I know alot of people like this story but I'm in college now and I just don't have the time. Although, if you go to my profile you'll see I uploaded/updated other stories. My love for khr has dwindled and I have no more inspiration for my khr fanfics.

BUT if enough of you really want me to continue, I will post short updates ranging from 1,000-2,000 words. I'd love to finish this story but I'm so drained and stressed right now. It doesnt help that I spend hours plotting and writing and all I get are a few reviews if I'm lucky. The majority of you usually add this fanfic to your alerts/favs and move on which is what bothers me the most.

No I'm not a review whore, I'd just like some encouraging words or advice after I spend time and effort on something I don't need to do. This is a horrible trend in the khr archive I noticed. I won't continue putting work into something and not getting anything in return, especially when I'm a computer science major and can be working on far more important things to better myself as a programmer

And to all of you who do review, I truly appreciate it, I really do. And I've actually tried writing chapters just for you guys but my heart isnt in it anymore sadly.

Until next time (Whenever that is)

Ciao Ciao!