"Did you do all the rounds yet?" Manny asked, catching up with Emma.

Emma and Manny had known another nice high school, and went through med school together too. Emma always knew she wanted to help people, and she was a bright girl so becoming a nurse was just another good quality on Emma's list. She was first to graduate in her med class. Manny, though bright, easily got distracted by boys, or even professors, but she has put that long behind her. She was a great nurse now too, the patients loved her bubbly spirit and flirty remarks.

Emma walked down the hospital fast with Manny and nodded, "Everyone's had their dosage this morning, you want to take over for the afternoon?"

"Hmm I don't know, think I have a date tonight?" Manny admitted, but wasn't sure.

Emma looked at her and gave a confused look, "You think?" she shook her head smiling and shrugged, "It's Christmas eve, I need to know or I have to cancel plans with my family and my mom will not be happy. Not like she ever is though..."

Manny sighed, "Ok, fine I'll do it. Consider it a gift!" The two shared a playful smile.

"What's a gift?" JT asked, walking up behind them and trying to keep up the pace. He wore light green scrubs as the girls wore blue with Emma's hair up in a pony tail, bangs swaying to the side around her forehead. Manny had her long signature dark brown hair down.

"Drugs. For Emma." Manny said, and opened the door to the waiting room. It was packed!

Even all the Christmas' decoration didn't cheer up the patients they had and everyone was coughing, groaning and some even in wheelchairs. The three stopped at the door together to stare around at the not so jolly Christmas conditions.

JT then gave Emma a look, "Drugs?"

"For the patients, Jt." Emma taunted.

"Doesn't look like you're going home either way for Christmas." Manny admitted sadly for Emma.

"Buh hum bug..." pouted Emma, shoulders dropping. Someone stopped behind her, taking a peak himself at the patients in the waiting room.

"Good Saint Nick." his husky voice taunted.

Emma felt a shiver go up her spine and she glanced over her to shoulder to huff and look back at the patients, "Of course you didn't take off the Holiday being the Grinch and all, Jay."

Jay snickered, still behind her and in his black scrubs, with a black bandana like cap around his head and his brown hair peeked out. He was tall, and oh man he was lean, and those lips of his were carved like an angel which meant his smirk was too exotic sometimes.

Manny smirked at the two, but JT glared. There was clearly tension between Emma and Jay since they all began to work there. Jay was two years ahead of them and now almost a doctor. He was a good one too, Emma hated to admit it. She always thought he thought more with his dick than with his brain but with all honesty, he even gave her a run for her money when it came to medicine. His attitude needed readjusting though. I mean sure Emma had to admit he was good at what he does, but he had no shame in sleeping with patients or other nurses or ugh! He was a jerk is all.

Emma was more the caring type of nurse, who comforted patients and maybe sometimes got to close but with a heart like hers, you couldn't help it.. Then there was Jt, he was in the same year as Manny and Emma (met them in collage) and they welcomed him with open arms. He was funny, always smiling and like a goofy brother.

Now he hate a hate / respect sort of relationship with Jay. The guy was mean to him, wasn't shy to talk him down in front of others, and if JT ever made a mistake, Jay would never let him live it down. But..Jay was a kind of doctor JT wanted to be some day.

"What can I say?" Taunted Jay back to Emma, turning his head as he sighed sarcastically, "Blood on Christmas is my kind of candy."

"That's gross." Manny bluntly said.

Emma watched Jay walk around them and he snapped at them, "Just going to stare all day or actually do your job?"

Emma fumed, she was a GOOD nurse ! And he knew it. She happily grabbed her next patient, passing him another glare at the corner of her eyes.

A larger woman sat on the chair Emma went to, and Emma bent a bit to her level, "Hi there, I'm going to be your nurse today."

The woman wore a big Rudolph sweater and Emma frowned, it kinda reminded her of her mother who would get so into Christmas when she was a kid. Now, she never decorated or even cooked but if Emma didn't show up it was the end of the world.

"How are you doing today?" Emma softly asked her, noticing the woman looking flushed and keeping quiet.

The woman winced but still bared a soft smile, "I'm just a little woozy dear, you see I was making Turkey for the family and I just, began to bleed."

Emma looked around her, not noticing anything until she stood up quickly, staring down a bit in shock at all the blood around the womans pants and floor. Jay stood behind her, writing information on a chart from another patient but glanced over, hearing Emma gasp.

"Your bleeding way too much, you should of went through emergency!" As Emma spoke, Jay quickly snapped his fingers at Jt and when JT looked like he was drawing a blank, Jay rolled his eyes and pointed at the wheelchair behind Jt to get.

Emma tried to help the large lady up as Jay turned and helped, putting the woman in the wheelchair.

Manny came up from behind, "I'll get this one" she insisted.

Emma nodded and smiled thankfully, before looking back at Jay who connected eyes with her too. He barely nodded and left with that, Emma watching him go with an unsure look on her face. Did Jay even have a heart? He worked on many, but did he OWN one?


Emma stood outside a hospital room, glancing at a patient who was in a coma and his family around his bed, sadly wishing him a Merry Christmas though he'd never hear it. This is when she hated her job..

She sadly laid her head against the door frame and sighed sadly. She went to the nurses Desk behind her where Manny ate lunch with the other young Secretary and nurse there, Ellie Nash. She was a red head, and can be quite the fire ball.

"You're checking up on him again.." Drifted Manny with a sly grin, biting in her donut. She was always insisting Emma had a thing with this soldier that was in a coma since 3 months ago.

Ellie lifted a chart curiously, "Sean Cameron." she read, her green emerald eyes flickering to his room and then to Emma to explain herself. Nurses shouldn't have things for patients or even other employees! But hey, who ever listened to that right?

Emma looked to his room again and family, "It's just sad that he's still alive, still right there, but doesn't know It's Christmas, or his family is here with him."

Emma didn't have a crush, I mean, he was a great looking guy but her only interest was the fact she had talked to him before he went into a coma for loss of too much blood. He was a nice guy. She had never known anyone personally to go into a coma. . it was a shame his surgery didn't pull through. Now they just had to wait.

Manny asked while looking up in wonder, "I think I can think of something more worst to go through on Christmas eve."

Emma gave her a look and raised an eyebrow, "Oh? Like what?"

"Losing a patient who was only 6 years old.." as Manny spoke, she nodded over to the right where Jay was coming by and walked by them. He had that hard look on his face but Emma could always tell by his eyes how emotional he sometimes got. In those eyes were anger, and regret.

Emma's mouth fell, and she watched Jay walk away, and into the Doctors lunch room. He slammed the door shut behind him.

Emma felt her stomach turn for him. That was horrible.. the poor kid. She wanted to go after Jay but knew he'd want to be alone.. Jay wasn't the type to talk about his feelings.


Emma inhaled deeply, doing her last rounds and hoping this really would be her last. She could MAYBE still go stop by her mothers house.

Emma stopped at her last patients room and tilted her head. Jt was filling up his needle for a patient but being sort of shakey. For a doctor, or even a nurse, this wasn't good.

"You need some help?"

He breathed heavily and glared before flicking the tip and trying to act cool, "I'm fine." he lied, and tried to lineup the vain on the man's arm.

His hands shook and Emma bit her lip, a bit worried and stepped in. She grabbed it from him and did it before he poked the wrong spot.

"I could of done it!" he hissed at her, backing up and watched her calmly take it out of the patients arm.

"Thank your nurse." The man said, smiling genuinely at Emma and then nervously glancing at JT. The boy seemed too young personally to the patient.

Emma smiled back politely and put the needle down. She turned back to JT, grabbing his hand and ripped him out of the room before closing the door.

"How could you make me look like an idiot in front of my own patient?" JT madly asked Emma.

Behind them, the chief of medicine, their boss Snake, stood there and listened in without being noticed. He was a tall man, with orange hair and very sweet but very firm when he had to be. A good Doctor.

Emma spoke low for her friends sake, "JT, taking hold of that needle before you jabbed it into the wrong area was about the best thing I could of done for you."

Jt went to fight back-

"I agree." Snake said, walking over now and glancing between the two. JT shut his eyes before mouthing 'thanks' to Emma. "Maybe take the day off James." Snake told his intern, "Shake off whatever nerves you have."

"Sir I don't have n-" JT stopped and huffed though, his face falling. OK, he was shaking but it was because no one believed he could do this.. if he could just show-

"Take..the day off." Snake said again more sternly and Jt paused, his mouth parting a bit before he looked down and nodded, walking off.

Emma crossed her arms and looked down, feeling horrible. Snake turned to her.

"Emma. I need you to go down to the morgue, just get a few file sheets, we've lost about 3 people today." He walked off muttering, "What a merry Christmas."

Emma saddened, he was right, it sucked. And she just wanted to go home. She went down to grab the files and when she came back up, she noticed Jay out in the halls again. He stood infront of a patients room window, his arm leaning on the window over his head.

She slowly walked over and beside him, sneaking a glance in to see another nurse pulling a sheet over the 6 year old boy and even she looked away, her heart dropping. This must of been the boy who passed away during the surgery Jay was in. Sometimes, you loose the patients. Didn't mean you didn't try or could of done better. Some peoples time was up when it was up.

Emma sadly looked up at Jay, whose eyes were blank and hard on the family who cried inside the room around their dead child.

She spoke softly, "I've actually never seen you so upset."

He whipped his head to the side and looked at her before sneering, "I'm not upset." He looked back.

"Jay, you're sad for that family and it's totally fine to feel that way." Emma shook her head, glancing back inside with him, "They don't deserve that on Christmas."

His eyes hardened on her, "So what you're saying is my regret and horrible feeling I have now, is okay...and deserved.. " he said and nodded, clenching his jaw.

Emma's mouth dropped, that's not what she meant.. she blinked, watching and even feeling him storm off around her and away.


Going home for Christmas Eve was a no go. It was already after midnight. Manny was taking her break and decided to take her coffee outside, even if it was cold and snowing. She wore her black fitted leather coat zipped up and walked over to Jt, tilting her head to see him sitting on the bench just outside the hospital.

"JT! You were suppose to go home." she said, why was he sitting out here?! How LONG has he been here? She had to giggle a bit.

"Whose fault is that?" he taunted about Emma. He swore sometimes she did it just to show off how smart she was. Then he felt bad, knowing she was just trying to help.. but still! Infront of Snake?! This was awful.

Manny sighed, sitting down next to him and sipped her coffee. "You know she didn't mean to make you feel like you couldn't do it all JT, she just meant for that moment."

He sighed, nodding, "I was scared." he admitted and confessed, "I feel like everyone thinks I'm too stupid and too goofy to really hold a job like this."

"Than show them JT, don't let them make you a nervous wreck." she informed and he nodded. She was right. "Have some confidence." she playfully punched his shoulder.

"Alright. I should go before I get frost bite on my ass.." he sighed. And off he went, even though he only had a cat to go home too, and he was so fat and barely got up to say hello.

In the Hospital, Emma yawned and leaned on Ellie's desk as Jay came back in, Manny too from the front doors.

"Slowing down a bit." Manny said and noticed, and they all stopped at the desk.

Emma narrowed her eyes, watching Jay grab a chart from Ellie. Completely ignoring her. "Cameron family just wants to know his status" Ellie told him, glancing at the patients room in front of her desk.

Jay rubbed his eyes tiredly but nodded, "Gonna grab a coffee and then I'll go in." he said and she nodded, glancing at Manny and the two glanced between Jay and Emma now. Was there some hostility here?

Emma watched him leave and snapped out of it when Manny raised an eyebrow at her. Emma scoffed and walked off as Manny giggled and walked the other way.

Ellie snickered, "Damn nurses" she joked and heard some soft crying. She tilted her head to see a little girl leaning on the Cameron door and her heart broke. She stood up and went over, "Heyy." she softly sang. It must of been his sister or something. Kid?

The little girl had long blonde hair and looked around 6 or 7.

"You okay?"

"Mommy says he's sleeping." the little girl said, glancing inside at Sean in the hospital bed, all the cords hooked up to him and wearing the hospitals white gown. She went on while snuffling, "But he won't move, and when Daddy had a heart attack at home, he didn't move either." she started to cry.

Ellie saddened, this was probably the guys sister and she leaned down, sitting beside her, "You know it's Christmas right?" she whispered as if a secret.

The little girl nodded and sniffed, looking back at her questioningly. So what? Her family weren't going to celebrate it with her older brother like this.

Ellie's heart fell. Who would bring a little girl to the hospital on a day like this, to see all this? She tried all she could to cheer her up.

"Then you know if you've been a good little girl and wished Santa for a present, I bet he got it for you." she insisted, tucking her red hair behind her ear and smiling softly.

"I wished for Sean to wake up." her little voice cracked.

Ellie even winced sadly, "I'm so sorry, that's not something I can promise you." she whispered with heart break.

The little girl hugged her knees together and whispered, "I don't want anything else."

Ellie looked down, but stayed by her side for many minutes. That was until she got an idea and got up, jogged down to the next level and went under the Christmas tree on the kids floor. She swiped one from under the tree.

"Here." Ellie said, handing the little girl a present and sitting down next to her again.

The little girl gasped and for being so down moments ago, happily ripped it open and screamed in delight. A Sailor moon barbie. She hugged Ellie tight.

Emma sat at the nurse desk now, finishing her files. She looked up oddly, wondering what the commotion was. When she saw what it was, she smiled softly to Ellie smiling with a giggling blonde girl. Ellie liked to hide the heart she had, and never got too close with anybody. . so it was always nice catching her in these heart filled moments and seeing the redhead really did care. A lot.

Emma paused and stood up. She closed her files and put them away before going to find Jay.


"I want a hippopotamus for Christmas
Only a hippopotamus will do
Don't want a doll, no dinky tinker Toy
I want a hippopotamus to play with and enjoy" - Sherly Temple on the tv

"Can we quit on Christmas?" Manny grumbled, sitting on the couch with Ellie in one of the break rooms and watching the plasma tv on the wall playing an old classic Christmas movie. Christmas eve was over, now Christmas was here and almost done. Manny use to love the Holidays, now she couldn't wait for them to go by.

Ellie giggled alittle and shrugged, "That's up to you and your landlord." she said.

Manny twirled the hair on her finger boredly and then something caught her eye out the door. Snake was talking to another Doctor in a long white coat, but under he wore simple jeans and a fitted blacks shirt. He was tall, a little less than lean, but cute with that brown hair of his that curled a bit. The guy had a crooked smile that paused on Manny when he noticed her too when Ellie had leaned over to see what she was looking at

"What are you staring at?"

"Oh he's cute." whispered Manny with a soft whimper, seeing him look away and talk to Snake again.

"Dibs!" called Ellie when Snake shook the guys hand, and walked off.

Manny gasped and panicked, quickly running over before Ellie got up to introduce herself.

"You little whore!" Ellie whispered harshly but shut up and looked around, slightly embarrassed and hoping nobody saw that. She went back to her desk in the lobby.

"Hi." Manny greeted, tapping the guys shoulder and he turned around, grinning. Oh that grin... He had dark puppy eyes too, and geez, he was so tall.

"Hey, I'm Craig." he said, putting his hand out and smirking a little at how lightly she shook it, and how petite but brave she was.

"So are you new here? Intern?"

"Doctor actually."

"O-oh." Manny said, shocked, and looked behind her at Ellie mouthing 'what?!'.

Ellie just rolled her eyes. Manny Santos played unfair when it came to boys.

"You just look so young.." drifted Manny, tilted her head in wonder at him. She wondered if he was around her age.

"I may of had a connection within the hospital." Teased Craig, "My dad use to be the Chief here and I've just known Illness' like the back of my hand since I was 5. Snake was a friend of his.. he's like an uncle to me."

"Impressive." Manny taunted back with a big smile, her dimples showing off and he smirked again, falling into her beauty like most guys before he snapped out of it.

Nurses and doctors dating weren't allowed. and Snake would kill him.

He blinked and pointed over his shoulder, "I got to go." he quickly said, and walked off. Manny's mouth dropped a bit and tossed a glare to the giggling Ellie from behind, laughing at her rejection in her chair.

Manny's mouth stayed hung open. She's never been blown off like that before... what a jerk!


Jt was back today, and he smiled a little at his new patient, an 8 year old boy who fell down while skating.

"Next time," JT said jokingly, "Wear pads." he taped up the bandage on the boys knees.

The boy giggled and nodded, "Got it sir."

"Sir?" Jt said, impressed and looking at the Boys' parents who smiled at their sons manners, "You're the first to call me that, you're the man." he put his hand up.

The boy slapped it and laughed again, jumping down off the counter.

JT wrote a slip and handed it to the parents, "Just give him a pill every three hours, just to take away the pain and fight any infection that could occur. Shouldn't need it for more than a week."

"Thank you Doctor." smiled his mother, taking her boys hand and the father grinned, passing him a thankful nod and left too.

Jt smiled, wow, so far so good.

He noticed Emma pass and blinked out of it, chasing after her, "Em- Emma!" he called after her.

Emma turned while still walking and he caught up, "Not mad at me anymore?" she teased. Today her hair was curled and it bounced as they walked.

"How could I stay mad at you.." he drifted with a sly grin, and she rolled her eyes smiling. "So," he said, "I'm thinking about having some of the gang over for a Christmas dinner tonight, you in?" he asked her.

Emma thought about it and shrugged, "Why not?"

He nodded, "The place is pretty lonely after Nana Yorke died a few months ago, could use some good ol Toronto Hospital partyin'." he said, starting to sway his hips and dancing goofily.

Emma looked around slightly embarrassed but laughed, "I'll be there, just stop dancing." as she walked off he called back at her.

"I swear it doesn't smell like dead people anymore!" he insisted.

"What's this I hear of a party?" another nurse, Paige, asked.

JT turned, wide eyed. Paige tended mostly to kid patients, but since he was on this floor today too they bumped into another a lot. Paige Michealchuck was like the Queen B of the hospital, JT couldn't of imagined what she was like in highschool. She was blonde, foxy and sassy. Just his type! Only, out of his league.

He almost drooled, "Y-you can come. My place, tonight."

"Hmm.. maybe." she shrugged, checking out her nails and walked to the pharmacist at the pharmacy. She picked up some pills and left.

Jt yelled after her, "It's a date!" He smiled by himself now... it's a date!

"It's not a date." he heard a taunting voice, and turned to their Pharmacist. Liberty. Liberty Van Zandt. A pretty but pesky little thing, who liked to rub peoples noses in their mistakes and taunt them with her smart language that he didn't speak. When she insulted him, she often used very big words he didn't understand.

"Ah Liberty." he said, walking over to her pharmacy desk, and she slid her window open, leaning forward on it and raised an eyebrow at him. "Always know how to ruin my day." he taunted and added, "AND CHRISTMAS!"

He's met Liberty once or twice, and she always left an impression on him, so he'd never forget the face. She fixed her glasses over her nose and just sighed.

"Doesn't take a brainiac to see she's not that into you." Liberty confirmed and tilted her head, "Have you read that book? He's just not that into you? Might be helpful."

He scowled and leaned on her counter, "No, but I'm sure you've lived through it." he taunted.

She just merely smiled, and closed her window on his fingers

"U-Uh Lib! You..you closed the door on my hand. OW!" J.t tried to yell through the window, and she pretended to work as he struggled to get it out and finally ripped it out, falling and stumbling into someone hard.

"Watch it." snapped Jay, walking by on his way to his next patient.

Jt caught up to him while rubbing his sore hand. "Well actually I was going to go look for you. Manny told me to remind you that you still have the meeting with the Camerons since you blew them off yesterday."

Jay sighed but finally looked at J.t and stopped walking. After a moment he nodded, "Fine, what time?"

"10 minutes actually." J.T swallowed, knowing it wasn't that much time for Jay and Jay scowled at him and walked off.


Emma stood behind Jay, watching sadly as Sean's mother cried and his father held onto his baby sister.

"So, you're saying the longer he's asleep, the less chance of waking up?" his mother asked Jay. Emma looked at Jay hopefully, wishing he'd give it to them kinder than last time, give them some hope.

Jay rubbed his forehead and nodded before crossing his arms, "That's the case, it was a pretty severe head wound your son went through.. the loss of blood just took him under."

"He's a war hero." bittered his father, mad that Jay couldn't do anything about this, but it wasn't Jay's fault.

"I'm sure he is," nodded Jay to shrug slowly, "That's all I can do-"

"you can keep trying to talk to him" Emma blurted out from behind and took a little step foward.

Jay turned his head a little and narrowed his eyes at her.

The parents looked at her and his mother smiled weakily, "I do, every day."

Emma nodded. "They say if you just talk to him about familiar things-"

"Emma." snapped Jay, cutting her off and turning to her but she glared back and looked to Sean's parents again.

"And remind him of who loves him, he can hear you, and they fight to wake up when they remember whose here waiting for them." They nodded, his mother smiling appreciate like at Emma.

"Let's go." Jay growled, taking the back of Emma's arm and taking her outside as he stormed out.

He slammed the lunch room door closed when he pulled them inside and Manny awkwardly sat there, chewing her sandwich at the table.

Jay raised an eyebrow at her and she instantly got up, "Right!" Manny said, trying to come up with something, "I...forgot I.. wanted to go eat on a curb outside." she mumbled and left the room.

Emma rolled her eyes and looked to Jay when the door shut, "let me guess, I'm introuble for giving them hope? For their son!?"

"You're in trouble for never closing your mouth!" he exclaimed, frustration in his voice.

"Funny, I could say the same for you, you're like the Hospitals soul-sucking Doctor!" she yelled at him.

He snickered down at her unbelievably and crossed his arms, "Why? Because I give the patients and their families the reality check they need. Tell them exactly what they need to know to prepare themselves?"

"It doesn't hurt to give them some hope, Jay." Emma said softer, wondering what in Jay's life made him so cold hearted. Unlike the others, she swore there was something in him, deep down. His eyes held so many secrets that Emma wanted to know.

Jay got lost looking at Emma, she was so...so damn naive still and as much as he wanted for some reason to protect her from all the bad things that happened in this place, he also wanted to shake her and make her realise this wasn't a walk in the park.

"This isn't a happy cartoon Emma, not everything turns out like a Happy Ending for some people." he replied back, shaking his head at her and opening the door again.

Emma glared at him and stormed out the door for him to follow and they stopped in their tracks, seeing Manny, JT and the new Doctor Craig running around in Sean's room.

Ellie stood up at her desk, looking worried and a bit happy as she looked over at Emma and Jay. "H-he woke up." Ellie finally choked out, smiling.


Jay's mouth hung a bit and Emma's did too. You know all that hope stuff she did believe in, but she didn't think she'd be able to prove a point a moment after their fight. She looked back to Jay just as shocked at he was, then smirked before walking into the room in victory. Take that Jay Hogart!

Jay snickered and shook his head. He had to give it to her.. she made him realise once in a while, there was some good things in the world.

He leaned on the door frame and smirked a little, watching Emma smiling to Sean's parents and explaining what had happened.

He was awake.

Reviews Guys! Leave me comments on who you'd like to see together and where you want some Characters to go. Thanks!