A/N: So last chapter did not get many reviews, which tells me the chapter was not a hit, so I hope you all like this one a little more.


"No," Pepper states, her voice clipped in anger.

Tony sighs rubbing his face tiredly then rakes his hands through his hair, "Pepper-"

"I can't believe you'd even consider that." Pepper snaps, she can literally feel her blood beginning to boil.

Tony groans as he lowers his hands "Pepper you're not listening-"

"You want me to keep Extremis! Are you out of you're mind!"

"Pepper this can keep you safe-"

"I'm a ticking time bomb Tony!"

"I've fixed that, it's stable now."

Pepper shakes, taking several deep breaths as her eyes fall closed, trying to pull her anger back in; Extremis leaves her itching for a fight. "I want this out of me Tony," she states levelly, her eyes opening, leaving no room for argument as her gaze locks on his.

Tony breaks eye contact with her after a moment, turning to fidget with things on the nearby table, his whole domineer changes in an instant.

"Tony," Pepper calls, eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"I just want you to be safe," Tony tells her now refusing to look at her.

"Tony-." Pepper sighs tiredly

"I couldn't catch you!" Tony cuts off her next words, shouting as he turns to face her, throwing a wrench across the room. "I watched you die!" Pepper stands in complete silence as his chest heaves, she can tell he's fighting away tears as his eyes begin to water. "I promised I would protect you and all I did was put you in harms way."

Pepper shakes her head "No, Tony I was there because of Killian."

"You were there because of me!" he shouts back, putting more distance between them. "Because I had to go and threaten a terrorist! I-"

"Tony, stop!" Pepper demands, swallowing back her irritation for a gentler tone, she moves forward, cupping his face. "This is not your fault. Killian was insane."

She can tell he doesn't believe her, but he relaxes at her touch nonetheless, "I can't lose you."

"You don't know what this could do to me," Pepper tires to reason. "What kind of effect it could have in the long run."

Tony sighs leaning forward to his rest his head against hers, his arms settle around her hips. "I just want you to be safe," he whispers, grasping at straws, but she knows she's already won, he wont risk something experimental on her.

"Then make me safe," she whispers back, wrapping her arms around his neck, she gently scratches the back of his head. "Get this out of me."

Tony nods against her, his voice still soft "Now that it's stable I can work on eradicating it, it shouldn't be much longer."

"Thank you," Pepper breaths against him, tightening her grip in a hug.

"Pepper, I-I-" Tony sighs struggling with his words.

"I know Tony, I know," Pepper erasures him. He doesn't have to explain himself, she knows it all comes from a good place, everything he does, always has.

A/N: Tell me your thoughts and please review!