This is an intro. You don't have to read it, but it you don't, you'll be magically teleported to the sleepy village of Cornwal and have to farm radishes for the rest of your life. Good Luck With That. (If your failing to get this reference, play the Shivering Isles, look in any crate in Paswall. You will usually find corn and radishes, or at least I did.)

I do not own Bleach.


Ishida and his friends listened to Urahara's explanation of what an arrancar was. "Hollow powers and Shingami powers are like two rooms in the same house. Souls can only be in one room at once. Occasionally however, there are exceptions and souls break these rules. There are shinigami who walk into the hollow room temporarily, thus earning hollow powers. We call these shinigami vizards, they can form hollow masks on themselves which greatly increase their power. On the flip side of all this, their are hollows who tear the wall separating the two powers down compleatly with brute force and gain shinigami powers. These hollows still display the hunger, masks, and hollow holes common in all hollows, but they gain a human shape. In addition to that, they gain a zanpakuto which seals their powers within it, they can release these powers in similar ways to how shinigami release their zanpakuto." Urahara sipped some tea he had Ichigo lay out for him before he continued. "Arrancars however gain their human emotions back when they are formed. Vizards as well, have been reported throughout history of losing control of their hollow powers and have it possess them, becoming hollows in all but name. You may have doubts about Ichigo, but I can promise you that as long he works for me he is in no way a threat to the safety of Karakura Town. Other individuals like him I cannot vouch for however and should be treated with extreme caution. Does this answer the question you asked Sado-kun?"

Chad nodded his head. Ishida however still had something he wanted to know. "And why, might I ask, would you have a hollow working for you, albeit a hollow with some human tendencies?"

Ichigo heard this, as he had snuck up behind Ishida to listen in on their conversation, and decided now would be another perfect oppurtunity to prove that he was an appropriate member of society by politely denying Ishida's statement, they would be impressed by him, and would be allowed to stay so that he could be happy like Ishida and his friends were. He reached over and tapped Uryū on the shoulder to get his attention.

From Ishida's perpspective, when he turned around he saw the arrancar's skull mask right in his face, thus startling him more than he would like to admit as he let out a shriek that wouldn't be uncommon if it was heard from a girl. Ishida coughed to try and cover his embarrassment and as he was about to start belittling the hollow for sneaking up on him, Ichigo opened his mouth and spoke first, and with the subtlety of an atomic explosion, "Ishida, I have only known you for less than an hour. And I have finally gathered my first impression of you, which is… you need to man up. That sounded like a girl seeing a rat for craps sakes!"

Ishida was by no means a snob. Never in his life would be admit that his family was actually higher class as they came from old money. He never used this influence in school as he saw that acting better than everyone else because of his family's history, as Rukia's brother Byakuya had, would make him a prick. This wouldn't ever make him friends, but this arrancar rubbed him the compleatly wrong way and he honestly didn't want to be friends with this hollow, so he pulled the "I'm better than you" card out.

Ishida pushed up his glasses. "A low born hollow commener like yourself should not speak to someone of my social standing in such a manner. Instead of acting like a dunce, you should be grateful that I have even graced the room you are in with my presence. Now apologize."

Everyone in the room blinked, surprised at the unusually harsh words Ishida had used, except for Ichigo and Ishida, who had locked eyes and not even moved. It took Ichigo three tense filled seconds before he replied, "You just pulled every word you just said out of your ass right now didn't you." It was not a question, Ichigo had straight out said that what Ishida said was nonsense.

With a sinking feeling, Ishida realized that he would lose any argument he would have with the arrancar tonight as he was drained from having to traverse the space between worlds. He decided it was time to cut his loses and leave as he had confirmed that Ichigo would not be a threat to the town on Urahara's promise.

"I don't have to take this." He said as arrogantly as be could, hoping that Ichigo would leave him alone. "Let's get going back to our homes guys. We still have school going on and we will need a full nights sleep if we are to go back to school and reconfigure our patrols tomorrow." Ishida got up and left without saying anything else.

Chad bowed to Urahara to show thanks for the help he had given them and followed the Quincy outside.

Orihime took her time saying thank you to Urahara before she started walking out the door as her friends had. She stopped however and nervously turned around torwards Ichigo and gave a short bow, "Please forgive Ishida Ichigo-san. He is tired right now and truly didn't mean the things he said right then."

Ichigo was touched by this girl. She had saw her friend's rude behavior and saw fit to apologize to him, even though he was a hollow, one of the creatures that she and her friends hunted in order to keep their home safe. He decided to reassure her that all was forgiven and gave a friendly smile and a wink.

Orihime however only saw the wink because of Ichigo's mask and compleatly misinterpreted it. She saw the hollow winking as a sign that he had already came up with some plan to enact revenge against her friend and that there was nothing she could do about it. In Orihime's mind there was fire and Ichigo was giving off maniacal laughter while only the 5 colored Chappys of justice could hope to stop him… Orihime had a messed up mind. Anyways she visibly blanched and followed Sado out the door.

Ichigo walked to the door after they had left and locked the shop's door as he saw that it was closing time. Then he turned torwards his employer and decided to share his thoughts. "I don't know about you, but I think I just made three new friends!"

Excited, Ichigo began talking animatedly about all the stuff he could do now that he actually had people to talk to. He was so happy that Urahara couldn't bring himself to tell Ichigo that the former ryokas didn't like him and settled that this would soon become clear to Ichigo.

In Ichigo's mind, all he had to worry about were short flat chested girls with black hair, and what he would say to his new friends tomorrow after he snuck into their school to say hello.


New Filler Arc:
Is This Package For You?
Infiltrate Quincy Manor!


This chapter is really short, but I need it to be because I'm going to use this chapter as a stepping stone for launching my own custom story arc. I don't want to spoil what will happen, but I will say this, it involves ninja maids and a pirate ship.

To answer concerns concerning the bounts I mentioned, if I were to involve the bounts, then the story arc would be compleatly different as the characters have some powers that they didn't have in cannon and I hate the bount arc and would take it upon myself to actually make it decent plot wise. The only reason that I would add it is because I could springboard the connection I'm seeing between bounts and fullbringers, and the arc would take up the plot space I need for character development. Enjoy this short pre-arc chapter, and goodnight folks.