Peanut Butter Kisses
Pairing: Wilkercest. (Reese/Malcolm) (Which means boyxboy and incest)
Rating: T for language.
"Malcolm, can you come here for a second?"
Malcolm sighed, setting down his notebook and pen, and rising (reluctantly) to meet his brother in the kitchen. He shouldn't be going to help Reese, finals were coming up soon. He had to study. He didn't have time to deal with the older idiot.
As he entered the kitchen, the smell of cookie filled his nostrils. Malcolm grinned, pulling up a chair and sitting down. It was no secret that Reese loved to cook. He did it all the time, he baked, he steamed, he microwaved. Malcolm liked to joke about how Reese seemed like such a house wife. Especially when he wore an apron. Reese pulled a jar of peanut butter out of the cupboards, twisting the lid open and walking up to Malcolm.
Reese swirled the tip of his finger on it, holding it out to his younger brother. "Lick."
Confused, Malcolm raised an eyebrow, "Wait, what?" to which Reese sighed and repeated himself.
"Lick." He demanded. Malcolm didn't shove his hand away, like he should have, and instead kept his eyebrows raised. "Why?" He didn't have a problem with it, but… it felt so taboo to just lick his brother's fingers. Who knows where they've been?
"Because, these are peanut butter cookies. Can't have peanut butter cookies without peanut butter, am I right?"
Malcolm blinked.
Reese sighed, "I don't know if it's good or not, and Dewey's gone." Perhaps that wasn't the best explanation, because Malcolm's shoulders sagged. He wasn't really offended, or hurt. His mood just fell on the are-you-fucking-kidding-me category. "What am I, your gineau pig?" The elder brother smirked, "Well…"—"Don't answer that, Reese."
Reese leaned against the fridge, "Well if I can't answer that, than you have to lick!"
"Yes, brother dearest?"
Reese pouted, stepping closer to Malcolm, "Please, Malcolm?" He wrapped his peanut butter-less arm around the smaller male figure, his lips right up against his ear. "Please? For me?"
Malcolm sighed, pulling away from Reese. "Fine! Okay, I'll… I'll eat the peanut butter."
Reese smirked as Malcolm reached for his finger, and flicked the tip of his tongue over Reese's finger, eventually taking it into his mouth, making sure to leave no peanut butter behind. As Reese extracted his finger, he stared at Malcolm. "It tastes fi—"
But he never got to finish his sentence as Reese stepped even closer, looking down at Malcolm. He dropped his peanut butter hand and wrapped it around Malcolm's shoulders, leaning down and pressing his lips to his brothers. Reese smiled against his lips.
He tasted like peanut butter, Reese's favorite.
Yay, first fanfic. *cheers* I don't know if I'm 100% content with this, I didn't know how to end it so I left it at that…