slammed her still untouched barrier onto his overly sized, prize. Leaning her sweat glistening forehead against his own sweat glistening, bare chest, she smirked.

"You have run out of options, Sesshomaru" Her voice wonderful to his ears, as it left her in pants, and gasps of the new experience she literally took into herself.

There was something that he wanted to comment on, back to her, but since his mind and mouth weren't able to communicate at the moment he thought of something better, more devious.

He grabbed the sides of her hips, purposely allowing the tips of his claws to enter in ten different spots. Drawing out the wonderful aroma of her blood, which allowed his beast the moment he has longed for. While Sesshomaru's eyes turned a deep shade of blood, Kagome's mind was slipping from reality.

The thoughts, the feelings that she was experiencing with him sheathed completely inside her, filling her, obtaining her, stealing her.

Sesshomaru lifted the tiny frame of his mate up, until the tip of his engorged cock was about to pop out of her tight passage, with the release of a breath that they both didn't realize they were holding, he slammed her back down till he almost split her in two.

Her moan, her loud moan, set the rhythm for the next two minutes of them slowly exploring areas of each other that no one has ever been. There is something to say about the oldest dance in the world.

The mending of two bodies, making them move together as one, the soul connection that happens, when your trying to feel everything that you can about the other person with the most private parts of your own body. The sexuality that it requires to be able to dance with that other person.

Hot skin, scorching, even would be the best way to describe their temperatures. Kagome was starting to feel her insides coil, the thought alone of exploding herself all over his cock made her gain that much more distance to her first orgasm of the ride.

"It's okay my mate, cum for me. Cum on my dick."

And she did. Those words blew her away into the heavens, soaring through the clouds, and right back into the arms of her demon love.

Sesshomaru felt like he was about to lose all his control when her tight, squeezing tight core smashed around him, trying to pull his cock even further into his angel. He decided that he wanted to make her cum at least two more times before he allowed himself to hopefully spread his seed all the way to her little womb.

Kagome was panting lightly, but her heartbeat had never beat so fast. She was unaware that she was being moved until the hard, long, member of Sesshomaru reached new heights inside of her that she almost came a second time. She was now, on her back, with Sesshomaru on his knees, his hands around her ankles keeping them straight, together and almost touching her shoulders.

The feel of his dick, sliding in and out of this vixen, his mate, below him was the most sensual, daring thing that he would be willing to admit. Warmth that they both had never know before swallowed their privates into something electrifying He suddenly went faster, deeper, and harder.

He was losing control and fast, there wasn't anything that was stopping him now. The harder he went the more he was able to feel of her. The faster he went the tighter she became around his cock – and there was no more control left.

He quickly flipped her over, leaning over her to make sure she kept her face laying on the pillows below her. He took his right hand and displayed it a crossed her lower back, his left hand quickly finding the bundle of nerves between her delicious southern lips – still glistening with the after math of her orgasm. He quickened his pace to an almost blinding spend, sending himself and her off the edge of their cliff. He bent immediately attaching his fangs to the mark he recently placed on her. Their eyes rolling into the back of their heads.

It took a complete thirty minutes before their minds began to focus again.

"My mate.." He whispered


"Now that I have you, you will never escape my grasp. My love, My soul, My life, My mate."

With that they both feel asleep, wrapped in each other's embrace – forever.

Tomorrow awaits them for a never ending Pure Lust, because it has definitely become something more.


A/N: I am so sorry for the drastic timing that I spent away from my puppies. Here is the wonderful steamy lemon that I promised.

It kind of became a five shot, but this is the end. Thank you for your support. I am writing the next chapter to Rushed either tonight, or tomorrow.
