"I think I'm gonna dye my hair soon." Alfred mumbled, peering over the bathroom sink and tugging at his blonde locks, examining the pink ends critically.

"Oh, really? What color?" A soft giggle followed the question as Kaylee moved closer to Al.

"I dunno. Something neon, I think. Like, a really bright orange." He pulled away from the sink, glancing at her. "Do you know where the other two are? They're late for our meeting."

Kaylee shrugged and flipped her long brown hair over her shoulder. "I'm not sure. I think Gilbert said he had to take a math quiz or something, and his teacher is pretty strict about letting them use the bathroom during those. Matt didn't tell me anything." Kaylee advanced closer to Alfred, but he paid no mind and went back to examining his hair.

"All I gotta say is they better come too- especially Gil. It was his idea we all meet up anyway, and no offense but girl bathrooms freak me out. Like, where's all the urinals."

She laughed again, gently touching his shoulder and saying in her soft voice, "Hey, Al, I gotta tell you something..."

"The urinal is up your ass and around the corner, Jones!" An obnoxious voice shouted into the bathroom, and soon the albino teen was coming through the door. "Seriously, dude, could your voice be any louder?"

Alfred smiled at Kaylee, who had backed off. "Just tell me later, kay?" He then shoved Gil a bit, cracking up. "You shouldn't be the one talking about being loud!"

The two continued to wrestle and goof around for a bit while they waited for Mattie, but once it was clear he wasn't showing up, Gilbert pulled away and cleared his throat. "Since that loser-" Alfred interrupted and told Gil not to call his brother that. "-Well, he didn't show up. I gotta call him something, but anyway, we might as well just get started. I was thinking, Alfred, you can either just not go back home and chill at my place until the party or just go the old fashion way out and sneak out your window. Your choice, unless anyone has any better ideas?"

Alfred blinked and put a finger to his chin. "I mean, I got nothin', but I can't just not show up at home after school and if I didn't my dad would know I'd be with you. The second idea doesn't sound half bad, though. It's risky, but it sounds like it's the only option we got."

"Oh my gosh, you guys are such idiots."

The group turned towards the door towards the new voice. Alfred grinned and pushed through Gilbert and Kaylee and put an arm around his twin. "Mattie! You made it! Man, that door is really quiet."

Mattie pushed his arm off of him, and went to lean against the wall, arms crossed. "I'm not even sure what other ideas you guys came up with, but sneaking out through the window is truly horrible."

Gilbert scoffed, looking offended. "My ideas were just as awesome as I am!"

"Uh-huh, whatever you say." Matthew flipped his bangs, glancing up at them all before focusing on Alfred. "I don't even know why I helped, but I convinced papa to take dad out for drinks or something. Make sure you save me some of whatever you get at the party, I'm going to be studying with Ivan that night instead."

Alfred's nose crinkled at the mention of him, and he opened his mouth to comment, but it was clear Mattie would have none of that. "Now if you would excuse me, I have a class to get back to." With one more flip of his hair, he walked out of the bathroom.

The older twin stared at the door for a bit before turning back to look at the other two with a grin. "Looks like I'm going to the party!"

Yay! I got my inspiration back for this story! I have so many ideas for these next couple chapters, and I'm actually gonna work on the next one as soon as this one is up, so keep an eye open for it! AmeCan won't become more serious until later, though, but the next chapter will have a little teaser!

Oh, btw, Kaylee is not an OC or anything, but this whole story was inspired by a roleplay, and some of the material is from that rp and a Kaylee like OC made by a friend was in it. She will be slightly important later, just to add more drama to the plot.