Hey everybody who's reading this! Thank you so much for still supporting and enjoying the work I made so long ago and I apologise that it's taken so long for me to come back to it.

To be honest, I originally started this fic out of spite because I was trying to prove to somebody that I was able to write something that wasn't a self-insert. As people started to get interested in my work, I extended the original idea to something I wasn't able to keep up with at 14/15 years old and inexperienced at writing - hence why some chapters seem extremely rushed.

I was going through my old work and nearly deleted this before I read the kind comments that people have left over the years. If you're one of the people who asked for when this will update, I'm so sorry that I abandoned this and left you waiting for more. I won't make empty promises that I will ever continue this fic but if I ever regain my love for this fandom again, I will find my original notes and give you all the happy ending I know you deserve. If you want some form of closure to this fic after reading the other 30+ chapters, come find me on tumblr vikituri and I'll see what I can find for you.

Thank you again for reading this. If it wasn't for this fic, I wouldn't have gone on to produce more work and I am eternally grateful that people are still enjoying my early work.


(I've completely forgotten how to use this site so please forgive me for making this a new chapter!)