Yay! I'm back with my new laptop and ever since I saw Twisted (with Avan sexy Jogia) I had this idea for a Victorious/Twisted fanfiction. And as I can see there is already Victorious/Twisted fanfics on here. Lucky for me, none of them (2) had my idea. To be clear, Regina's death never happened. And I know that Danny is 16, not 17, but who cares? He got 6 years in juvie not 5. Read the summary for details.

Disclaimer: I don't own Victorious or Twisted. If I owned Victorious, in Victori-Yes, Beck would of proposed. If I owned Twisted, Danny would end up with Jo, not Lacey.

Beck's Twisted Twin

For his entire life Beck Oliver has always wanted a brother. Sadly, he was faced with reality that his mother did not have the ability (or want) to have more children. So Beck grew up as an only child, no siblings, just his loyal friends.

It was September, beginning of senior year. Beck was getting ready for school in his tiny bathroom in his RV. His long-term girlfriend, Jade West waited impatiently in his RV, sitting on his bed and flipping through channels. "Hurry up, Beck!" she cried, "we're going to be late."

"Relax, I'm almost done!" Beck called back. Jade rolled her eyes and continued flipping through channels. She ended up stopping at a news report with the headline as "Danny Desai returns home". She leaned closer, interested.

"Danny Desai returns back to Green Grove after six years in Juvie for strangling his aunt," a female reporter explained. She went on with the story before a slightly dark skinned girl appeared on the screen, her name being Lacey Porter.

"It's like my mind keeps flashing back to that day," she explains, "her body, cold, lifeless."

Jade rolls her eyes, clearly annoyed by this girl already. "If it were up to me, I wouldn't let that socio anywhere near Green Grove."

The famous "Danny Desai" appears on the screen and Jade's eyes widen. He looks so much like Beck they could be brothers. The only thing that's different is that his hair is in a ponytail and he has some sort of a beard. Beck comes out of the tiny bathroom and catches what Jade is looking at on the small television before the reporter goes on to another topic. All Beck does is chuckle.

"Your laughing?" she says as if it's the oddest thing in the world, "your an idiot, I hope you know that."

"Lots of people look like each other. It's no big deal." Beck takes Jade's hand and forces her up. "Now, let's get to school."

Jade doesn't argue and follows him out to the car for their ride to school. When they arrive, they get there with ten minutes to the bell. They meet up with the rest of the gang, who seem so eager to speak to Beck. "Hey, Danny's twinnie." Cat giggles at her own joke. Tori, Andre and Robbie are behind her, looking as interested in the topic as Beck is confused.

Beck raises an eyebrow. "Who?" he questions. He looks to Jade for an answer who is smirking and he knows that isn't a good sign.

"Danny Desai." She exclaims, "that guy who looks exactly like you on the news this morning. He strangled his aunt."

Andre butts in to the conversation. "He looks exactly like you, Beck!" he exclaims, "you guys are somehow related, I swear."

Beck rolls his eyes. "Let's not be over dramatic about it, okay? He's just a guy that looks like me. Doesn't Shelby Marx look like Tori?"

"We are related, remember?" Tori reminds him, "she's my mom's cousin's daughter."

"Ooh!" Cat pipes in, "what if Danny's Beck's mom's cousin's daughter?"

Jade pinches the bridge of her nose as everyone else groans. "I don't think that's possible, Kitty." Robbie rubs her back soothingly. Cat frowns, "what's that suppose to mean?"

"We are not related," Beck confirms. "There is no way I am related in any way possible to a sociopathic murderer."

"You never know." Tori said in a sing-songy voice. Jade rolls her eyes, now annoyed because of Tori's speaking. She takes Beck's hand and guides him away, "I'm bored now."

Beck rolls his eyes as she drags him away. They end up another hall and Jade is leaning against the wall. "Still bored?" Beck chuckled, raising an eyebrow.

"Come over here and I may not be." Jade smirked as she and Beck were now inches apart from each other. Beck grins as he inches closer.

"Hey Beck!" an unfamiliar voice says, interrupting Beck and Jade's moment. Jade scowls as they come face to face with a brunette in fashion designer clothes that look like they came straight out of a magazine catalogue. Beck raises an eyebrow, "hi, um..." he trails off not knowing the girl's name.

"Veronica!" she pipes in with a giggle. "I have a question for you."

"He doesn't care." Jade hissed at her. Beck gives her a look before smiling apologetically at Veronica. "Your question is?"

"Since you're dating Jade and all and I'm interested in bad boys..." Veronica trails off as if Beck would magically know the question she's asking and answer it. Jade rolls her eyes. Veronica awaits for Beck to speak and Beck glances at Jade as if she would know.

"What's the stupid question?!" she snaps.

Veronica jumps back, startled by Jade. "Well," she clears her throat, "can you set me up with your brother?"

Beck and Jade glance at each other and raise an eyebrow. "Beck doesn't have a brother smart one." Jade tells her with her famous eye roll.

"Oh! I get it." She giggles. Jade knows she obviously doesn't get it. "You don't want people knowing your brothers with a killer."

Beck understands what she's getting at and groans. "I don't know that guy!" he snaps. Veronica pouts, "really?"

"Really! Now, goodbye!" Jade shoos her off and turns to Beck. She wraps her arms around his neck as if nothing happened. "Now, where were we?"

Beck sighs. "I'm not in the mood anymore, Jade."

Jade crosses her arms over her chest, then putting on a playful smirk. "Of course you aren't, Danny Desai."

That goes on for the entire day. People always go up to him and ask him, "Hey, your related to Danny Desai?" or "I can't believe your brother was in juvie!" and Beck is sick of it. Couldn't people make the connection that they just looked alike? The last thing he wants to do is talk about Danny Desai or siblings at all.

Once he arrives back to the RV with Jade, his phone beeps. He takes out his phone and opens it to read the message that his father has sent him.

To: Beck Oliver
From: Dad

We have something important to tell you. Come inside, your mother and I are in the living room.

Beck sighs and shoves his phone in his pocket. "My parents want to see me." He tells Jade.

"So?" she asks.

"So, let's go."

"They want to see you, not me."

"Jade. Just come on."

Jade sighs and follows Beck inside his house. His house is very nice and Jade has always wondered why he was in the RV instead of living in this house, but Beck always just said he wanted privacy.

The first thing Beck and Jade see are Beck's mother and father silently bickering on the couch. When they realize Beck and Jade are in the room, they instantly stop and smile. "Hi, Beck." His father greets. Then he sees Jade, arms crossed. "Oh, Jadelyn-"

"Jade." She corrects with a roll of her eyes. Mr. Oliver rolls his eyes back.

"Well, Jade, this is kind of a private conversation. So..."

"I'm leaving because I want to." Jade then states. She tries to leave the room, but Beck grabs her arm and pulls her back, to afraid to be left on his own with his parents.

"No, Jade can stay." He confirms.

His father and mother sigh. "Alright, I guess so." His mother gives in, "anyways, Beckett"

Beck bites his lip. They only use his full name when it's really important or he's in trouble. His mother continues, "your father has something he wants to tell you."

Beck's father snaps his head towards his wife. "I thought we were saying it together!"

His wife shakes his head. "This is your mess, not mine."

"For God sakes, get to the point!" Jade groaned. Mr. Oliver takes a deep breath before looking at Beck.

"When your mother and I got engaged, Uncle Eric threw me a bachelor party." He starts to explain. "I guess I got a little too drunk and this girl, Karen was drunk, too and we..."

"Had sex?" Jade finished for him with a smirk.

Mr. Oliver glared at her. "Yes, Jade."

Before he could continue Beck interrupts. "So, you cheated on mom?"

"I'm not proud of it, but yes. I did." He frowns. "A month later she came in contact with me and told me she was pregnant."

Beck glanced at his mother, who was looking down at her hands. He looked back at his dad. "Did you tell mom?"

"Of course I did." He nods, "she wasn't happy. We called off the wedding. Karen said she was having twins and couldn't raise both of them. So she gave one to me and just ran off with the other."

"What happened to the twins?" Beck asked. Jade rolled her eyes. He was obviously missing the big part of the story.

Beck's father smiled. "Well one grew up to be a wonderful young man."

When Beck didn't catch on, he added, "his name is Beck Oliver."

Beck's eyes widened. Jade wrapped her arm around his, looking at him. "You okay, babe?" she asked with a slight chuckle. How she found this funny was weird, but Beck had paid no attention to her at the moment whatsoever.

"Beck..." Beck supposed 'mother' said softly, "say something."

When Beck didn't say anything, Jade nudged him. Beck shook his head and got back into focus. "So mom...is not my real mother?"

"Of course she is!" Beck's father jumped in, "she's just not blood related and that has no problem whatsoever."

"What about the other guy?"

"What other guy?"

"My supposed 'twin'?"

"Well, I suppose you saw him on the news. He...he just got out of the Juvenile Detention Center. Danny Desai."

This time both Jade and Beck's eyes widened. The difference was afterward Jade burst out laughing as Beck tried to control himself by taking deep breaths. Five minutes later, when they both controlled themselves, Beck asked, "why...why are you telling me this now?"

"Because, Karen and I have been talking and we were going to arrange you to meet each other sooner, but that whole incident with Danny and his aunt...so we want you to visit for a month."

"Visit Danny?" Beck shook his head, "no way! He killed someone for God sakes!"

"Oh, I'll go!" Jade volunteered. Beck took Jade's hand, squeezing it so she'd quiet down.

"Beckett..." Beck's mother said in a warning tone.

"No! Mom your putting my life at risk here!" Beck refused. "And what about school? I can't miss that!"

"We've talked to Helen and she said they can arrange to send the homework with you or we can sign you up for the school there for a while." She explained.

"You can't leave me alone with these strangers, mom."

"I'll come!" Jade volunteered. Beck looked at her and shook his head. "No way I'm putting you through that."

"I want to go." Jade said sternly, "so I am. Even if you don't go, I will."

"Come on, Beck, Jade in." Beck's father encouraged. Beck sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "Fine." He finally agreed, "Whatever. When am Jade and I suppose to leave?"

"Well..." Beck's father bit his lip, "tomorrow evening."

Beck just rolled his eyes. "Then I'll go pack." With that, his hand still intertwined with Jade's, he marched out of the house, back into the RV.

Once in the RV, Beck went on a rant. "Can you believe that? They expect me to pack up and leave for a month to see some sociopathic guy who is my twin. What about you? How do your parents feel about you leaving for an entire month to live with some psychopathic killer?" Beck didn't let Jade say how her parents probably wouldn't care at all. "It's ridiculous! And they choose now to tell me about all of this? Seventeen years later?"

Jade thought she'd never say this, "calm down, Beck." She rubbed his shoulder. "Come on it is kind of cool. I mean, it's like when Tawny's sister in The Scissoring said she wasn't psycho, but ended up killing someone anyways."

Beck gave her a look. "How is that suppose to make me feel better, Jade?"

"Because this isn't a movie. This is hard core reality."

Beck sighed and pecked her lips. "I guess your right."

"I always am." She smirked.

Beck chuckled. "Now help me pack will you?"


It's sort of weird isn't it? I hope you like it. It will certainly get better later when the drama rolls around ;)