
It's been a long time, readers. Most of you have probably gone by the wayside as of now, but I still feel obligated to extend this courtesy.

I'm saying goodbye to fanfiction. This site showed me a love for writing I didn't know existed, and will always have a special place in my heart. However, I've realized that over the course of these couple years that it isn't for me anymore. The stories that I started have fallen so far behind what I'm capable now, that trying to finish them would be an act of futility. I'm going to gather up all my old drafts, compile them somewhere, but I will not be finishing them, and will be deleting the chapters from fanfiction. I can't bring myself to delete the entire stories, as your kind comments were what pushed me to keep trying.

Part of me is sad to go. I will always miss what this place was for me.

Wishing you a fond farewell,