Annabeth POV

It was weird, it seemed as though Percy had vanished, I looked all over for him, the pit, the cafeteria, even the dorms but I couldn't find him. As I was walking towards the chasm I bumped into Six. It seemed she was looking for me when she pulled me to an abandoned hallway.

"Is it true?" She asked frantically. I studied the old tattered books in her arms, I wondered where she found them as the Dauntless don't exactly have a library, or even a book store containing anything other than manuals and textbooks for the kids in school or the new members needing to be qualified for jobs.

"Where did you get those books?" I asked, I don't usually let my ADHD get the better of me but this wasn't like my usual settings anyway.

"That doesn't matter! Is it true or not? Are," she looked both ways before whispering so quietly I had to strain my ears to hear her. "Are the Greek gods really…real?" She asked, I sighed. I knew she would find out eventually, I mean she was smart, you could tell by how she analysed the initiates, but I was hoping she would find out later, once Percy and I had a better grasp on how to get the Divergents out of the city, or we at least had a good idea of who her and Four's godly parents were.

"Yes, they're real and I believe you and Four are their children." As I said this she looked at me like I was crazy but I can't say it surprised me.

"What?! You think we're gods?"

"No, I think you are demigods, half mortal half god. Your mother or father is a god, knowing that your parents were together I don't know which one." I answered, as much as I loved finding new demigods I hated explaining the whole thing to them, it was always difficult. You had to find the right wording so you didn't offend them or scare them completely!

"So I'm half god? And Four is too? What does that make you and Percy?" She asked, I knew for sure that Erudite was one of her results, how could it not be with her asking all these questions and going out of her way to find these books.

"We're also demigods, but right now that is all I can tell you. I'm sorry but I've been given strict orders to lead you in the right direction not spew out every fact I know about the situation. You have to trust me," I said holding out my hand for her to shake. She narrowed her eyes, she didn't trust me. I sized her up quickly, she was Dauntless after all if she didn't want to trust me she would probably fight me. This was a fight I knew would be difficult. She was well trained with great natural talents as well. She had the perfect build for up close combat, small and seemingly fragile, until you take the time to notice the muscle covering her body. She would probably be underestimated by people like Clarisse, or even Percy. People who think well built people are more of a threat than small people. Six was well matched in combat with people who take the time to notice these things, she couldn't beat people like Clarisse but she would put up one hades of a fight. Lucky for me she shook my hand and nodded.

"Fine, but just know that I will be watching you and Percy." She said and we were about to separate paths when we heard grunting and groaning coming from a training room. We slowly walked towards it, I held my dagger under my shirt, if need be it would be better to have it ready to use. Six walked in and I stood outside waiting a couple seconds before walking in. All of a sudden Percy burst through the door and ran into me.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"Six walked in and stopped Four from killing me!" He said.

"What? Start from the beginning." He told me everything that had happened from Nate yelling at him to him pinning Four and Six walking in as he started to feel an almost overwhelming struggle from Four.

"This is why you don't fight Dauntless! Percy he could've seriously hurt you if Six hadn't walked in! If you don't remember the curse is gone!" I said to him lowering my voice when I spoke of the curse of Achilles.

"I know but Annabeth, he fought like Clarisse, even Frank doesn't fight like him! He uses brute strength and skill! What god do you know who does that?" He asked me and my mouth went in a straight line.

"But it doesn't make sense! He fights like Clarisse, with strength but he also fights with skill. How is that not Frank?" I asked him and he shrugged.

"I don't know, it felt weird, like he didn't quite have the same technique as Frank, maybe he's a Mars kid but more like Ares than anything. Or maybe his mother had met Mars or Ares when he was constantly switching between Roman and Greek. I could happen!" He defended when he realised he wasn't making much sense.

"Maybe, but Six knows about the gods and that she and Four are demigods. I told her I couldn't tell her anything more, and she almost didn't trust me. Percy I think this was a bad idea. The demigods here aren't like our 'modern' ones. I don't know, I just having a bad feeling." I said furrowing my eyebrows and Percy kissed the top of my head.

"We'll figure this out, we just need to make it through the simulations now. Do you know any tips to help us?" He asked and I smiled and nodded.

"I asked Uriah, he only knows a few things from asking around camp and asking members here what the simulations are like, he said the key is to find the dauntless solutions to everything. So I guess make the fear worse or overcome it, if the fear is falling, jump off a cliff." I said and Percy's eyes widen.

"That's the only way they won't be suspicious?" He asked dreading the answer.

"It appears so," I sigh and threw his head back groaning.

"I'm going to hate this," I laughed at him and we walked to a secluded corridor.

"I think I like where this is going," he said and wiggled his eyebrows, I laughed and shook my head.

"We are going to try and figure out our fears." I said and his smile fell. We both ended up laughing