Chapter 13

What was I looking at? It looked exactly like me? Why? "What have you done?" I muttered under my breath. "Aerith, this thing, it is the truth of who you truly are; what you truly are. You see, when you were in that facility they ran test on you. They were fascinated with the things you could do, but no I couldn't let that happened- I wouldn't allow them to know what you truly are." Number 237 grinned like a mad man and started walking up to me. "In my eyes you are much more than a mere experiment. I will prove it, probably not now, nor tomorrow, but I will. Just you wait. Now, it is my turn to test something. You are to kill this machine. She may look like you, sound like you, act like you and have the memories of you, but remember, she is not you. You are you and only you." He walked behind the thing and touched the back of its neck while grinning at me.

The things eyes open, I was met with cold dead eyes. I clenched my fist in anger. How dare they. How dare they do this to me… "Let the fun begin!" Number 237 shouted with glee while the thing ran towards me, objective was one of us to die. Hah, I would be dead if I allow such a puny thing such as this to harm me. I screamed out loud letting the adrenalin pump through my veins. "Begone!" I said in a dreary voice. My eyes slightly widened, catching me off guard. It is… sad?! My eyes started to sting. I felt a fist collide with my face and in an instant the impact caused me to be thrown across the alleyway with a loud crash. "Ow." I muttered under my breath while rubbing my cheek. Then I looked at the thing, its eyes were a different color this time, silver with a hint of red.

I got up and wiped dirt off of my cloths and sighed. "That does it, this ends right now!" And with that said I charged at the thing, but something didn't seem right. It was like something hidden deep within me has awakened and I couldn't tame the thing. It felt so familiar. What is this feeling? I got closer and closer to the thing when suddenly it vanished. I gritted my teeth and growled. Where'd it go? I felt a presence behind me and I jumped as high as I could, surprising myself by how high I was in the air. My eyes started to burn this time and I was starting to feel faint, panic was starting to arise within me, but it couldn't overcome this emotion I was mainly feeling. I landed on the ground and charged at the thing ready to strike a blow somewhere, anywhere. Then the feeling inside me started to burn, I was losing my own breath. What's happening? And with that thought I saw nothing but darkness.

The demon butler was watching his mate get thrown back into a wall, he almost came to her aid when he show a certain glint in her eyes. He smirked. I suppose I should let her have her fun, but only for a little bit. Master will be displeased if I came any later. The next thing he knew was her falling to the ground with a soft thud. He quickly made heist, only for a red aura to surround her. "Yes! Let it all out, Aerith! Don't hide what you truly are, let it out! Show me the power that is within you!" Screamed the Number 237 with glee and a huge grin plastered on his face. He frowned and saw Isabella standing up, her eyes were a different color and her face was contorted in anger, her eyes were filled with such hatred. His heart almost skipped a beat. Almost. "You are worse than scum; sudden death will be too pleasant for you. How about a slow and painful death. That should do you some good while you repent on the things you have done." With that said Isabella vanished and charged behind her clone. She grabbed its arms and twisted them back, only for a screech to be heard from the clone. It immediately thrashed about, trying desperately to get out of Isabella's grip. "You are a mere copy of me, you may look like me, but you are not me." The thing disappeared all of a sudden, no trace of it seen anywhere.

"Come out and fight me or are you to scared?" Isabella said to the thing as it could hear her, she was mocking it. Isabella starting to laugh and she tilted her head and stared at Sebastian. Her eyes were so dark and clouded. She mouthed something for only him. "Mate." And with that said she was gone. "What?! Both of you come back here this instant! You are not finished with this-. "Number 237 was interrupted as he was thrown into a wall. "Why hello, fancy meeting you here." The demon butler said with such malice in his voice that the man went silent. Sebastian grabbed him by the cuff of his jacket and lifted him inches off the ground. "I will give you one minute to explain what is happening? Now, if you'll be ever so kind and smart, you will tell me what you are plotting to do with Lady Isabella."

Number 237 started to laugh manically. "You dolt, her name is not Isabella. It's Aerith, get it straight or don't say her name at all." He then grabbed Sebastian's wrist and smirked at him before kneeing him in the gut hard enough to causing the demon to let go of the man before him. Number 237 didn't stop there; he grabbed something on the side of his hip and pulled out a black sword. "Let's see you handle the oblivion." Sebastian smirked as Number 237 went in to strike the demon butler. The first move was made, now a battle was set.

Yours Truly, DarkPhye