Hey! This is my first OC story, and Im really excited about it! So heres what you need to do:

-Fill out the form

-Submit it to me via Review or PM, it doesn't matter to me.

-Please create original personalities!

-Boys are also excepted, because I will need some(:

Now Heres the Form:





Appearance/Face Claim:

Personality (emo, goth, scene, preppy, bipolar? Please go into detail):


Likes (what they like, kind of people they like, ect.):

Dislikes (what they don't like, what kind of people they don't like, ect.):

Favorite Music:

Clothing Style:

Talents(Singing, instrument playing, ect):

If they sing, what do they sound like? (They will have the same songs as this person):





What kind of person is their type, if they have a type:

How do they feel about the others:





Ariana(my OC):

Who does he/she end up with?(depending if I get any boy OCs, I may have OCs get w/ each other):

Anything in particular you want to happen to your character?:

Anything I forgot?:

Here is my OC:

Name: Ariana Jai Fernandas

Nickname/s: Ari, Ari-Jai.



Appearance/Face Claim: Ariana Grande

Personality (emo, goth, scene, preppy, bipolar? Please go into detail): She is always very happy, hyper, and there for you to talk to. She loves helping people, and she loves listening. She doesn't seem to have a care in the world, and nothing seems to bother her. She tries to always be happy for everyone, and also tries to be happy for herself. She doesn't like it when she sees sad people. She wants to help people in every way she can. Sometimes she has really bad days and she can't be happy, and won't talk to anyone. She truly cares about people, and won't stand for bullies. She can have a TERRIBLE temper, so you DON'T want to tick her off.


Len Winters, 50- Foster parent, works as a lawyer. Ari hates him, and he hates Ari.

Belle Winters, 45- Foster parent, CEO at Vogue. Doesn't like Ari, but doesn't hate her. Ari wishes she had a better relationship with her.

Likes (what they like, kind of people they like, ect.): she likes bright, vibrant colors, apples and grapes, and loves music, reading, singing/songwriting and acting.

Dislikes (what they don't like, what kind of people they don't like, ect.): she hates dark colors, and mean people.

Favorite Music: she likes rap, pop, crunk, hip hop.

Clothing Style: kinda Selena Gomez and Ariana Grande mixed, most of the stuff from Forever 21 and Hot Topic.

Pet/s?: a Maine Coon named Nyx
Talents(Singing, instrument playing, ect): Singing, piano.

If they sing, what do they sound like? (They will have the same songs/covers as this person): Ariana Grande

Hobbies: singing, songwriting, drawing, playing piano, ballet, hanging with friends.

History/Backstory(Please go into detail.): her parents died in a car crash when she was 8, and she was placed in a foster home at the age of 9. She hates it with her foster family. They abuse her daily. Mentally, emotionally, physically. She hides the bruises and scars with makeup, so no one could ever tell. They buy her a lot of expensive things, kind of as a bribe to not tell, she thinks. They could care less about Ari, and Ari doesn't know what she did to deserve it. All the abuse led to her severe depression, and her self-harming. Ari handles her pain the only ways she can, her singing, writing, piano playing and self-harm.

Secrets/Problems: she suffers from severe depression, self-harms, and is abused at home.

Insecurities: she doesn't think she's very pretty, hates the way she looks, and doesn't think her songs are very good. She does, however, acknowledge she can sing, but she doesn't normally let people know and she doesn't brag.

What kind of person is their type, if they have a type: she doesn't really have a type, she will just go with whoever makes her happy.

How do they feel about the others:

James: She absolutely adores his eyes. She also has a tiny crush on him, but she'll never tell. She odesnt like how arrogant he is, but knows that's just how James is. She knows hes a heartbreaker, but she cant help but have a tiny crush on him.

Kendall: she is a really good friend of his. She's very protective of him, especially when it comes to girls he dates. She doesn't want him to get hurt. She loves him like a brother, and nothing could ever change that.

Carlos: she thinks Carlos is really adorable, and he can always make her laugh and smile. She used to date him in 7th-8th grade, but then they broke up. They started to be good friends after a while though, and she does think hes a total sweetheart and she'd kill any person that hurt him.

Logan: she doesn't really get along with Logan too well. She thinks hes to serious, and not vwery fun. She would never ever say this out loud though, that would be mean.

Who does he/she end up with?(depending if I get any boy OCs, I may have OCs get w/ each other): Carlos or James, but that may change depending on the OCs I get! So you can still try for James or Carlos, because my OCs relationship isn't definite!

Anything in particular you want to happen to your character?: N/A

Anything I forgot?:N/A

The boys also have secrets, but nobody can know what they are! *evil laugh* As the story goes along, you will find out their secrets! Submit your OC!