Lani POV
I was trying to find Ari, being she said she was going to be right back after she talked to James, when I happened to see James. And who was James with? Sure as heck not Ari, instead it was Jessica Lopez, the school bitch. And from the sounds of it, they were getting to know each other real well.
"What are you doing?" Hadley came up behind me, breathing slightly heavy, most likely from dancing.
I put a finger to my lips and with my other hand, pointed towards James and Jessica.
Hadley's mouth dropped open. "Where's Ari?"
I shrugged.
Jessica moaned in the shadows. Ick.
Carlos appeared out of nowhere, and, very loudly, asked what we were doing over here away from the party.
Jessica's head swiveled to look around the corner at us. A slight grin graced her lips. "Well, look who it is. A fat loser," she said, looking at Hadley. "An uncoordinated wannabe cheerleader," looking right at me, "And a helmet headed freak." She finished, looking at Carlos with a disdained expression and a slightly raised eyebrow.
Hadley looked down at the ground with her arms crossed, and Carlos had the expression of a wounded puppy. It broke my heart and my anger boiled.
"Hoe, shut the FUCK up." I held my hand out to silence her. "James, are you just gonna let her talk to your friends like that?"
James just kept his arms wrapped around her and said nothing, looking at Jessica only.
Jessica stepped out of his arms and put a hand on her slim waist as she faced me. "Is that the best comeback you got, bitch?"
I whipped my hand back, and slapped her across the face. That was really unlike me, but goddamnit, Jessica deserved it!
"No, that is my fucking comeback, bitch." I snarled. I normally never really swore, but Jessica really had this coming to her.
Her mouth dropped open and she grabbed a fistful of my hair, crushing some of my curls. She yanked hard and I yelped. Then I heard Jessica shriek and let go of my hair.
I looked up to see Hadley with two huge sections of her perfect dark hair in her hands, yanking with all her strength as Jessica scratched at Hadley's arms.
I looked Jessica straight in the face then punched her. Finally Jessica got out of Haddy's grip and scraped her fake ass nails down the side of my face, then punched me with her free hand.
Then we were all out punching each other and at some point we were pulled away from each other. I looked to see Kendall pulling me away and James pulling Jessica off.
"Are you okay?" Kendall asked, tenderly touching my bruised and bloody cheek.
I shrugged, glaring at Jessica and James. "I can't fucking believe you James! I can't believe you would do this to Ariana! Your a douchebag!"
Before James could say anything, I stormed away, with Kendall, Hadley and Carlos following.
I turned. "Have either of you seen Ariana?" They shook their heads.
I dialed her number. She picked up at the sixth ring.
"Hello?" She sounded shaky, like she was crying.
"Hey, are you okay? Where are you?" I asked.
"I'm at home, I left because I saw James with Jessica."
"I'm coming over."
"No, I don't want you too. I just need to be alone."
I hesitated. "Kay, bye."
Ariana hung up.
I looked at Carlos, Kendall and Hadley. "I think we should go to her house, she said she didn't want me to but I'm worried about her."
They nodded.
"Let's go quick then. I wanna make sure she's okay too." Carlos said, and we walked to her house.
I really don't think any of us were prepared for what we saw.

It's short, and I'm sorry, but I decided to post it this way considering I have neglected this story beyond belief I'm so sorry! A true, real, actual chapter is coming soon, I swear it! But right now it's 3:05 am and I have school in the morning, so I will leave this at this. I hope you guys are still reading! Again, so sorry! Please don't hate me!