Did you ever think that your one of your best friends in the whole world had the strongest power in the world when really it was you? Well that's what happened to a fairy at Alfea. She couldn't understand why she was the strongest fairy but accepted and trained hard. But when her relationship with her boyfriend is put to the test, she runs away and hopes to never be found. But when two enemies team up to turn her evil and try to take over the universe, can her friends and her boyfriend save her?

Chapter 1: Fresh Starts

Musa's POV

"It's so great to be back at Alfea" thought I. I spent my summer with my dad going on tours throughout the realms.

"I guess I better start unpacking until everyone's here." I thought.

Musa just finished unpacking and organizing when she heard the rest of the girls.

"… and Brandon took me to this really cool café and MUSA!" Stella yelled.

She ran over to me and squeezed the life outta me.

"Stel, I can't breathe." I chocked out.


"Hey Musa!" everyone else chorused.

"Hey guys!"

I helped the girls unpack and then we sat in the living room talking about our summers.

"So are you girls ready for the back to school dance tomorrow?" Bloom asked.

"Yeah! While you guys spent the summer with your boyfriends, I was stuck going on tour with my dad so I couldn't spend time with Riven."

"Then let's go shopping and get the perfect dress so Riven will notice you!"

"Stella, sweetie, I think Musa should try to do this on her own." Flora said.

"No Flo, its fine. Really." I said.

"Then let's go for pizza and then go shopping." Bloom said.

Riven's POV

"I can't wait for the dance tomorrow." I said.

I've been waiting for it so he could see my girlfriend, Musa again.

"Chill out man. Tomorrow isn't far away." Nabu said.

"I know but, I haven't seen her since the last day of school. This is like so important for me. I can finally give Musa this gift I got her."

"And what would that be" he asked teasingly.

"This necklace that has a picture of us together." "

She'll love it for sure."

"Ya think"

"Definetly" He thanked him and went to bed, since it was late.