Here it is My Thrid Story you guys voted on and here it is, it took me what Four days to write this
Also Z-Breezy and Infinite Zangetsu helped with this project.
Z help come up with some idea for this.
Infinite Zangetsu help edit it.
Also I might be dishing out more story, hopeful sometime some. Well just have to wait and see
Sunlight slipped through the closed blinds a former Substitute Shinigami, Kurosaki Ichigo turn his body away from the window of his apartment window. He felt something brush against his face once he turned. He swatted the object away only to have it brush against him again. He pried his eyelids open to see what was waking him from his sleep. It was nearing the end of Golden Week and he had fought against Mitsuomi and won. His body was still sore from the fight. He was no push either, he wasn't sure if he could have won against him. When he first arrived to Toudou Academy, His original plan was to finish his fight against Shin. After learning he was he dead that put that idea to rest. He wasn't going to try to take revenge. Shin had considered him his rival when he beat him at Karakura when came to town looking for a bike part. It had been so long that he had forgotten why they started the fight. He grabbed the object that had been brushing against his face. He had caught what seemed to be one of two sliver hair antenna, He down to who they attach to. Ichigo looked at the face of Natsume Maya, Shin second youngest Sister. Ichigo fell out of his bed and scooted to the far corner of the room. When fled from his own bed he took some of the sheet with him. Ichigo felt the blood rush to his face like it did when he first saw Yoruichi in her human form. He felt his face burn red, Maya was naked under the sheets. He could see her breasts and everything below her waist. Ichigo felt blood escape from his nose when he thought about it. He had one question why was she naked in HIS bed. Her shoulder was still dislocated from her scrap with Isuzu Emi in the Women's Bathroom. He looked around the room and saw his and her clothes scattered around the room. He looked at himself and saw he was also naked. He started to piece things together, he wonder did they really go that far last night. Images of last night's events between him and Maya flashed through his mind causing a physical reaction. He face palmed himself at his own male reaction. If his old man saw him in this situation he'd never hear the end of it. He thought back to how this whole thing started.
A white motorcycle with Zangetsu on its license plate, the bike was stalled on the road a car accident had brought the street to a complete halt. Ichigo was dressed in a white jacket with a red undershirt. The helmet guarding his head matched the bike's color but had to black vertical stripes. The rider drove the bike into a restaurant's parking lot and parked it. He removed his helmet, he was already late as it was. He got off his bike and sat on the curb and called the school to tell them that he'd be late. He listened to the phone ring until he heard someone pick it.
"Hello ,may I speak to the principal" Ichigo asked once the phone was picked up. He waited for the call to be transferred to the principal.
"Who is this may I ask" the Principal asked over the phone.
"This is Kurosaki Ichigo, I called to tell you I'll be late today and I probably won't make till tomorrow due to a traffic accident" Kurosaki told the teacher as he watched more and more cars pull in to the restaurant to get away from the pile up.
"I understand Kurosaki, I heard about the incident over the radio. I thank you for calling me and telling me that" The principal told Ichigo before hanging up the phone. He put the cell back in pocket. He had received a letter several weeks asking him to join Toudou he had except the invitation because he need to finish things up with Natsume Shin. He also had another reason for joining, after losing his Shinigami power he felt weaker and though he had grown stronger there were still things in the world he could learn and Toudou was a Martial Arts school. He also heard from Tatsuki that the person that had beaten her during the Tournament when she got the title of second strongest girl in Japan went to Toudou. Tatsuki didn't tell him the man of the woman that had defeated her. He looked around area to see if he could find anything to kill time until the jam cleared up. He looked around the area and only saw a few stores in short there wasn't much too really do. It had been nearly Seventeen months since he beat Aizen and was sealed away. He thought back to when he and Chad beat Shin and Bunshichi. It been a tough fight for both him Chad and him, Chad had struggled with Bunshichi however he wasn't a martial artist like Shin was. Ichigo remembered Shin punching his muscles and almost his liver with just his thumb. Ichigo barely got away by jumping back after feeling the thumb breaking through his skin and muscle. He also used an eye technique near the end of the fight, which seemed to backfire on Shin and cause Shin to go blind for time which led to Ichigo winning the fight. He looked back at it now he may caused him to go blind because he didn't have control of his Spiritual power back then. However he had lost his Shinigami powers now so the technique might work now. He never did like how the fight end, sure he won but it felt like he won due his own power. He also felt that the school would not only make him stronger but possibly unlock some new powers or abilities for him.
It took nearly three hours for the jam to resume its normal pace. Ichigo had gotten lunch at the restaurant and had roamed around the stores for a bit. He got back on his bike and put his helmet back on and started it up. He got back on the road and drove to his new apartment that he'd be using for the rest of the year. It looked run down, he'd picked because it was cheap and he was only going to be living there a year. There was a Laundromat nearby for him to wash his stuff, the room was small, but it was like he was going to have guests over. He looked around the room. He had brought some furniture for the room. A small table for one if not two people and sword, he had signed up for kendo classes along with some other ones. He got a microwave to cook frozen dinner along with a rice cooker, He knew next to nothing about cooking. He unzipped his bag and took out his clothes. After remove his clothes and uniform he noticed a small box at the bottom with a note. He pulled out the box which was a box of condemns.
` Ichigo tossed the box to the other side of the room and snapped "That Old Goat is going to get it when I get back home" Ichigo growled as he began to tear up the note. He had a good idea what it said too. "Doesn't he know when to give up" he snapped as he sat at the small table in his room. Ever since he turned sixteen, he dad had been making more comments about him having kids of his own. Apart of him wasn't sure if he was being serious or joking around with him.
The rest of the day had gone by pretty quickly once he arrived at the Apartment. He had cooked some rice along with ramen. He figured he'd be eating ramen for a while. He needed to find a job in town for his stay there. The only problem with the apartment was the neighbors down below him. He heard what sound like a women and a man having sex and being above them wasn't very making it any better. They people below eventually went to sleep after having there fun, Ichigo had fallen asleep before then.
The sound of an alarm destroyed his sleep. He reached over to the clock and tried to turn it off or put on sleep. However he was still unsuccessful after several tries and then just decided to destroy it instead by smashing it into small pieces. Ichigo pull himself out from his bed and got himself dressed from school. Ichigo hopped on his bike and drove it to his school. After arriving at the school he went to the principals office to report, which he was suppose to do yesterday. Kurosaki knocked on the door to the room. "Come in" answered a voice from behind the door.
Ichigo entered the room and stated who he was "Ichigo Kurosaki, Transfer, Third year"
The Principal was looking out the window that looked into the building across from it.
"Good Morning Kurosaki, I'm glad you made it" One of the Principal greeted. "I'm curious why you decided to join now so late. We've tried to invite here since you entered High school, but you never answered until now" He asked, Ichigo did receive an invitation to Toudou right before he entered High school. He kept it so incase he changed his mind and decided to use it to grow stronger. He had forgotten about it after he started getting involved with the Soul Society. He found it when he was going through his stuff in his room. "What made you change your mind" He asked.
"Something things happened and I felt this place might help me regain what I lost. Plus I have to settle a old fight with Natsume Shin" Ichigo answered, He decided to bring up Shin mainly cause he didn't know where to find him of if he was in town.
"I see, I'm sorry Kurosaki, but Natsume Shin passed away almost to two years ago" The Principal informed Ichigo. "I may ask if you plan of taking revenge of him" he asked Kurosaki. The principal knew the Jukan was directly opposing the Executive Council.
"No, I've already experience what revenge does to a person and the damage it leave" Ichigo replied the incident with Kokuto showed him how dangerous revenge if you let consume you.
"Very well then, I hope you enjoy your stay here and please try not to cause too much trouble" The principal kindly warned Ichigo. He didn't want Ichigo and Mitsuomi butting heads.
"I'll try but I'm not going to make a promise I know I can't keep" Ichigo said after hearing the teacher's warning as he walked out the door. He expected a fight while in the town with the local gangs and thugs. He didn't really except an all out brawl at the school unless there was a battle royal or tournament He went straight to his home room. the rest of the day of day went smoothly, he wasn't sure what the point of the classes were the teacher mostly told the history of styles and techniques but they never had the students actually practice them. He guessed that they practice what they learned in clubs. He noticed the teacher was still in the room. "Sensei, how many clubs are in this school" Ichigo asked as he watched the teacher the put away his teaching equipment.
"There are ninety six different clubs at this school Ichigo-san" The Teacher answered as he left the class room. Ichigo guess that he had to go to a Teachers meeting or something like it. He guessed that he'd have to ask around about the different clubs. He wanted to get stronger and the best way to do that was to find clubs that related to his fighting style. He took Judo with Tatsuki when they were kids and learned through experience when fighting his old man. He had learned Kenjutsu through Kisuke and Zangetsu. He still got into street fight with Gangs so his hand to hand was still fresh and it hadn't been long enough for him to forget about Kenjutsu. He didn't use throwing or grappling as much as he use to. He figured he might brush up on his Judo skills. He got up from his seat and walked out the door and went to look for a vending machine. He had found a couple of them. He looked through the selection that they had, he purchased a small pack of pokey to snack on. He walked back to his homeroom as he opened the box. Along the way he passed a woman with magenta hair fashion in four spirals.
Once he reached the hall where his home room was he notice the floor was litter with unconscious people.
"What the hell happened here" Kurosaki asked two of the few people standing. He noticed two guys in the halls fighting the other students.
"Ichigo-san, this two just started lightning, they taken out most of the students here. Somebody went to get Natsume-san to help" The Student replied as he along with another student watched the two fight. Ichigo figured that the Natsume they were referring to was a sibling of Shin's.
"Well I'm going to see what I can do" Ichigo stated as he approached the blond man that had what appeared to be twin Mohawks. "Hey calm down" he tried to reason with him instead of just going in and continuing the fight. He was going to try and not cause a trouble. However the guy just punched him in the face. The blow didn't faze him, his body had become more durable over the months. Ichigo grab the blond man arm and the collar of his shirt. He then pushed the mans leg off the ground the pull with both of his arms and slammed him on to the ground. "Knock it off asshole" he snapped. In the corner of his eye, Ichigo saw the African coming toward him. He lifted the blond man he had just thrown and chucked him at the dark skinned man. The Twin Mohawk man slam into his African friend knocking both of them over. "Now, stay down, damn it" He snapped. He honestly hoped the two would stay down, but the two men got up and got ready to continue the fight.
"Brats, I understand you three are very strong, but put away your fist. Otherwise I'll feel obliged to take you on myself" Ichigo turn to the voice and saw a small girl with silver hair around elementary school age trying to cool there heads and picking a fight. He soon felt the presence of the one of the two men behind. Ichigo turned and grabbed the attacker, who had been the blond man by the arm and slammed his elbow into his stomach and then uppercut him. He then released his grip on man and kicked him to his dark skin friend.
"Sorry, kid I would but these idiots aren't learning" Ichigo told the small kid. The Blonde man and his African friend tried attacking Ichigo at the same time only to have there heads slammed together. "Knock it off assholes, I'm getting sick on this shit" He snapped at the two. "So kid I suggest you stand back" he asked the child,
"I'm seventeen years old, very well if you don't like my appearance. Then I'll change it so it's easier to fight" The small girl told Ichigo. He was getting a feeling this was going to be a similar incident to what happened to Nell. He saw the two men slowly begin to get up. He stomped on the dark skin man and put the blond guy in a head lock. Ichigo turned to see most of the people cheering for something. Suddenly the girls grew large breasts causing Ichigo to do a spit take and the blonde man to slightly freak. The rest of her body followed changing a little girl to a young women.
"I kinda saw that coming, but I kinda except some fancy smoke" Ichigo admitted to himself after seeing the whole growth spurt happen right in front of him the blond man was stunned by this and was asking his friend what he should do. His friend had his face buried into the floor the women was turning side to side in a stretching fashion. Ichigo noticed her breasts for swaying side to side following her stretching. He felt his turn from embarrassment, "God Damn it Women put on a bra or tighten your kimono. Do something" he snapped.
"I didn't except an man like you would have such a innocent mind" The Woman teased Now then, Senior at Toudou Academy Natsume Maya and Master of Natsume Goushin Style has Arrived" The Maya stated, Ichigo felt blood boil. She was mocking him just like how Yoruichi did during his Bankai training in the hot spring. "This is the Natsume Style Refinement Technique, if you become an expert like me, you shouldn't have any problem with this level of body manipulation" she stated.
"Why would I need to change from a adult to a kid" Ichigo wondered out loud "Wait Natsume? " Ichigo wondered, he had forgotten he had the blond man in a choke hold, who was now turning blue in the face.
"Today, we're having a welcoming party for our new members, so I'm going to put and end to this right now" the Women said. She suddenly stepped in with a wooden sword in her grip. Ichigo release the blond man and step back out just as she swung the wooden blade. Ichigo and her watched the blond man fly out the window.
"You just killed that blonde Asshole" Ichigo snapped at Maya. He noticed she was sweating a little.
"I was aiming for you, not that brat" Maya argued. The other students had a change feeling Ichigo and Maya Natsume might become frienemies or something along those lines.
"Natsume-san, Ichigo-san was trying to stop those two, he wasn't the one who start it" one of the students interjected.
"That was meant for me, I'm glad I stepped back during mid swing. Wait you sent that guy flying out of window a second story window that's overlooking over a hard concrete ground. Unless he had something to cushion the fall his as good as dead" Ichigo protested. He and Maya looked out the window had man beat sent fly through. They both saw a hole in the roof of the building "Oi, you alive down there" he called out trying to find out if the guy was alive.
"Brat, if your alive answer us" Maya shouted down to the building below. From the lack of a response the two figured either he was dead or unconscious.
"Don't worry about it, his that weak that he'd die from a fall from this height" Ichigo and Maya turned to see the African man had gotten up from the ground where Ichigo had plant his face.
"That's not it, If I'm right that's the shower Aya is using" Maya whispered to herself, She jumped out the window in pursuit of the blond man. Ichigo didn't want to try jumping out second story window and try landing on a building. He started running down the hall and toward where the blond thug had land. He heard foot steps behind and saw a man with short brown hair following him.
"Hey do you know where we're going to" Ichigo asked as he ran down the staircase. , With the man behind him.
"Yes Buchou knocked the man into the women shower room" The younger man told Ichigo as they exited the school building. Ichigo cursed his luck out of all the places that blonde fool had to land in the women shower room.
"Also that woman said here name was Natsume Maya is she related to Shin" Ichigo asked as they ran to the shower. "Also you take the lead, I still barely know my way around" he asked the brunette. The man took the lead in front of Ichigo and ran toward the shower room.
"Yes Buchou is Natsume-san's second youngest sister, Aya-chan" The man said while ran. "Your Kurosaki Ichigo correct, I'm Takayanagi Masataka, pleasure to meet" Masataka introduced himself. Ichigo was surprise that Masataka was so polite. After running for a while they eventually reached the women shower room. Ichigo kicked down the metal door. The floor to the room had water on the floor and a wall of steam blocked their view. Maya stood in the room in her chibi form.
"Is the idiot alive" Ichigo asked the child Maya, he couldn't see the Blond Thug anywhere especially with all the steam obscuring his view.
"His fine, However we're too late" Maya replied with a exasperated sigh. The steam so cleared out revealing a naked women on top of the blond thug that had been launched out the window by Maya. Masataka freaked out at the sight before him, Ichigo figured that he liked Aya or something like that.
Maya's sister Aya so stop kissing the blond thug and stood up unaware of her naked state. Ichigo had covered his eyes with hand with a small gap in between his fingers. Ichigo watched the Blond Man retreated while slightly panicking to the opposite side of the room from where Aya was. He had to admit the Blond Thug and his African friend reminded him of Chad and himself. "Hello, my name is Natsume Aya, Nice to meet" Aya introduced herself to the Blond Thug. "Please marry me" She asked kindly cause Masataka to scream while Maya just signed.
"She joking right" Ichigo asked after hearing what Aya had just said. He thought she was kidding. They had just met so why would she just ask the guy to marry after there first meeting. The Blond Man was stunned as well, Aya simple just ask him again to marry her.
"What the hell are you" the Blond man asked as he walked away from Aya and the others. Masataka was still stunned by what Aya has asked of the blond man, just before the man left he called Aya a Baka before leaving.
"Aya, that look in your eyes, are your serious" Maya asked. Ichigo watched Masataka fall over. Aya just seemed to be smiling at the idea of her new husband.
"Well Maya its look your got a new brother-in-law" Ichigo mocked. He left Maya glare at him for the comment.
"I'm surprised you came in here Strawberry, I guess your not ask Innocent as you pretend to be. Through you covered you eyes there was a gap inbetween your fingers" Maya retorted to Ichigo's comment. She had not only called him Strawberry but also called him a pervert. He left the room with his blood boiling, He didn't want to cause trouble on his first day here at least not yet. Ichigo got on his bike and left the school grounds, he left sorry from a gangsters that tried to pick a fight with him.
Once he reach home he called Tatsuki, He had a feeling Maya was the person who beat Tatsuki in the Tournament. He listened to the phone ring while he took a seat at his small table. "Ichigo how Toudou" Tatsuki asked over the phone. "You met Maya yet" He was right it was Maya who had beaten her and the one person who got under his skin more than anyone else that he known. Before Ichigo could say anything Tatsuki asked "What she got under your skin already" she laughed, Ichigo eyebrow twitched in annoyance
Natsume Resident
The sound of Cicadas filled the air around the resident. The two Natsume sister's were having a match. During the match something about Ichigo was bugging her, she felt like she had heard about him from someone. Aya had been trying to grab her sister and throw "Thinking about something while sparring isn't like you sister" Aya told her sister as she tried to throw her. Maya turned the table by twist her wrist and grabbing Aya robes and landing on her feet, then tossing Aya on to the ground.
"It still to early for you to try and throw me" scolded Maya, she was bother by Aya using an old out of practice rule about the Natsume family involving the sight of a women's flesh. However she was struggling with figure out how she knew Ichigo Kurosaki.
"Nee-san, what are you thinking about anyway" Aya asked, "Ah, didn't Onii-san mention something about having a Rival called Kurosaki and you wanting to fight a guy name Ichigo after you came back from that Tournament aren't they the same person" Aya asked. Maya had considered that since they both match the vague description. Her brother mention fighting a man who he considered his rival. Who he referred to as Kurosaki with bright orange hair like fire, While Tatsuki Arisawa after beating her in the Tournament mentioned a man named Ichigo who also had bright Orange hair. Maya knew that they were the same person, she had an interest in her brother's rival and Tatsuki's friend. "Nee-san, could it be you have a Crush on Our brother's rival" Aya teased, she soon found herself flying in the flying after being thrown by her Sister. MAya try to lectured Aya about using an old tradition that out of date from nearly a hundred years.
Toudou Academy
Ichigo sat in the cafeteria it had been several days since he join Toudou over the last couple days he had gotten to know Masataka and considered him a friend at the school. He wasn't sure how the friendship had formed but it didn't and Ichigo wasn't a bad thing. He was still new here and Masataka had helped him out. He developed several techniques with Masataka's help. The Kendo clubs didn't hold a candle to some of sword fights he had while being a Shinigami. He had also learned about who the blond man and the African where. The Blond Twin Mohawk man was Nagi Souichiro and the African was Bob Makihara. Nagi had been running from Aya who was trying to feed him, her home made bento. Ichigo had ordered an Oyakodon he had Onion instead Scallion. He choose to eat in the cafeteria instead of the roof causing he didn't want a pointless fight against Nagi and Bob. He still had some problems finding a job while he was in the area. No one wanted to hire him due to his hair color. He heard rapid foots and saw Nagi running in knocking over Masataka and his Lunch. Masataka had caught before it landed on the floor. Aya jumped right up him giving him a straight look up her skirt. Masataka forgot his grip causing him to drop his lunch.
"Souichiro-sama today you'll eat my "Loving Wife Bento" Today, Even if I have to force" Aya vowed with a Octopus Hotdog in chop sticks at the ready.
"Your so demanding, Everyday Day in and out, I told you I wouldn't eat even if I was dead" Nagi proclaimed he was serious about not eating that bento even if it killed him. He'd probably eat the bento after eating some of Inoue's food. The two continued to argue about the Bento while Aya was trying to feed Nagi. He ran away again with Aya hot on his tail. Masataka ordered another with Bob behind. After ordering it He walked to the table where Ichigo was, Bob sat next to Ichigo.
"If you have some to say, I would like to not waste another second" Masataka demanded. Ichigo wondered why they had to seat near him. He felt like something was going to happened and he really not in a mood for it.
"Question, How many people are stronger than you are at this school and who are they" Bob asked. Ichigo interest was perked, he was curious on who stop at the top, but he wanted to know who enforced the rules. Masataka had already began eating his meal while Bob seemed to be crushing something in his hand. "I think that little is one along with the straw" Bob was silence after his dead was slammed into the table by Ichigo.
"Don't call me Strawberry" Ichigo growled as he removed his hand from Bob's head.
Bob lifted up his head and continued, he figured that Ichigo would crush him if tried to start him "Ichigo and Her are a couple of them, but I don't think there at the top. That's my intuition, I think there's a even bigger monster lurking around his school, am I wrong" Bob finished. He dropped two bend coins on the table.
"If I told what would you do" Masataka asked as he set his empty bowl on the table.
"We'll fight them of course" the group of three turned to see Nagi by the doorway out. It looked like he had lost Aya for now. Bob had asked Nagi if he did lose her. He told Bob that he didn't and that she was behind him. Ichigo looked and saw her lurking in the shadows. Ichigo ignored the rest of the conversation for the most part. He had heard that their reason to fight was because it was exciting to fight strong opponents. Ichigo himself wasn't sure if he had actually enjoy his fight, through he did enjoy the fact that he protect his friends once again. He felt a shadow eclipse the light and saw Nagi standing next to him. "I owe you a debt from a while ago" Nagi told Ichigo.
'You don't need to mention or pay me back ever" Ichigo groaned as he leaned back in his chair.
"I hate to leave my debts unpaid Strawberry" Nagi taunted, Ichigo wondered way everyone was calling him Strawberry. He knew that's what one meaning of it was, but it had other too. Nagi wanted fight and he was going to get it.
"Souichiro, Even if it looks like your going to lose, I'm not going to help you" Bob warned Nagi. He threw a sharp punch. He noticed the he was looking up at the ceiling. Ichigo and swept one of his feet out from under him cause him to lose balance, before he could react. The punch passed inches from Ichigo's chin. He flipped Souichiro upside down before he could make contact with the ground. He kicked him in the wall across the room.
"His not even trying with the brat" Maya commented after seeing Ichigo kick Nagi in the wall. Aya was surprised that her sister was in the room Nagi had gotten up and was again ready to fight. Ichigo figured he'd have to either stop pulling his punches or actually use some of his techniques. "Well we'll get to see the level of talent of both of these men, However I prefer to see the Strawberry stop pulling his punches" Maya commented
Ok A I got a new poll and yes another one
So Yep, I also saw the results on the Harem one which has the winning result of depends
So my Question to you is Depends what? So if you answered tell me your reasons ... Please
I wanted to get this don't before the next chapter of Bleach Tomorrow
So please read, enjoy (Hopefully) leave a reviews that not a Flame or something about the Grammar. I'm not good at editing and Infinite Zangetsu did his best too.
Also Duel Wielding Ichigo Move over Kirito
I will try and post more chapters but I am lazy so small amount of pressure helps. Just not TOO MUCH pressure. Also FLAMES DON"T HELP THEY MAKE MY LAZYNESS WORSE.
Oh by the, I got something I wanted to say ... A WILD ZUBAT APPEARED BWAHAHAHAHAHAH *Cough* LOL