A/N: If you guys ever have music recommendations, feel free to give them to me! Music is my #1.

Without a Trace: Chapter 11

The sun streaked across the sky, points of its light illuminating the people below. It seemed like an endless day, a rarity among the strangeness of New York. People were out and about, determination evident as they went around completing their tasks.

Percy would have loved to be outside, drinking ice tea as he watched the birds chattering to each other in the local park. Instead, he was stuck in his office, contemplating how much more he could take before he finally decided to take a break.

It wasn't that the work was boring – so far he just had to read over his notes and try to connect the dots – but it wasn't what Percy wanted to be doing at the moment. If he wasn't before, he was now convinced that he had loved his job. His ideas were fresh and carefully typed, but it somehow lacked something. There were the basics and the budgets and all of that, but the plot was obviously not finished. The beginning and the middle part were excruciatingly detailed – every possibility and outcome mentioned – but the ending was simply not there. He scrolled through every PowerPoint and document but there were only bits of hints, nothing concrete.

It occurred to him that he was expected to finish it, and it filled him with a nagging dread.

How was he supposed to decide what to do next when he wasn't connected with the characters anymore? He wasn't sure who was who and all he could wish for was that this would end soon. After the enormous "break", he found it hard to come up with ideas relating these characters and plot line.

When he had first slid into this seat, he had looked at everything in a new way – Percy believed that leather seats completely changed the way you looked at things – he was hopeful and foolishly thought he could make this work. It was obvious Grover wanted to believe in him, he clapped his shoulder after hacking into his laptop and when he finished, he told Percy to call him if he needed anything. Now the only thing Percy wanted was a grilled cheese sandwich to cheer him up.

After calling Grover about an idea he had for him to feel connected again, he finally admitted to himself that he needed a break.

He saved everything and arranged his papers neatly before logging off and shutting down his laptop.

He took the opportunity to stretch his sore limbs and headed to the kitchen with his silver laptop. He spent a few minutes grabbing the needed ingredients and making himself a turkey and cheese sandwich. It wasn't a grilled cheese sandwich, but it would have to do at the moment.

While the laptop took its time turning on, he served himself a glass of milk and took huge gulps, not realizing how thirsty he had been. When it was finally on, he immediately logged into his email account, wanting to see if Frank and Hazel had responded.

Two new emails confirmed his hopes.

He took his time deleting spam and generally cleaning his email until he opened Hazel's email.

Hazel and Percy were currently in the discussion about how much of a dork Frank was. He noticed her email had an attachment and he couldn't help but laugh when he saw that it was a picture of Frank. It was obvious Frank had been trying to grow a beard and the result was both amusing and endearing.

He typed a quick response and after double-checking that there were no spelling mistakes he sent it to her.

Frank was on a rampage about a guy named Sam who was obviously crushing on Hazel and to settle things Frank had cornered him into a match of chess against him.

When he finished answering him, he logged onto his Skype, hoping one of them was online.

Luck was clearly on his side today because Frank was online and had sent a request.

Frank soon popped into his screen, a cheeky smile already plastered on his face.

"You missed Hazel, she just went to the grocery store," Frank informed him gleefully.

"Tell her I miss her," he sighed. Every time Percy Skype'd Frank, Hazel was always out.

"She's going to be pissed," Frank grinned.

Percy rolled his eyes. "I noticed you decided to grow a beard."

His expression soured. "I think Hazel likes it, she always smiles whenever I scratch it," he said stubbornly.

He couldn't hold it in anymore; his laughter came out like a bubble out of a bubble wand, suddenly and with no warning.

Franks' eyebrows pushed further in and his scowl got deeper.

"You look absolutely ridiculous," he managed to get out.

Frank considered the option of closing his laptop and leaving Percy alone with his stupid laughter.

"Look," Percy continued, once he had calmed down, "Hazel loves you no matter what. She doesn't care about a stupid beard. For crying out loud, you didn't have a beard when you guys first started dating. Shave that stupid thing off and shove your insecurities away. Hazel loves you, not that Sam guy."

"You should see the way she looks at Sammy. It's like he shits pure gold and his farts smell like roses," Frank muttered.

"Hazel has smelled your farts Frank, if that's not love, then I don't know what love is," Percy responded.

"I guess," he somewhat reluctantly answered.

"Just shave your beard and stop acting like someone you're not."

"I don't know, I'm kinda liking it," Frank joked, scratching his beard.

"Shave it off," Percy reminded him firmly.

"Fine," he sighed.

Percy took a bite of his sandwich, the mayo pooling at the edges of his bread.

"So how's therapy? Has your you-know-what stopped working yet?" he whispered as Percy took another bite.

He tried really hard not to roll his eyes while he chewed. Percy had forgotten how many countless time he had told Frank that they didn't give him medicine. Percy's glad they haven't tried giving him pills because if they had, he would have flat-out refused.

"I never thought I would say this, but Dr. L has really helped me. She actually listens to me and doesn't treat me like I'm going to break any second. I don't know, I guess I'm just trying to stay positive," he swallowed, ignoring Frank's second question.

"You, positive? Good luck with that," he snorted.

"I should go, Annabeth should be here any second with Tyson. I'll Skype you later, don't forget to tell Hazel I miss her," he told him.

"Will do," Frank promised.

"Beat that dude's ass in chess, OK?" Percy smirked.

Frank's laughter was cut off as he exited and closed his computer.

He was setting his empty glass and place on the sink when he heard the front door opening and Tyson chattering up a storm with Annabeth.

"Hey, how was your day?" Percy asked him, worrying about him.

Tyson just groaned and buried his face further into the cushions.

He raised an eyebrow at Annabeth, who was hanging Tyson's jacket on the coat hanger.

"His math teacher gave him homework but all he wants to do is watch The Avengers," she explained.

"Ah, well that can be solved easily. How about we watch The Avengers right now? Right after it's finished, I can help you with your homework," he suggested to Tyson.

"Knowing you, you'll probably end up confusing him more. I think I should help him with his math homework when I get back," she rolled her eyes.

Percy couldn't help but smile when he heard Tyson snickering.

"Fine," he said, knowing it was no use fighting against her. "Tyson, go get the movie while I make sure everything is ready."

"What about your work?" Annabeth asked him as soon as Tyson was out of the room.

"I'm off until Grover sends me some things I need," he replied absentmindedly, noticing how pretty she looked with her hair up.

"Well I'll be back around five, that should give you enough time to finish the movie and clean up the mess you two will make," Annabeth said, already opening the door.

"Bye, Annabeth!" Tyson called out, holding the movie with both hands as he made his way next to Percy.

They both heard a slightly muffled reply as she closed the door.

Tyson slid the movie in as Percy went back to the kitchen, taking out a bag of popcorn and shoving it in the microwave. He heard his younger brother fast-forwarding past the trailers. When he came back to the living room with a hot bag of popcorn, he immediately pressed Play. Both of them settled in and started eating the popcorn as soon as the movie began.

It wasn't until around the ending of the movie that Tyson spoke to him.

"You know, you should go out with Annabeth sometime," Tyson said, chewing on a piece of popcorn.

"Yeah?" Percy asked, not looking away from the screen.

He wasn't expecting Tyson to say that and frankly, he didn't know how to respond to him.

"Yeah, you should take her out to dinner or you guys can go watch the latest Marvel movie," he shrugged.

Percy turned to him, wondering why the hell is younger brother insisted on talking about this.

"She gets lonely sometimes and I think you kinda miss her too, that's all," he said defensively.

Percy kept quiet, already thinking how he could ask her to go out with him.

"Besides, she's the Pepper to your Tony Stark. At least give her 12% of a moment," Tyson joked.

Percy hummed, shifting to face the screen again.

He stayed quiet the whole evening. He ignored Annabeth's worried looks and Tyson's guilty face. He didn't say much when his dad picked Tyson up, thanking them and asking Percy if he was okay.

In fact, he finally opened his mouth when he watched Annabeth brushing her teeth.

"Do you have any plans tomorrow?" he tried asking her casually.

She didn't respond until she put her toothbrush back to its place.

"I'm free after three in the afternoon," she told him, getting out the bathroom. "Why?"

"I was just wondering if you would like to do something with me tomorrow. We can go out to eat if you want," he offered.

He forced himself to look into her eyes and not look away.

Annabeth studied his face, making him feel vulnerable and naked.

"Sounds like a plan. Can you pick me up right after work? I have this great place in mind where we can eat," she carefully said.

Percy moved inside the bathroom.

"Sure, but you have to wear your hair up," he smirked.

He didn't give her a chance to respond because he soon closed the door.